听电影学英语-超级奶爸 05(在线收听

  [00:02.34]I pick up after kids, not you.  我照顾孩子们,可不是你
  [00:03.94]And Light a match next time.  下一次点根火柴
  [00:06.42](gasping) Oh!  噢!
  [00:16.70](honking)  苏黎世,瑞士
  [00:22.62](French accent) Good news.  好消息
  [00:23.02]Your background checks have cleared,  你的背景调查已经核实了
  [00:25.86]and we are free to give you the box.  我们可以把箱子给你
  [00:27.86]- Oh. - Excellent.  - 噢 - 太好了
  [00:29.06]Just as soon as you provide us with the passwords.  只要你给出口令
  [00:33.14]It was your husband's wish  这是你丈夫的请求
  [00:34.22]Passwords?  口令?
  [00:36.42]that the person who collects the box  来拿箱子的人
  [00:38.94]must provide us with the passwords.  必须向我们提供口令
  [00:40.98]Great.  真是有够好的
  [00:42.78]- Is it ''The GHOST?'' - Ghost.  - 是不是“幽灵”? - 幽灵
  [00:45.14]Mmm... No.  唔……不是
  [00:48.62]- (door slamming) - (grumbling)
  [00:52.42]These brats! Sugi pula!  这些臭小孩! (罗马尼亚语:你这无用的男人!)
  [00:55.30]I had it!  我受够了!
  [00:57.98]- Remain calm. - I am calm.  - 保持冷静 - 我很冷静
  [01:01.98]I quit! That makes me calm.  我辞职!这就会让我冷静
  [01:06.54]Let's not be hasty about this.  对这事儿别太草率
  [01:19.86](Mrs. Miller) Hello? Hello?  喂?喂?
  [01:21.58]- Don't even think about it! - (Mrs. Miller) Lt. Wolfe?  - 想都别想! - Wolfe上尉?
  [01:24.54]- Who's this? - Julie Plummer.  - 谁? - Julie Plummer
  [01:25.74]It's Julie Plummer.  我是Julie Plummer
  [01:28.98]- (grunting) - Ah!  啊!
  [01:29.02]- What's that? - Julie Plummer!  - 是谁啊? - Julie Plummer!
  [01:31.10]- Oh, Mrs. Plummer. - Did something fall?  - 噢,普朗姆夫人 - 是不是有东西掉下来了?
  [01:34.70]- What was that noise? - Nothing. Everything's okay!  - 那吵闹是什么? - 没什么,一切都很好
  [01:37.98]You'll be happy to know that I found the culprit that's been sneaking around!  你会很高兴的,我找到了在周围鬼鬼祟祟的犯人!
  [01:41.74]- Great. Who was it? - Just some teenager.  - 太好了,是谁? - 只是个十几岁的人
  [01:44.30]Teenager? I wanted to tell you I'm gonna be a few more days.  十几岁?我想告诉你我还要多留几天
  [01:46.82]- You'll be a few more days? - (screaming)  你还要多留几天?
  [01:49.50]- Yes, is that a problem? - No, that's no problem!  - 是的,有问题吗? - 不,绝对没问题
  [01:52.34](straining) No, I'm fine. I'm just... I'm just doing my...  不,我很好,我只是…… 我只是在履行我的……
  [01:57.74]- (grunts) - Your what?  你的什么?
  [02:01.14]- Duty. - Sure everything's okay?  - 职责 - 所有事肯定都没问题?
  [02:02.02]Things are great, Mrs. Plummer.  一切都很好,Plummer夫人
  [02:02.70]Yeah, you just do whatever you have to.  只是有什么要做的就去做呗
  [02:06.30]- Well, tell the kids I said... - Bye, Mrs. Plummer!  - 嗯,告诉孩子们我…… - 再见,Plummer夫人!
