听电影学英语-爱不胜防 06(在线收听

  [00:01.84]Am I being too harsh? 我有点过分了?
  [00:03.84]Yes. No. 是  不是
  [00:08.68]Yeah. 是的
  [00:10.20]Yeah. Okay, I’m gonna... 好 那我...
  [00:13.36]Cauterize. Yeah. 剪茎去!      对~
  [00:21.40]It was because they were feeling pain and resentment. 因为他们感到痛苦 愤怒
  [00:24.08]I want you to re-read Chapter 12, okay? 你再读一遍第12章好吗
  [00:28.08]The cigarettes are more than just a habit. They’re a denial mechanism. 抽烟不只是习惯 还是种逃避
  [00:32.44]Oh. 哦
  [00:33.60]Okay? 好吗?
  [00:36.12]"Mental health begins with..." 心理健康始于...
  [00:38.48]"Physical health." Okay. 生理健康      对
  [00:39.64]And how you always say it’s important to remember the person, 您总说 回忆那个人
  [00:47.84]Well, my husband loved my oatmeal-raisin cookies so much. 我的丈夫生前可喜欢吃我做的燕麦提子曲奇
  [00:51.84]So, I took his ashes and... 所以 我保留了他的骨灰
  [00:54.20]Meet my Stanley. 看看我的丈夫
  [01:01.40]Don’t those look delicious? 看上去真美味
  [01:06.40]I’ll see you in workshop. 我们交流会再见
  [01:11.24]Oh, thank him. 哦 谢谢他
  [01:24.80]...event next week in the Junior Ballroom. 下周舞厅的布置事宜
  [01:26.64]But then Julie was wondering if we could get the side... 朱莉想知道我们能否把周围布置...
  [01:28.68]Oh, my God. Oh, my God, there’s been a healing. 哦 天哪!你接受什么治疗了
  [01:29.48]Excuse me. ...arrangements. Excuse... 打扰一下      有事 等会儿
  [01:36.04]You like making a fool of people, 喜欢捉弄人是吗
  [01:37.04]pretending to be Helen Keller? 装成海伦凯勒?
  [01:37.36]U h, well, technically, she was blind also, so... 其实 她还是盲人 所以我...
  [01:43.24]Okay. Will you excuse us for a second? 好 不介意回避一下吧?
  [01:47.08]Thank you. 谢谢
  [01:48.92]See, I happen to know a thing or two about people. 我对人有些了解
  [01:50.60]You get approached a lot. 你很吸引人
  [01:53.08]Probably have since the day you strapped on your first training bra. 也许从发育期就开始了
  [01:54.60]But you’re smart and you’re creative and you’re caring and deep. 你很聪明 有创意 关心人 有内涵
  [01:58.44]But how come the guys only see the package it comes in? 可那些家伙怎么只看到外表?
  [02:01.64]Sure, you’re flattered, but ultimately, ultimately, it’s tiresome 当然 你也很开心  不过 结果却令你无力
  [02:05.16]because it has nothing to do with you. You were born that way. 因为你的外表和你没关系 是爸妈给的
  [02:07.16]You can’t take credit for it. Your insides, though. That’s yours. 你不能靠外表混饭吃 但你的内在 却是属于你的
  [02:12.00]That’s what you want someone to truly see, even a stranger. 这才是你想让别人看到的你 即便是陌生人

  [02:14.52]Ergo, you fake a handicap 所以 你宁肯假装哑巴
  [02:18.88]rather than deign to have a conversation with a fellow human being. 也不愿意屈尊和别人进行交谈
  [02:23.56]You prefer sign language? Fine. 喜欢手语是吗?行!
  [02:35.76]Smooth. Real smooth. 过瘾 真过瘾
  [02:41.96]Ha! 哈!
  [02:43.48]Excuse me. This is the men’s room. 这可是男性洗手间!
  [02:44.64]You know what? Excuse me. 你知道个屁!
  [02:47.64]What did you have in mind? 你当时脑子里装的什么?
  [02:50.32]Some sweet, romantic courtship 在酒吧里想着跟我来点浪漫
  [02:53.68]in the bar over some warm peanuts 吃点花生米搭讪
  [02:54.68]before we consummate our love in the glow of Spectravision porn? 调调情 再来点爱
  [02:57.36]You... 你...
  [02:58.68]God, I’m so sorry your little ego took such a bruising. 让你的自尊心受到伤害 我真对不起
  [03:00.52]But you know what? I bet the next chick that you meet in the elevator 你知道吗?也许你下一次艳遇会在电梯
  [03:06.40]or, I don’t know, the gym, 也许在健身房
  [03:08.72]is gonna fit that bill just fine. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. 那种女孩才适合你去搭讪      嗯...
  [03:11.72]Even though I bet you have a wife who is actually stupid enough 不过你的老婆真够蠢的
  [03:12.92]to believe that you’re the one guy with integrity. The one guy. 认为你很忠诚 把你视为唯一
  [03:17.28]Until, of course, she finds that lipstick mark on your boxers, 当然 当她发现你短裤上的口红印
  [03:21.28]and then it’s game over, pal. 一切就昭然了
  [03:22.64]that one thing that you loved more than anything in the world, 你曾经爱胜过一切的那个人
  [03:23.12]And that one thing that you held so dear, 你曾经捧在手里的宝
  [03:25.64]is tainted and ruined and destroyed like that. 受到伤害 就此老死不相往来
  [03:31.16]Ergo, if you had a brain in either head, 所以 如果你有点脑子
  [03:47.20]Excuse me. 借过
  [03:48.56]Sure. No problem. 没事
  [03:51.08]Is that my flower you’re wearing? 你戴着我的花?
  [03:53.40]No. 不!
  [03:56.28]Yes. Yes, yes, yes, it is. 是的
  [04:03.44]But I... I took it before, when I thought you were deaf. 可那时我还以为你是聋子
  [04:06.64]H mm? 唔?
  [04:08.48]Not that I would steal from a deaf person. 不是说我欺负残疾人
  [04:10.64]All right. 行
  [04:14.64]Goodbye. 再见
  [04:18.36]My God. 我的天!
  [04:32.92]All right, this one’s ready. 好了 这束也搞定
  [04:34.92]Where’s that headed? Don’t know. 送到哪儿?      不知道
  [04:38.76]He said you’d know where it was going. 那个人说你知道
