听电影学英语-27宜嫁 02(在线收听

  [00:03.90]- Perfect. - Thank you. - 搞定! - 谢谢你,珍
  [00:05.90]- Hi! - Hi! 这条裙不错吧?
  [00:08.58]Are these dresses great? And the best thing is you could shorten it and wear it again.
  [00:13.94]That is defiinitely so true. 很有见地
  [00:15.94]We gather here today to join in holy matrimony: : : 我们今天欢聚一堂
  [00:21.02]- Shari Rabinowitz- - And Prakash Maharasti... 与柏卡殊马哈…
  [00:23.26]known to his friends as "Woody." 也就是朋友口中的“木头”
  [00:27.10]Shari and Rrakash are so happy that so many of you are here today- 莎莉和柏卡殊很高兴
  [00:33.26]What are you doing? Get in the car! Come on! 站着干嘛?上车,走了
  [00:36.02]- Go! Go! Go! - (Engine Starts)
  [00:38.30]- You in? - Yeah. 上了车?
  [00:39.66]- (Grunts) - (Horn Honks)
  [00:46.06]Hey! Hey! You are down to 260.
  [00:50.34]Are you sure you wanna keep this up?
  [00:51.74]- No! - Okay, then. 不好吧
  [00:55.70]Okay. Which one do you want? The brunet or the blond? 棕色头发那个还是金发那个?
  [00:58.90]I kinda want the blond: I'm not gonna lie: 我想要金发的
  [01:01.34]Casey, can't you keep it in your pants for one wedding? 你就不能不在婚礼上沟男人?哪怕一次?
  [01:03.98]Are you kidding? The only reason to wear this monstrous dress... 我肯穿这条白痴裙子
  [01:05.94]is so some drunken groomsman can rip it to shreds with his teeth. 就是为了可以沟伴郎
  [01:09.14]What time is it now? Well, I'm just gonna be about two more hours, so- 几点钟了?
  [01:14.70]I'll call you back. 我再找你
  [01:20.82](Engine Starts)
  [01:30.90]- (Laughs) - (All) Whoo!
  [01:35.46]Whoo! Whoo!
  [01:40.50]#Lovely is the feeling now #
  [01:45.30]Hey! Wrong shoes! Wait a minute. Wrong shoes. 穿错鞋啦,等等
  [01:48.50]Ziggy! What? 你穿错鞋了
  [01:52.82]# Temperature's rising now #
  [01:55.46]- Ha! - #Rower #
  [01:59.22]Oh! Geez! 天啊
  [02:02.70]- (Tinkling) - Jane, I'm so hungry. Did you eat anything? 我好饿啊,珍
  [02:05.58]- Oh, yeah. - It looks gorgeous. I haven't eaten anything. - 有吃东西吗? - 有
  [02:08.26]And let me give you some advice, do not drink Moet on an empty stomach. 我没有,听我说
  [02:11.66]- I'll tell ya. Whoa. Fall right off. - (Tinkling Louder)
  [02:18.82]- Did you meet my grandma? - Yeah. She was great. I really enjoyed her. 看到我奶奶吗?
  [02:20.46]- I think she's having fun. - Oh, yeah. Lots. - 她很高兴 - 绝对是
  [02:23.26]#Don't stop till you get enough #
  [02:25.58]- #Keep on with the force # - Whoo-hoo!
  [02:27.94]- #Don't stop till you get enough # - #Keep on, baby #
  [02:31.62]- #Don't stop till you get enough ## - (Laughter)
  [02:36.98]- Jane, what is that thing on your forehead? - Oh. 你额头上是什么,珍?
  [02:40.74]I'd like to take a moment to give a special thank-you to a girl... 我想向一个人致谢
  [02:42.14]who's really gone above and beyond: 她不辞劳苦…
  [02:47.34]The girl who not only hosted my shower and helped me design the invitation- 不单为我搞婚前派对、设计喜帖
  [02:50.42]She went with me to the caterer, the florist, the wedding cake bakery- 订酒席、花球、结婚蛋糕…
  [02:55.38]- (Laughter) - And to eight bridal stores... 还跑了八间婚纱店,鼓励我…
  [02:57.66]where she helped me cling to my self-esteem-
  [02:58.54]As I tried on dress after dress. 不停试完又试
  [03:01.22]So thanks, Jane! 衷心多谢你,珍
  [03:05.10]Thanks, Jane. 多谢,珍
  [03:09.58]Okay! Everybody ready? 准备好吗?
  [03:16.26](All Gasping)
  [03:17.14]- (Gasps) - (Shouts)
  [03:20.14]- (Grunts) - (Groans)
  [03:32.26]Is she all right?
  [03:36.62]Is she all right? 她没事吧?
  [03:40.70]Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Just take it easy. 慢慢来
  [03:45.38]You don't wanna move around too much. Okay. This is a serious injury. 别动
  [03:47.06]I need you to give me some ice. You, give me a bottle of 100-proof liquor... 纯酒精,能咬的东西,快

  [03:51.42]and something she can bite on- stat!
  [03:53.14]All right. She's fiine, folks. 她没事了
  [03:55.30]Just a little bump on the head. Carry on. 撞了一下头,继续吧
  [03:59.18](Sighs) You a doctor? - 你是医生? - 不
  [04:01.86]No, but Tweedledee and "Tweedledrunk" were bugging me, so- 不过被人缠住,唯有…
  [04:04.14]- Okay. Do you know your name? - Jane. - 记得自己的名字吗? - 珍
  [04:06.46]Jane. I'm Kevin. 我是凯文
  [04:09.66]Hmm. Thank you for helping me.
  [04:11.54]- Sure. Got it? - Uh-huh. - 谢谢帮忙 - 别客气
  [04:13.58]- Okay. You're good? - I'm fiine. - 行吗? - 我没事
  [04:15.58]All right. 好
  [04:20.98]Whoa, whoa. Okay. Why don't we get you a cab? 给你叫的士?
  [04:23.42]All right. Nice and easy. Let's walk. 慢慢来
  [04:26.26]- ##(Jazz Standard) - # That I'm irresponsibly mad #
  [04:30.02]#For you ##
  [04:37.98]I loved your thong, by the way. 你那袜带不错
  [04:41.14]You buzzed past me earlier. I saw you changing gowns. 早前经过看到你换裙子
  [04:43.22]You were in two weddings in one night, weren't you? 一晚去两个婚礼?
  [04:47.22]- That's a little upsetting, don't you think? - They're both good friends... 吃不消,是嘛?
  [04:49.90]and their weddings happened to be on the same night, so what was I supposed to do? 同一晚结婚,我能怎样?
  [04:55.06]Oh, no. That's not the upsetting part. How do you stand it? 怎么有办法忍受?
  [04:56.18]- I mean, isn't one wedding bad enough? - I love weddings. I always have. 一个婚礼已经让我受不了
  [04:57.62]- Really? - Yeah: 我喜欢婚礼
  [04:57.70]- 是吗? - 是