  [02:09.74](Wolfe) Just hang... Let's calm down.  只要……让我们冷静下来
  [02:12.54](both panting)
  [02:14.14]Just... just try to relax.  只要……只要试着放松
  [02:17.74]- (growling) - (groaning) Ah!  啊!
  [02:29.26]- Ah! She bit me! - (Helga grunting)  啊!她咬了我
  [02:29.46]- (sirens blaring) - Red Leader!  红色头头!
  [02:31.82]I command you to come back here! That's a direct order!  我命令你回来!那是个直接命令!
  [02:35.78]You can't Leave a man behind!  你不能把人(男人)抛下
  [02:38.86]Red Leader!  红色头头!
  [02:41.74]Red Leader!  红色头头!
  [02:43.94]I don't even know how to change a diaper!  我甚至不知道要怎么换尿布!
  [02:48.30]If she Loves you, she'll come back, huh?  如果她爱你,她会回来的,嗯?
  [02:48.34](woman) Don't worry!  别担心
  [02:51.98](bells ringing)
  [02:54.98]Okay, everybody, Listen up. There's been a change of plans.  好了,各位,听着,计划有变
  [02:58.06]Your mother's not coming home as soon as she expected.  你们的妈妈不会像她预期的那样回来

  [03:00.26]- When is she coming back? - (Wolfe) Soon.  - 她什么时候回来? - 很快
  [03:01.66]For now, we'll just have some more big fun.  现在,我们不过是多来点乐子
  [03:07.42]- Tomorrow's a school day. - (Seth) I have wrestling.  - 明天要上学 - 我有摔跤练习
  [03:12.02]I need a release for Driver's Ed.  我要领驾照
  [03:12.58]I've got Fireflies.  我要去弄萤火虫
  [03:12.86]I have to go to the mall.  我必须去商场
  [03:14.78]I have to stop her from spending so much.  我必须去阻止她乱花钱
  [03:16.78]Whoa, okay, Halt. Halt!  哇哦,好了,停,停
  [03:20.14]We'll take this hill one inch at a time.  我们一步一步来
  [03:23.10]Only then can we rise to the challenge.  只有这样我们才能面对挑战
  [03:25.10](Peter farts)
  [03:27.06](Wolfe) Okay, who's gonna change Red Baby?  好吧,谁来给红色宝宝换尿布?
  [03:29.90]Guys?  伙计们?
  [03:39.02]Ah!  啊!
  [03:39.74]God! Red Baby!  上帝啊!红色宝宝!
  [03:47.54]Yes. Whoa.  对了,哇哦
  [03:51.14]Ooh. Soak that up a bit.  噢,把那个吸掉一点
  [04:02.38]Hi. Zoe says you Look Like The Hulk.  嗨, 邹易说你看起来像“绿巨人” (注:李安的电影)
  [04:04.34]I think you're cute.  我觉得你很可爱
  [04:08.26]Thank you.  谢谢
  [04:12.70]- Do you do kung fu? - Yes.  - 你懂功夫吗? - 懂
  [04:15.02]Did you ever punch someone so hard that their head came off?  你有没有把谁打得头都掉下来?
  [04:20.30]No.  没
  [04:20.58]Why are your boobs so big?  为什么你的乳房那么大
  [04:27.14]They're not boobs.  这不是乳房
  [04:29.70]Do you have to wear a bra?  你得穿胸罩吗?
  [04:38.06]Will my boobs get as big as yours someday?  以后我的乳房会和你一样大吗?
  [04:43.74]You know, Little girl,  你知道吗,小姑娘
  [04:45.22]I think it's time you went nappy-poo in beddy-bye Land.  我觉得应该是回去睡觉觉的时间啰
  [04:49.58]Do I Look Like I'm five to you?  对你而言我看起来像5岁吗?
  [04:55.38]What did I say?  我刚刚说了什么
  [04:56.98]Disrespectful. And to think I was interested in you!  真失礼,还以为我对你有兴趣!
