听电影学英语-爱不胜防 02(在线收听

  [00:01.36]the author of the bestseller A Path Through Grief, my friend... 畅销书《不再悲痛》的作者 我的好友
  [00:05.88]No, my inspiration, Burke Ryan. 我的心灵大师 布尔克·瑞恩 来啦!
  [00:32.32]All right! 大家好!
  [00:36.48]Thanks, Lane. Wow! 谢了 莱恩 哇!
  [00:39.32]Whoo! 喔!
  [00:42.20]You guys make a guy feel good. 你们让我感觉很棒!
  [00:45.04]A- Okay! 超级棒!
  [00:49.04]Good. Let me ask you a question. 太好了 我有个问题
  [00:50.56]Any football fans in the house? 这里有橄榄球迷吗?
  [00:54.72]Certain co! Ego team not too long ago lost their season opener. 不久前 一个大学球队输了季赛第一场
  [00:59.76]They’re going nowhere fast. 他们压力很大
  [01:03.60]Then something happened. Thank you. 然后 发生了一件事 谢谢
  [01:06.44]An event that changed everything for their coach. 这件事改变了球队教练的一切
  [01:10.64]The guy started sleeping at the office, 这个教练开始整天呆在办公室
  [01:13.64]He was on the case 24-7. 废寝忘食
  [01:13.80]reinvented the playbook, studied film. 重新研究战术 观摩录像
  [01:16.68]They went on to win the national championship. 结果 他们赢得了全国冠军
  [01:21.20]Well, after all the fanfare and the champagne, he traipsed on home, 当一切庆功宴结束 他漫无目的的走回家
  [01:27.04]went upstairs, went to his closet 上楼 来到储藏室
  [01:32.72]and removed his Browning double-barrelled shotgun, 拿出他的布朗宁双管手枪
  [01:39.24]put it to his chin and pulled the trigger. 对准下颚 扣动扳机
  [01:45.60]See, the event that changed it all 看看 改变这一切的
  [01:48.12]back at the beginning of the season? 就是那场输球
  [01:48.64]His brother, his best friend in the world, died of a heart attack. 他的好兄弟 最好的朋友 突发心脏病 也死了
  [01:56.64]You might be able to get back on the horse, do great things. 你可以重新开始 做成大事
  [01:59.68]Hell, you might even win a national championship. 你甚至能成为全国冠军
  [02:04.36]But if you don’t pay the piper, he will come calling. 可是 你如果不爱惜自己 追魂笛还是会找上门
  [02:08.04]I want to thank each and every one of you 我想谢谢在座各位
  [02:12.72]for having the courage to really feel the loss of loved ones. 你们有勇气面对爱的逝去
  [02:18.08]I know it’s not easy. 这很不容易
  [02:21.92]I’ve been there. 我经历过
  [02:24.76]How are you? You okay? 你们好吗?好不好?
  [02:27.96]A- Okay! 超级棒!
  [02:30.28]Good. A! Right. Say it one more time. How are you? 太棒了!再问你们一次 你们好吗?
  [02:30.80]A- Okay! 超级棒!
  [02:32.28]All right. I’ll see you in workshop. 那么 我们交流会再见!
  [02:44.84]Perfect. Perfect. 很完美!
  [02:47.20]Good. Good. Great. 非常好!
  [02:52.72]Come on, loosen up a little bit. You need a drink? 再放松一点 需要喝点什么吗?
  [02:54.04]Please, no drink. Chapter 12. 不 不要 第12章说

  [02:54.88]Maybe you need a drink. Waiter! 也许你需要喝一杯 服务生!
  [02:57.08]"Alcohol’s no more a cure-all than a Band-Aid on a bullet wound." "酒精疗效 就好比在枪伤上贴个创口贴
  [03:01.08]All right. Now flash me that sign of yours. 好了 给我来个经典动作吧!
  [03:08.92]Great. Give me that. 很好 给我这个
  [03:12.96]Great. So, tell me, what motivated the book? 很好 跟我说说 出书的动力何在
  [03:16.32]U h, my wife died. 呃 我妻子的死
  [03:22.16]I know. 我知道
  [03:24.68]Why tell the whole world about it? 为什么把这事告诉全世界
  [03:29.68]It was a way to coach myself how to get through it. 这原本是我自我开导 宣泄的一种方式
  [03:32.36]You know, I never intended for anyone to actually read it, 没想到会有人去欣赏 去阅读
  [03:35.04]but my manager gave it to a publisher and here I am. 没想到经纪人把它给了出版商 然后 就这样了
  [03:39.88]Yes, you are. What happened? 的确如此 你妻子怎么死的
  [03:40.92]U h... 呃
  [03:46.24]She was driving us to dinner. 她开车赴宴
  [03:51.60]Dog in the middle of the road. 路中间有只狗
  [03:52.44]Car swerved into a pole. 车子急转弯 撞到柱子
  [03:57.48]She died instantly. 她当场死亡
  [04:08.84]It must have been awful. I’m sorry. 这太可怕了 真替你难受
  [04:09.36]Appreciate it. 谢谢
  [04:13.04]Well, I think I got what I needed. 可以收工了
  [04:15.88]Great! Fantastic. N ice to meet you, Jessica. 太好了!认识你很高兴 杰西卡
  [04:19.40]N ice to meet you. 我也是
  [04:21.24]Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:22.56]You take care. 你多保重
  [04:26.24]This way, guys. Follow Burke. 这里走 跟着布尔克
  [04:26.60]All right, everybody. 大家跟我来
  [04:28.28]Those of you who signed up for the morning work group, 报名参加这个晨练小组的人
  [04:32.28]Let’s go! Let’s go! 我们出发啦!
  [04:33.76]Come out in the middle here. Excuse us. 让我们站到路中间 请等等
  [04:35.80]Thank you. Excuse us for a second. 谢谢 请给我们点时间
  [04:40.64]Sorry. Come on out here. 抱歉 大家都来这里
  [04:42.32]Come on, everybody out. 来吧 大家一起来
  [04:44.00]I want you to take a moment and look around 花点时间 看看周围
  [04:49.32]and tell me what you see and what you hear. 告诉我 你的所听所闻
  [04:51.36]Okay? All right. 明白了吗?
  [04:52.68]Okay. 好
  [04:54.36]Lorraine. 罗琳
  [04:55.88]Cars. Honking cars. 车 汽车鸣笛
  [04:57.20]Good. Natalie? 很好 娜塔莉你呢?
  [04:59.20]Jackhammers. 低音炮
  [05:00.88]Anybody else? Stoplights. 还有谁      红色尾灯
