听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 04(在线收听

  [00:05.34]I ain't go to school. I ran away too young. Don't you ever run away from home. 我没上过学,我很小时就离家了。你千万不能离家出走啊
  [00:14.22]I won't 我不会的
  [00:20.02]Liz, I'll always be here for you. 丽思,我会一直在你身边
  [00:26.18]I know, mummy. 我知道,妈咪
  [00:28.94]I'll always be here. ALWAYS. 我一直都在这,一直都在
  [00:35.02]I know, mummy. 我知道,妈咪
  [00:39.22]I'm sick. I'm sick. 我得病了 我得病了
  [00:47.90]Liz, I... I have AIDS. 丽思,我感染了艾滋
  [00:52.22]No No 不 不
  [00:55.46]NO NO NO 不 不 不
  [00:56.06]baby don't 宝贝
  [00:57.54]They say... don't be afraid. 他们说...别害怕
  [01:02.26]They say... I might... they say I could live forever, ok? 他们说...我可以...他们说我可以生存下去,知道吗?
  [01:06.86]but I can't live here. I gotta go home. 但是我不能在这,我必须要回家了
  [01:13.54]This is home. 这就是家啊
  [01:15.10]No, home to my pop's. I wanna take you and Lisa. 不,是爷爷的家. 我会带着你和丽萨
  [01:19.30]No No mom. you have to stay here. 不,妈妈,你必须呆在这里
  [01:20.78]I can't stop the drugs. and I can't do it when your daddy around. 我戒不了毒,只要你爸爸在身边
  [01:25.86]but you'll be alone. 但他会孤独的
  [01:28.86]Liz, this is aready gonna over, just pack up your things and let's go. 丽思,丽萨已经过去了,收拾好你的东西,走吧
  [01:37.46]No you said pop's gonna beat you. you said he raped your sister. 不,你说爷爷经常打你,你说过他强奸了你的姐姐
  [01:40.78]since what it has to be now. 因为现在不得不这样了
  [01:43.30]No, stay here 不,留在这
  [01:46.06]I can't 我不能
  [01:47.74]stay mummy! 留下来,妈咪
  [01:48.86](monologue) Everything was falling apart. I thought if I could stay I could stop it. 一切都破灭了,我以为我留下来就能阻止这些
  [01:54.30](monologue) but if I stayed,  everything would somehow stay the same. 我留下来,所有的一切或许都能和从前一样
  [02:19.58]Just open the door. It's no use. We know you're in there. 开门!没用的,我知道你在里面
  [02:37.62]Where's your mother and sister? 你的母亲和姐姐去哪了?
  [02:39.14]They are gone. 他们离开了
  [02:42.06]Where's your father? 你父亲呢?
  [02:42.90]He's gotta get some food, he'll be right back. 他去弄吃的了,马上就会回来
  [02:48.42]Your teacher called. 你老师打电话来了
  [02:48.86]You're still not going to school. 你还是没去学校
  [02:52.50]We gotta do something about this. 我们要采取一些措施了
  [02:53.26]You're never in school. 你从没去学校
  [02:56.34]Miss Wonder warned you, I warned you, every one year case workers warned you 万德小姐警告过你,我警告过你。所有关心你的义工警告过你
  [03:00.66]This's been going out for years 这都很长时间了
  [03:02.34]We all said clean up this place and go to school. 总说“收拾好这个地方然后去学校”
  [03:05.30]clean up and go to school “收拾好然后去学校”
  [03:05.66]You have done neither one of them, have you? 你都做不到,是不是?
  [03:10.26]Elizabeth, have you? 伊丽莎白,是吗?
  [03:11.34]No 不是
  [03:12.18]So what we gonna do? 那我们该怎么做?
  [03:14.90]I do. 我知道.
  [03:15.46]I don't know. 我不知道
  [03:17.10]You're going into the system. 我们要系统办事
  [03:20.90]I'm taking her. 我要带走她
  [03:22.90]but but things are better now. My daddy buys me big potatos everyday 但...但事情已经好转了,我爸爸每天都给我买土豆
  [03:24.60]You're not paying the rent. You're not getting her to school. 你没有交租金,也没让她上学
  [03:29.22]I tell her to go. I told you to go to school. She's gotta mind of her own. She's a feminist. 我告诉过她上学,她有自己的思想,她是个女权主义者
  [03:33.90]This is not a joking matter. 这不是开玩笑
  [03:36.70]Pack her suitcase. 准备好行李
  [03:38.90]Now! 现在!
  [03:40.46]No No No (father) I'm sorry. 不 不 不
  [03:41.66]I'll go to school. Please! 我会去学校,求你了
  [03:44.26]This isn't working. We need an adult who's responsible. 这没用,我们需要一个成年人监护你
  [03:47.82]My grandpa's responsible. My grandpa'll take me. My sister's there. 我的爷爷可以监护我,爷爷会收留我,我的姐姐在那
  [03:53.26]Your sister goes to school. 你的姐姐在上学
  [03:54.22]I'll go to school, I'll go to school. Please! 我会去上学,我会去上学,求你了
  [03:56.86]Don't make a fass. 别闹了
  [03:57.86]I'll talk to him. and if he'll take you. You'll be out in 24 hours. 我会和他谈的,如果他愿意收留你,24小时内就放你出来

  [04:06.26]I'm sorry. 抱歉
  [04:06.82]and if he won't? 那如果他不呢?
  [04:13.90]You'll have time to figure out how you wanna live your life. 那你就有时间好好规划一下以后的人生了
  [04:48.34](monologue) Figure out my life. Do people really do that? 规划我的人生 人们真的会那样做吗?
  [04:55.46](monologue) Do they do that while they are falling down into a deep dark hole. 当掉进一个深渊,他们真的会去规划吗?
