听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 05(在线收听

  [00:04.84]You are mistaken. I write rather slowly. 你错了,我写字很慢
  [00:07.48]How many letters you must have occasion to write, Mr Darcy. 你每天要写几封信?
  [00:10.52]Letters of business, too. How odious I should think them. 一大堆公事,一定很烦
  [00:14.04]It is fortunate, then, that they fall to my lot 幸好烦的人是我
  [00:15.72]instead of yours. 不是你
  [00:17.20]Do tell your sister that I long to see her. 跟你妹妹说我好想见她
  [00:18.88]I've already told her once, by your desire. 我已经跟她说过了
  [00:19.56]CAROLINE: I do dote on her. 我超喜欢她
  [00:22.08]at her beautiful little design for a table.
  [00:23.40]I was quite in raptures 她彩绘的桌子让我爱不释手
  [00:25.92]Perhaps you will give me leave to defer your raptures 我必须等到下次再告诉她
  [00:29.24]till I write again? 这张信纸不够我写出你的感受
  [00:30.76]At present, I have not room enough to do them justice.
  [00:31.92]BINGLEY: Well, I think it's amazing you young ladies 你们真有耐心
  [00:32.92]have the patience to be so accomplished. 学会这么多才艺
  [00:34.44]What do you mean, Charles? 你是什么意思?
  [00:37.28]You all paint tables and play the piano 你们都会彩绘桌子、弹钢琴
  [00:38.12]and embroider cushions. 编织靠枕
  [00:40.12]I never heard of a young lady but people say she is accomplished. 每个女孩都好像是才女
  [00:42.32]DARCY: The word is indeed applied too liberally. 才女这两个字用得太泛滥了
  [00:46.84]I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen women 我认识的才女只有不到六个
  [00:46.84]in all my acquaintance that are truly accomplished.
  [00:48.68]CAROLINE: Nor I, to be sure. 我也这么觉得
  [00:51.68]Goodness. You must comprehend a great deal in the idea. 你对才女一定很有心得
  [00:55.04]She must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, 她一定要懂音乐、歌唱、绘画、舞蹈
  [00:55.36]- I do. - CAROLINE: Absolutely. - 没错 - 是啊
  [00:60.88]dancing and the modern languages, to deserve the word. 还要精通各种语言
  [01:02.08]And something in her air and manner of walking. 她走路也一定要很有架势
  [01:06.24]And, of course, she must improve her mind by extensive reading. 而且她必须饱读诗书
  [01:09.44]I'm no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. 难怪你认识的才女不多
  [01:12.92]rather wonder now at your knowing any. 我怀疑你连一个都不认识
  [01:15.76]- Are you so severe on your own sex? - I never saw such a woman. - 你这是在贬低女性吗? - 我从来没见过这种才女
  [01:19.28]She would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold. 这种完美女性一定很可怕
  [01:26.80]CAROLINE: Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room. 伊莉莎白小姐,我们绕着房间走
  [01:45.88]It's refreshing, is it not, 坐了这么久
  [01:47.72]after sitting so long in one attitude? 起来走走很舒服
  [01:50.76]And it is a small kind of accomplishment, I suppose. 我猜这也算是一种才艺吧
  [01:54.76]Will you not join us, Mr Darcy? 达西先生,一起来吧
  [01:55.44]You can only have two motives, Caroline, 你一定另有目的
  [01:58.12]and I would interfere with either. 我不会让你称心如意
  [02:00.96]Our surest way of disappointing him  will be to ask him nothing about it. 对付他最好的办法就是不要理他
  [02:01.64]What can he mean? 他是什么意思?
  [02:04.16]But do tell us, Mr Darcy. 快说嘛,达西先生
  [02:10.16]Either you are in each other's confidence 你们不是想要讲悄悄话
  [02:11.84]and you have secret affairs to discuss, 说别人的秘密或八卦
  [02:14.52]or you are conscious that your figures 就是觉得走起路来
  [02:17.36]appear to the greatest advantage by walking. 可以秀出你们的窈窕身材
  [02:21.72]If the first, I should get in your way. 我不想打扰你们讲八卦
  [02:24.56]If the second, I can admire you much better from here. 而我从这儿就能欣赏你们的身材
  [02:27.88]Shocking. 太过份了
  [02:29.24](BINGLEY LAUGHING) 我们该怎么罚他?
