听电影学英语-暮光之城 01(在线收听

  [00:20.20]I'd never given much thought to how I would die. 我从没多想过我会怎样死去
  [00:32.84]But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 但为心爱的人而死,似乎是个不错的方式
  [01:08.96]So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. 所以我不能后悔我做了离家的决定
  [01:14.60]I would miss Phoenix. 我会想念凤凰城的
  [01:19.40]I'd miss the heat. 我会想念那里的热浪
  [01:24.44]I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. 我会想念我那善变而又粗心大意的妈妈
  [01:27.20]Okay. 好吧
  [01:28.60]- Renee, come on. - And her new husband. 和他的新丈夫
  [01:32.12]Guys, come on. I love you both. We got a plane to catch. 拜托,我爱你们,但我们要赶飞机呢
  [01:34.48]But they want to go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad, 但他们要出行 所以我要跟我爸住上一段时间
  [01:39.64]and this will be a good thing. 这是件好事
  [01:42.44]I think. 我认为
  [01:45.64]When the thorn bush turns white
  [01:48.68]That's when I'll come home
  [01:55.76]I am going out to see what I can sow
  [02:02.00]And I don't know where I'll go
  [02:07.00]And I don't know what I'll see
  [02:10.24]In the state of Washington, 在华盛顿州
  [02:13.12]under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, 在乌云骤雨下
  [02:16.24]there's a small town named Forks. 有一个叫福克斯的小镇
  [02:17.12]Population, 3120 people. 人口3120
  [02:24.68]This is where I'm moving. 我要搬去这个地方
  [02:29.36]My dad's Charlie. 我爸叫查理
  [02:30.24]He's the chief of police. 他是位警官
  [02:33.40]Curse the powers that be
  [02:38.20]Cause all I want is...
  [02:43.96]Your hair's longer. 你头发长了
  [02:46.44]I cut it since the last time I saw you. 上一次见你后就没剪过了
  [02:52.72]Guess it grew out again. 长得挺快
  [03:02.12]I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, 我以前每个夏天都在这里住上两个星期
  [03:06.92]but it's been years. 但那是很多年前的事了
  [03:23.84]I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom. 我把架子从浴室里拿走了
  [03:25.72]Right. One bathroom. 是,只有一个浴室
  [03:34.96]It's a pretty good work lamp. 这个台灯挺不错的
  [03:36.16]The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. 销售小姐帮我挑了个好的
  [03:39.04]You like purple, right? 你喜欢紫色,对吗?
  [03:43.48]Purple's cool. 紫色挺好的
  [03:46.92]Thanks. 谢谢
  [03:53.76]Okay. 好
  [03:58.00]One of the best things about Charlie, 查理的其中一个优点是
  [04:01.40]he doesn't hover. 他不缠人
  [04:12.04]Heard you guys coming all the way down the road. 听到你车的声音了
  [04:13.64]Good to see you. 见到你真好
  [04:18.28]- Bella, you remember Billy Black. - Yeah. - 贝拉,你记得比利布莱克吧? - 记得
  [04:20.88]- Wow, you're looking good. - Well, I'm still dancing. - 你精神很好啊 - 我还能跳舞呢
  [04:23.16]I'm glad you're finally here. 真高兴你过来了
  [04:24.08]Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming. 查理知道你要过来后,嘴就没停过
  [04:28.96]All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud. 你再这么扯我把你推进泥浆里
  [04:31.84]After I ram you in the ankles. 那我先撞断你的腿
  [04:33.48]- You want to go? - Yeah. - 你来真的吗? - 对
  [04:34.12]Bring it. 放马过来
  [04:36.36]- Hi, I'm Jacob. - Hey. - 嗨,我叫雅各布 - 嗨
  [04:39.36]We used to make mud pies when we were little. 我们小时候一起玩过家家的
  [04:41.68]Right. No, I remember. 对,我记得
  [04:44.72]Are they always like this? 他们总是那么好玩吗?
  [04:49.40]- It's getting worse with old age. - Good. - 老了就没那么能玩了 - 嗯
  [04:52.12]So, what do you think? 怎么样?
  [04:53.68]Of what? 什么?
  [04:54.88]- Your homecoming present. - This? - 你的回家礼物 - 这个?
  [04:57.64]- Just bought it off Billy here. - Yep. - 刚从比利那里买的 - 对
  [05:00.36]- I totally rebuilt the engine for you. - Come on. - 我把引擎重新装好了 - 拜托
