[00:02.62]Don 't worry about that, We found a way to take you off the map, 别担心,我们知道怎么把你们从地图上抹去
[00:06.66]Coming up on your right: 你右侧将出现的…
[00:10.14]Nothing, 无名地
[00:11.66]This is Kent Brockman, reporting to you on a crisis so serious. . . 我是肯特·布鲁克曼,向您报道严重危机
[00:16.02]. . .it has its own name and theme music. 此危机拥有独一无二的名字和主题曲
[00:22.02]The dome has put an end to Iife as we know it. 圆盖是为了灭绝生命
[00:22.38]The town is running Iow on suppIies of everything from gasoIine to Botox. 现在城里汽油、除皱针等种种资源短缺
[00:28.74]Moment, pIease. 请稍等
[00:33.10]Now, as aIways, we end our news on ''The Lighter Side. '' 与往常一样 节目最后我们来看看"鸿毛一瞥"
[00:37.42]It's the time of year when the swaIIows return to SpringfieId. 现在正是燕子回归斯普林菲尔德的季节
[00:53.50]I think the thing I miss most is a simpIe summer breeze. 我想我最怀念的,还是夏日中的一缕微风
[01:01.70]Maggie? 玛吉?
[01:05.54]We've got dome wax, dome polish, dome freshener, all your dome needs,,, 无腊、无需抛光、无需翻修 你需要的就是"圆盖地波"
[01:11.22],,,at Dome Depot, located at the 1 05 and the dome, "圆盖地波"位于圆盖及105号
[01:12.22]Dome Depot! 圆盖地波!
[01:15.74]Maggie got out! Maggie got out! 玛吉跑出去了!玛吉跑出去了!
[01:18.58]Maggie was right there, just outside the dome. 玛吉刚才就在那里,就在圆盖外面
[01:22.78]Marge, she's right here. 玛吉,她在这儿
[01:27.62]This dome can pIay tricks on you. You just have to keep caIm and-- 这圆盖会叫你产生幻觉 你一定要镇定,而且…
[01:30.14]Oh, my God. 天啊!
[01:32.82]I'm out of the dome. Fresh air! Freedom! 我从圆盖里出来啦! 新鲜空气!自由!
[01:37.02]I'II write you. Lead good Iives! 我会给你写信的,多保重!
[01:56.74]Good evening, this is Kent Brockman, 晚上好,我是肯特·布鲁克曼
[01:59.42]Efforts to find out whose selfish crime,,, 寻找污染环境、自私自利…
[02:02.10],,,caused our entrapment have been fruitless, 连累我们受困圆盖的罪魁祸首… 还是没有任何进展
[02:03.46]Until moments ago! 但是不久之前…
[02:04.78]A shocking discovery has been made here at Lake Springfield, 斯普林菲尔德湖有了令人震惊的发现
[02:10.98]That couId be anybody's pig-crap siIo. 用这种猪便便罐子的人多得是…
[02:15.98]Homer, it was you. 荷马,原来是你干的!
[02:19.66]You singIe-handedIy kiIIed this town. 你将这个镇子置于死地啊!
[02:25.18]I know. It's weird. 我知道,这好奇怪
[02:26.02]Just a reminder, this station does not endorse vigilante justice, 提醒大家,我们电视台并不鼓励 义务警员行使正义
[02:28.54]Unless it gets results, Which it will, 除非能将罪犯绳之以法,而这是迟早的事
[02:34.38]You didn't Iisten to me after I warned you. 你根本不把我的警告当回事
[02:39.42]Don't worry, nobody watches this stupid show. 别担心,这种无聊节目没人看的
[02:42.42]What's that ominous gIow in the distance? 远处那些不详之光是怎么回事?
[02:48.30]Kill! Kill! Kill! 杀!杀!杀无赦!
[02:57.50]Marge, Iook. Those idiots don't even know where we Iive. 玛吉,快来看啊! 那帮蠢蛋连我们住哪儿都不知道
[03:05.18]Kill! Kill! Kill! 杀!杀!杀无赦!
[03:05.86]We want Homer! We want Homer! 交出荷马!交出荷马!
[03:09.02]You monster. You monster! 恶魔!你是个恶魔!
[03:13.06]Did you see the news? 你也看了新闻?
[03:15.54]Honey, come on, we have bigger probIems. 亲爱的,别这样,眼下还有更棘手的事
[03:18.06]But I'm so angry. 但是…我好生气
[03:18.90]You're a woman. You can hoId on to it forever. 你是女人,你要克制满腔怒火
[03:24.10]Okay. 好吧
[03:26.10]Homer, you have to go out there, face that mob. . . 荷马,你得出去,面对大家…
[03:30.62]. . .and apoIogize for what you did. …为你的所作所为道歉
[03:31.62]I wouId, but I'm afraid if I open the door, they'II take aII of you. 我会的,但是我担心一开门 他们连你和孩子都不放过
[03:36.46]No, we won't. We just want Homer! 不会的,我们只要荷马!
[03:39.30]WeII, maybe not you, but they'II kiII Grampa. 也许不是你们,但是他们会杀了爷爷
[03:39.98]I'm part of the mob! 我就在楼下人群里!
[03:45.66]Teeny! Take out the baby. 泰尼,把孩子带走!
[04:01.42]Here, Iet me get that for you. 我来帮你点上
[04:10.10]Stay back. I got a chain saw. 后退!我这儿可有电锯!
[04:24.34]Bart! 巴特!
[04:26.18]CrawI across. Hurry. 爬过来!快点!
[04:26.86]But if they see you heIping us, they'II kiII you. 要是被发现,他们会杀了你的
[04:30.86]I'm sure your father wouId do the same for-- 我肯定你爸也会这么…
[04:34.70]Point taken. Now, hustIe your bustIes. 你明白了,快点过来
[04:40.54]Archers. 弓箭!
[04:42.58]I'm using a red arrow so I know who I kiII. 我的箭是红色的 这样就知道谁是我的箭下冤魂
[04:48.94]No, PIopper. If you push that, Daddy wiII die. 不要!波洛特! 要是再推,爸爸的小命就不保了
[04:57.30]Hey, my Iuck's beginning to turn. 哈,终于开始转运咯 |