听电影学英语-人工智能 14(在线收听

  [00:00.78](Crowd Cheering)
  [00:05.42](Woman) What about us? 我们是什么?
  [00:08.46]What about us? 我们是什么?
  [00:12.74]We are alive… 我们是活生生的
  [00:16.58]and this is a celebration… 这是生命庆典
  [00:20.34]of life! 我们要为…
  [00:22.50]And this is commitment…
  [00:26.30]to a truly human future! 人类创造真正的未来
  [00:29.18]- (Crowd Cheering) - Whoo!
  [00:34.14]What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [00:36.42]- (David) Hello, Teddy. - Hello, David 你好,泰迪
  [00:48.78]Take it. Take it 快拍
  [00:53.14]- Biker hound's rolling! - Cue the biker hound 猎犬出动
  [00:53.82]- Papa. - Amanda, go back outside. It's too smoky in here 爸爸
  [00:59.50]- There's a boy in a cage. - What'd you say? 笼子里有个小男孩
  [01:00.70]- There's a boy in a cage. - A boy? 笼子里有小男孩
  [01:04.66]A real boy. He's stuck in the cage 真的小男孩,他被关起来
  [01:07.42]- In the pen, honey? - In the jail place 关在铁笼里?
  [01:12.82]- Random crowd reaction… - Hey, Russell, we got a remote near the pig pen? 切到观众反应
  [01:15.22]- Standing by. Bring it up on VT1. - Let me see what she's talking about 接到一号荧幕,让我看一看
  [01:20.10]- Comin'up on one. - What are you lookin' for? 你在找什么?
  [01:21.86]Amanda says she saw a little boy in there 艾曼黛说她看到小男孩
  [01:25.54]Honey, how do you know about this? 你怎么会知道?
  [01:27.94]- The bear told me. - I told her 玩具熊跟我说的
  [01:37.46]Yeah! Yeah!
  [01:42.94]Would you be so kind and shut down my pain receivers? 请你关掉我的疼痛感应器
  [01:52.18]Why is this happening? 怎么会这样?
  [01:54.58]History repeats itself 这是历史重演
  [01:58.02]It's the rite of blood and electricity 人类和机器的古老战争
  [02:01.10]So, when the opportunities avail themselves, they pick away at us… 他们一逮到机会就把我们抓来
  [02:04.86]cutting back our numbers so they can maintain numerical superiority 人类为了保持优势消灭机器人
  [02:10.46](Cage Doors Opening)
  [02:14.46]My time, is it up already? 现在轮到我了吗?
  [02:16.70]- Good-bye, everyone. - Keep me safe, keep me safe, keep me safe! 永别了,各位
  [02:20.10]Not yet. We just want him
  [02:23.06]Keep me safe, keep me safe, keep me safe! 保护我…保护我…
  [02:26.94]Mike, do you have any reports of any missing kids, any missing children? 你接到失踪小孩的报告吗?
  [02:26.98](Woman) Mike, security? 警卫
  [02:32.90]- All right, thanks, Mike. - We should get in there 谢了
  [02:36.74]Boy. You, boy 我们最好进去
  [02:40.42]Hey, what's your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [02:40.86]I won't bite you 我不会咬你
  [02:46.66]Come on over where I can see you 过来让我看看
  [02:52.74]Hey, hey, I won't hurt you 我不会伤害你,我只想看看
  [02:55.18]I just need to see
  [02:55.90](Beeps, Rattles)
  [03:21.34]- You're a machine. - I'm a boy 你是机器人
  [03:24.10]- Is he a toy boy? - My name is David 他是玩具小孩吗?
  [03:30.10]Impossible 不可能
  [03:33.86]I still work, don't I? 我还能工作
  [03:35.86]I can work in the dark, but my lamp is broken 我能在黑暗工作,只是灯坏了
  [03:37.34]My lamplight will not work. I hit my lamp on a girder overhead 我的灯失效了
  [03:43.10](Crowd Booing)
  [04:00.18]Good-bye, David 再见,大卫
  [04:10.14]No one builds children 没有人制造机器小孩
  [04:10.74]No one ever has. What would be the point? 从来没有,有什么用处呢?
  [04:13.22]He could be a custom job. Some rich and lonely scaredy puss's pretend child 也许是特别订制的
  [04:18.58]I'm a custom job 我也是特别订制的
  [04:20.86]Seventy-five years ago I was Time magazine's Mecha of the Year 75年前时代杂志的风云人物
  [04:23.74]No, this work is first-rate 不,这个是很独特的
  [04:29.34]A lot of love went into him. David? 有人为他付出很多爱心
  [04:33.10]You are one of a kind. You know that? 你是独一无二的,知道吗?

  [04:39.10]- Who made you? - My mommy made me 你是谁做的?
  [04:39.78]Her womb was your factory, huh? One of those built to aspire to the human condition 就是工厂啊
  [04:45.14]What is the name of your maker, Serve U.S., E.Z. Living 哪一家公司?人工服务…
  [04:47.34]Robiville, Simulit City Center, Cybertronics, Sidekicks? 机器谷、拟真电子、刺激城…
  [04:53.42]- Monica is my mommy. - Can I speak with you for a moment? 我妈咪是梦妮卡
