听电影学英语-超级奶爸 18(在线收听

  [00:12.42]Zoe, you're going too fast!  邹易你开太快了
  [00:15.10]You're not gonna have time to stop!  你这样会停不住的
  [00:17.38]Who said anything about stopping? I'm parking.  谁说要停了,我要泊车
  [00:19.10](tires screeching)
  [00:33.62]- What are you doing to these kids? - (cop) Hands where I can see them!  你要对这些孩子怎么样 把手举起来
  [00:37.94](Wolfe) Okay. Calm down.  好的,冷静
  [00:38.14]Everybody! Put your weapons down!  所有人! 放下武器!
  [00:43.42]I want the GHOST.  把幽灵给我
  [00:51.94](Wolfe) Um.... Calm down. It's just a duck.  冷静 这只是只鸭子
  [00:57.42]- (Chun) Where's the GHOST? - (Wolfe) I have it.  幽灵在哪里? 在我这里
  [01:03.02](Chun) Bring it here!  拿过来!
  [01:10.06]Put it on the ground.  放到地上
  [01:17.06](whispering) Now, Gary. Go for his balls.  Gary. 去咬他的鸡鸡
  [01:19.02]Okay, duck whisperer, step away!  好了,鸭语者 站远点!
  [01:28.54]- Gary, now! - (quacking)  - Gary现在!
  [01:29.74]Ah!  啊!
  [01:37.90]Couldn’t let you have all the fun.  不能让你把所有的乐趣都抢走
  [01:50.90]So I guess you'll be taking off now, huh?  看来你要走了是不是?
  [01:53.78]Seeing as there's no reason to stick around anymore.  好像你已经没有什么在呆在这里的原因了
  [01:57.86]I'm stllI here, aren't I?  我还在这里,不是么?
  [02:01.98]Yeah.  是的
  [02:05.46]- What now? - I don't know. I'm on dry land.  现在该怎样 我不知道,我现在是在陆地上
  [02:12.18]True.  没错
  [02:12.82]Which means you're the superior officer.  就是说你是我的上级长官
  [02:14.26]True.  没错
  [02:16.14]So you tell me.  所以你来告诉我该怎样
  [02:23.06]Um...  嗯...
  [02:26.98]- (clears throat) - Lulu!  LuIu!
  [02:27.78]Excuse me, ma'am. Could I have a few words?  不好意思,女士 我能和你谈谈么?
  [02:31.38]Sure.  可以
  [02:32.74]Well, we... I... You know.  那个,我们...我...你知道
  [02:35.46]Oh.  哦
  [02:38.74]We'll talk Later.  我们回头再聊
  [02:40.70]- Mission accomplished, soldier. - I suppose it is.  任务成功,士兵 我想是的
  [02:47.42]- I guess you'll be Leaving us now. - I guess so.  我想你应该要离开我们了 我想是的
  [02:50.74]I want you to have this.  我想让你留着这个
  [02:57.30]Because I don't want you ever to forget me.  因为我不想让你忘记我
  [03:03.30]I will never forget you.  我永远也不会忘记你的
  [03:08.98]'Cause you're the best friend I ever had.  因为你是我最好的朋友
  [03:13.14]No matter how far...  不管多远
  [03:15.02]...or Long Life takes me away,  或者多久
  [03:22.38]I Love you, Shane.  我爱你雪恩.
  [03:26.14]I Love you too.  我也爱你
  [03:37.18]From now on, it's your command.  从现在开始,你来指挥
  [03:45.94](Wolfe) Your father would be so proud of all of you.  你父亲会为你感到非常骄傲的
  [03:46.42]At ease, soldiers.  稍息,士兵
  [03:54.70]Awww.  啊
  [03:56.66]Look who just woke up.  看看是谁醒了
  [03:57.54]- (Lulu) Shane? - Yes?  雪恩? 什么?
  [03:59.94]- Are we ever gonna see you again? - What are you talking about?  我们会不会再见到你? 你再说什么?
  [04:04.50]We still have one more mission.  我们还有一个任务没有完成呢
  [04:05.90]* You are 16, going on 1 7  * 你16岁 就要到17岁
  [04:09.66]* Baby, it's time to think  * 宝贝是时候考虑
  [04:14.66]* Better beware Be canny and careful  * 最好要小心谨慎加慎重
  [04:18.06]* Baby, you're on the brink  * 宝贝 你正在边缘
  [04:21.02]* You are 16, going on 1 7  * 你16岁 就要到17岁
  [04:24.70]* Fellows will fall in line  * 伙伴们就要远飞
  [04:27.90]- * Eager young lads - Yes!  - * 热心的年轻女士 - 好的!
  [04:31.06]* Will offer you food and wine  *会邀请你就餐饮酒
  [04:35.46]* Climb every mountain  * 爬过每一座山

  [04:39.22]* Ford every stream  * 踏过每一条河
  [04:45.86]Looks Like you have a hit on your hands.  看来这次很成功啊
  [04:47.34]- You think so? - Mm-hmm.  你这么想? 嗯
  [04:50.14]You should take over the drama department instead of wrestling.  你应该接管戏剧部而不是摔跤部
  [04:55.70]It's gonna be nice having you around now.  有你在周围挺好
  [04:58.82]Now that Murney's found his true calling.  现在Murney找到了他的最爱
  [05:00.26]* Climb every mountain  * 爬过每一座山
  [05:03.54]* Ford every stream  * 踏过每一条河
  [05:08.66]It's gonna be my pleasure serving with you.  和你在一起工作是我的荣幸
  [05:15.58]* Find your dream *  * 寻找你的梦 *
