听电影学英语-后天 09(在线收听

  [00:19.06]-This gauge can’t be right. -Wind speed has dropped to zero. 这块表出毛病了 风速降为零
  [00:19.90]We have vertical walls of cirrus cloud formations. 我们遇到了垂直的环状云团
  [00:24.38]-What the hell is going on? -The bloody fuel lines are starting to freeze. 到底发生了什么事? 该死的油管被冻死了
  [00:38.34]Port engine pressure is dropping. The rotor rpm is dropping. 引擎压力正在下降 螺旋桨转速在下降
  [00:41.98]We’ve got a flameout on the starboard side as well. 我们的右弦熄火
  [00:50.54]Prepare for crash landing. 做好撞地准备
  [00:53.10]Select emergency fuel. 使用紧急燃油
  [00:56.22]Come on, you bastard! 来呀  该死的!
  [00:58.02]Come on! 起来!
  [01:23.66]What I’m about to say is supposed to be confidential. 我要对你说的是保密的
  [01:26.54]Several hours ago, three helicopters went down over Scotland. 几小时前  三架直升机在苏格兰坠毁
  [01:30.18]They crashed because the fuel in their lines froze. 它们因为燃油在管道内冻结而坠毁
  [01:35.38]-At what temperature does--? -Negative 150 degrees Fahrenheit. -在什么温度下...?   -华氏零下一百五十度
  [01:40.74]The temperature dropped phenomenally fast. 气温下降的速度非常快
  [01:40.86]We had to look it up. 我们必须查一下
  [01:42.54]On the ground, people froze before they could get out of their cars even. 在地面上  人们在没爬出汽车之前 就被冻僵了
  [01:49.02]Can you get a satellite picture of Scotland two hours ago? 你能给我一份两小时前 苏格兰地区的卫星图吗?
  [01:52.46]We’ve got mountains of data... 我们数据堆积成山...
  [01:52.78]...but nowhere near enough computer power to ...但是却没有足够的计算机资源来
  [01:55.46]analyze it. Can you help us? 分析它 你能帮帮我们吗?
  [01:57.46]Send us what you got. We’ll do our best. 把你得到的数据传给我们 我们尽力而为
  [02:00.14]Thanks, Jack. Bye for now. 谢谢  杰克  再见
  [02:04.02]This is Scotland at the time the temperature dropped. 这是气温下降时候的苏格兰
  [02:09.78]This thing looks just like a hurricane. 这情况看起来就象飓风一样
  [02:10.66]Only hurricanes don’t form over land. 只是飓风不能在地面形成
