听电影学英语-阿甘正传 12(在线收听

  [00:15.24](Lieutenant Dan) Top smoke. Get it up there . 直升机来了,放烟幕信号!
  [00:18.64]If I’d have known this was going to be
  [00:21.40]the last time me and Bubba was gonna talk, 我若知道那是和巴布最后交谈
  [00:24.40]I’d of thought of something better to say. 我会讲好听一点的
  [00:27.40]Hey, Bubba. 巴布!
  [00:28.96]Hey, Forrest. 弗勒斯! 弗勒斯,怎么会这样?
  [00:34.76]Why did this happen?
  [00:35.44]You got shot. 你中枪了!
  [00:38.48]Then Bubba said something I won’t ever forget.
  [00:44.20]I want to go home.
  [00:46.76]Bubba was my best good friend.
  [00:49.24]And even I know 巴布本是我最好的朋友
  [00:51.24]that ain’t something you can find just around the corner. 连我也明白不是随便捡来的
  [00:56.28]Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain,
  [00:58.28]but instead, he died right there by that river in Vietnam.
  [01:10.80]That’s all I have to say about that. 这件事我说到此为止
  [01:13.92]It was a bullet, wasn’t it? 那是一颗子弹是吗?
  [01:18.36]That jumped up and bit you.
  [01:24.84]Oh. Yes, sir.
  [01:26.60]Bit me directly in the but-tocks . 是!一口咬在屁股上
  [01:28.40]They said it was a million dollar wound, but...
  [01:31.40]the army must keep that money , 钱一定被军方扣住了
  [01:33.40]’cause I still ain’t seen a nicke I of that million dollars . 因为我一毛钱也没见到
  [01:37.44]The only good thing about being wounded in the but-tocks 屁股受伤的好处 是有冰淇淋吃
  [01:41.00]is the ice cream.
  [01:45.32]They gave me all the ice cream I could eat. 而且让我尽量吃
  [01:48.20]And guess what? 还有更好的事
  [01:48.24]A good friend of mine was in the bed right next door. 邻床的伤兵是我的好朋友
  [01:54.04]Lieutenant Dan, I got you some ice cream. 丹中尉,我带了冰淇淋给你
  [01:58.80]Lieutenant Dan, ice cream! 丹中尉,冰淇淋!
  [02:11.12]It’s time for your bath, Lieutenant.
  [02:22.16]Harper! 哈伯!
  [02:27.20](Man) Cooper. 古柏!赖森!
  [02:33.20]Webster. 韦斯特…甘…甘
  [02:37.24]I’m Forrest Gump. 我是弗勒斯甘
  [02:43.96]Kyle. 凯尔…尼可斯…
  [02:47.28]McMill. (收件人珍妮克伦?) (查无此人)
  [03:03.24]Surprise, surprise, surprise!
  [03:08.32]Gump, how can you watch that stupid shit?
  [03:09.16]阿甘,那玩意你怎么看得下 关掉!
  [03:13.36]You are tuned to the American forces 从非军事区到湄公河三角洲
  [03:17.36]This is channel 6, Saigon.
  [03:21.40]Good catch, Gump. 接得好,阿甘!
  [03:26.40]You know how to play this? 你会打吗?
  [03:28.40]Come on. Let me show you. 来,我教你!
  [03:32.44]Now, the secret to this game is 决窍就在于无论如何…

  [03:36.44]no matter what happens,
  [03:38.44]never, ever...
  [03:39.48]take your eye off the ball. 眼睛盯着球别放松
  [03:44.48]All right. 来!
  [03:50.48]For some reason, 不知为何我是打乒乓球的料
  [03:50.52]Ping-Pong came very natural to me.
  [03:53.44]Any idiot can play . 你看,白痴也会打
  [03:56.52]So I started playing it all the time. 于是我经常打乒乓球
  [04:01.56]I played Ping-Pong
  [04:02.36]even when I didn’t have anyone to play Ping-Pong with. 甚至于没有对手我也打
  [04:14.12]said it made me look like a duck in water- -
  [04:18.16]Whatever that means. 管它什么意思
  [04:21.16]Even Lieutenant Dan would come and watch me play. 连丹中尉也来看我打球
  [04:29.04]I played Ping-Pong so much,
  [04:30.04]I even played it in my sleep. 我打得太多连做梦也在打球
  [04:42.80]Now... 你听我说,人的命运早已注定
  [04:43.80]We all have a destiny .
  [04:45.84]Nothing just happens. It’s all part of a plan!
  [04:50.84]I should have died out there with my men, 我应该和部下一起战死
  [04:51.12]but now...I’m nothing but a god damn cripple, 却变成无用的残废
  [04:55.40]a legless freak! 没腿的怪物!你看我!
  [04:59.16]You see that?
  [04:59.48]Look. Look! Look at me!
