听电影学英语-爱不胜防 12(在线收听

  [00:34.00]Is that the international song for "got laid"? 这是广为人知的"国际上床歌"吗?
  [00:39.36]No! Hardly. 不! 当然不是
  [00:41.00]Come on, throw me a bone. What happened last night? 少来了别卖关子 昨晚都干了什么?
  [00:44.04]It was fun. 昨晚挺愉快的
  [00:47.20]So, are you going to see him again? 那么 你还会再和他见面?
  [00:49.72]I don’t know. Maybe. 不知道 也许
  [00:53.40]May I just point out that you broke up with Tyler 72 hours ago 我能提点下72小时前你和泰勒才刚分手
  [00:58.60]and now you’re dating some other guy 而现在你已经在和别人约会
  [00:59.92]who’s not even gonna be in town for 72 hours? 而他甚至在城里都待不满72小时
  [01:03.12]Can I just point that out? 我能指出这点吗?
  [01:05.28]Okay, we’re... We’re not dating. 首先 我们...我们没有在约会
  [01:06.60]We just met and, you know, I like him. 只是刚认识还有你知道 我挺喜欢他
  [01:12.32]We’re just hanging out. 就一起玩玩
  [01:15.00]Well, just be careful. 那么 多留点心
  [01:19.68]Men are hairy. 男人很多毛
  [01:23.36]Thank you for that. 谢谢你的提醒
  [02:35.48]poppysmic: 上下嘴唇闭合
  [03:14.96]Two minutes. Give him two minutes. 2分钟 给他2分钟
  [03:17.32]He gets called away for emergencies, you know. 你知道 他有时候经常被急事缠身
  [03:25.16]"Her freckles frame eyes the color of mermaid’s tears "密密麻麻的雀斑包围了她人鱼眼泪色的双眸"
  [03:29.68]"Her ears like waking up to the sound of children at play" "她的双耳听到孩童嬉戏便蠢蠢欲动"
  [03:33.56]"My first five senses are reeling like an old-school cassette tape "我的第五感应像老式的卡带一样扭曲"
  [03:37.88]"rewound and played electric relaxation all day" "来回倒带 播放出袭人迷幻的音符"
  [03:40.08]"You and your phallus may run this world "你和你的老二也许能称霸世界"
  [03:43.76]"But this Amazon bitch will cut you down to size!" "但这个亚马逊婊子会把你碎尸万断"
  [03:52.44]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:01.16]That was slamming. 真赞啊
  [04:03.64]Thank you. I tried to mix up the iambic pentameter 谢谢 我尝试结合抑扬顿挫
  [04:08.36]Kick-ass, Mart. Drink? 真不赖 马蒂 要喝的么?
  [04:09.36]Yeah, all around, on me. 当然 这里都算我的
  [04:12.52]And can we have more of the Istanbul Black Demon shisha, please? 还有能再来点伊斯坦布尔黑恶魔水烟么?
  [04:17.20]Black Demon? 黑恶魔?
  [04:18.72]Thank you. So wicked. Want to try it? 谢谢      很邪恶 尝尝?
  [04:20.04]Go ahead, try it. Okay. 来把 试试      好
  [04:22.08]"Try me." 请试我
  [04:23.40]Sure. 好的
  [04:40.48]Shit. Excuse me for one second, will you? 糟糕 等我一下 好吗?
  [04:41.80]Who is that man? 那人是谁?
  [04:50.84]I beg you, please make sense of this. 我求你 给我个解释
  [04:53.36]I’m just enjoying a little local flavor. 我只是在享受下本地口味
  [04:55.52]Since when do you enjoy anything? 你从什么时候开始享受过了?

  [04:59.72]How did you even find me? 你怎么找到我的?
  [04:59.88]I’m Lane goddamn Marshall, okay? 我是天杀的莱恩·马歇尔 好吗?