  [02:30.40]How shall we punish him for such a speech?
  [02:31.08]We could always laugh at him. 我们可以笑他
  [02:32.76]Oh, no, Mr Darcy is not to be teased. 不行,达西先生不能被笑
  [02:35.28]Are you too proud, Mr Darcy? 你是不是太傲慢了?
  [02:38.92]And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue? 你觉得傲慢是缺点或美德?
  [02:40.60]Because we're doing our best to find fault in you. 我们很努力想找出你的缺点
  [02:41.80]That I couldn't say. 我不敢说
  [02:42.80]Maybe it's that I find it hard to forgive 也许我只是不能原谅别人的错 或是对我做过的坏事
  [02:46.12]the follies and vices of others, or their offences against me.
  [02:55.16]Oh, dear, I cannot tease you about that. 天啊,那我就不敢笑你了
  [02:57.52]What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh. 真可惜,我这人超爱笑的
  [03:01.36]CAROLINE: A family trait, I think. 我猜那是家族遗传吧
  [03:30.32]A Mrs Bennet, a Miss Bennet, 贝内特太太、贝内特小姐
  [03:32.48]a Miss Bennet, and a Miss Bennet, sir. 贝内特小姐和贝内特小姐
  [03:36.16]Oh, for heaven's sake, are we to receive 天啊,全国姓贝的都来了吗?
  [03:36.16]every Bennet in the country?
  [03:42.20]What an excellent room you have, sir. 这间房间真奢华
  [03:44.72]Such expensive furnishings. 好昂贵的家具哦
  [03:50.40]Oh, I do hope you intend to stay here, Mr Bingley. 我真希望你会住下来
  [03:53.92]Absolutely. I find the country very diverting. 当然了,我觉得乡下很有趣
  [03:55.08]Don't you agree, Darcy? 你不觉得吗,达西?
  [03:56.24]find it perfectly adequate, 我觉得还算可以
  [03:59.28]even if society's a little less varied than in town. 只是这地方的人烟稀少
  [04:01.44]MRS BENNET: Less varied? Not at all. 人烟稀少?不会啦
  [04:03.44]We dine with four and twenty families of all shapes and sizes. 这儿有二十四户人家耶
  [04:08.32]Sir William Lucas, for instance, is a very agreeable man 卢卡斯爵士就是个大好人
  [04:12.00]and a good deal less self- important than some people half his rank. 而且一点都不傲慢自大
  [04:19.00]LYDIA: Mr Bingley, is it true that you've promised 你是不是答应要举办一场舞会?
  [04:21.20]- to hold a ball here at Netherfield? - A ball? 舞会?
  [04:23.20]It would be an excellent way to meet new friends. 那是认识新朋友的好机会
  [04:26.20]You could invite the militia. They're excellent company. 你可以邀请军官
  [04:27.72]- Oh, do hold a ball. - ELIZABETH: Kitty. - 办舞会好耶 - 凯蒂
  [04:31.88]When your sister is recovered, you shall name the day. 等你姐病好了就挑个日子吧
  [04:33.56]I think a ball is a perfectly irrational way 参加舞会并不能真正认识朋友
  [04:36.92]to gain new acquaintance.
  [04:37.76]It would be better if conversation, instead of dancing, 我觉得跟跳舞比起来
  [04:40.60]were the order of the day. 办读书会才能认识朋友
  [04:43.28]Indeed, much more rational, but rather less like a ball. 没错,不过那就不算是舞会
  [04:47.80]Thank you, Mary. 谢谢你,玛丽
  [04:49.96]MRS BENNET: What a fine, imposing place it is, to be sure, is it not, my dears? 这真是一栋豪宅,对吧?
  [04:52.32]There's no house to equal it in the county. 全郡没有一个地方比得上这儿
  [04:57.48]- Mr Darcy. - Miss Bennet. - 达西先生 - 贝内特小姐
  [04:58.68]There she is. 她来了
  [04:59.00]Mr Bingley, I don't know how to thank you. 宾利先生,我不知道该怎么谢你
