听电影学英语-初恋50次 03(在线收听

  [00:01.80]Because you're starting to freak me out. 老子我被你搞毛了了哦
  [00:03.72]Settle down and eat your pancakes. 别激动,吃你的早餐吧
  [00:12.52]I think she's a local girl I wanted to go up to her... 我想她是在地人 我想去跟她搭讪...
  [00:15.24]...but I was kind of off my game. But, man, was she cute, though. 但我不敢 不过,她超可爱的
  [00:19.88]Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure I don't get tied down. 对,我一向如此 免得被人绑住
  [00:23.64]Freeze that image right there. 别动
  [00:28.28]There's the little fella. Congratulations, Mommy. 小家伙在这 恭喜你,妈咪
  [00:32.84]Sounds to me like someone is afraid of commitment. 看来有人怕承诺
  [00:35.48]Let me guess. 我猜猜看
  [00:36.40]Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party... 你高中的马子去轰趴...
  [00:40.96]...then cheated on you with whole wrestling team. 结果喝醉跟同学大搞性派对
  [00:42.16]Close. Actually, it was my college girlfriend Tracy. 差不多了,不过是大学的马子
  [00:46.64]And it wasn't a wrestling team. It was her academic advisor. 也不是跟同学搞,是跟老师搞
  [00:50.44]- Oh, she liked the older man. - Older women. About 50 years older. -她喜欢老男人 -是老女人,大她50岁
  [00:55.28]I hope you shot the stupid tramp. 你有海扁那只老母狗吧?
  [00:55.60]What's with the "tramp" and the "bitches" talk? 怎么说话这么粗?
  [00:59.76]- Are you drunk or something? - I apologize for nasty talk. -你喝醉了? -对不起
  [01:02.84]I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy. 最近没啥搞头,我有点抓狂
  [01:07.12]Shut up, because here comes one-time-only opportunity. 闭嘴,千载难逢的机会来了
  [01:09.28]What I will do now is go into your office and become naked. 我要进你办公室,脱个精光
  [01:15.44]Next move is up to you. 接下来就看你的了
  [01:20.12]I may not be as limber as I once was... 我也许没以前那么柔软了...
  [01:21.40]...but I make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to experiment. 但我会用热情和技巧来弥补你
  [01:29.68]I don't know if you realize, I'm not into guys. 你不明白,我不喜欢男人
  [01:50.92]Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups. 花生巧克力男
  [01:53.96]Hey, Mr. Could -Kill -Me-in-One-Punch. How you doing? 你好,猛男大厨师
  [01:56.20]- You're back. - Couldn't get enough of that Spam. -你回来了 -就是忘不掉那些火腿
  [01:58.52]Fry some up and throw some eggs on it. 帮我煎一点,再加个蛋吧
  [02:01.60]- You got it. - All right, mahalo. -没问题 -真多谢啦
  [02:02.56]- Hi, Lucy. - Hi, Nick. -你好,露西 -你好,大胖
  [02:20.08]You know, why don't you try this? 你何不试试这招?
  [02:25.32]It's kind of a hinge. 这就像门柱一样
  [02:30.32]- Now, why didn't I think of that? - Well, you're too close to the project. -我怎么没想到? -当局者迷、旁观者清
  [02:33.80]Don't be hard on yourself. 别自责了
  [02:37.76]Fresh eye never hurts. 多问个人准没错
  [02:41.36]I'm Lucy. 我是露西
  [02:44.12]Yes. I' m Henry Roth. 我是罗亨利,幸会
  [02:44.52]- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. -幸会 -幸会
  [02:46.52]It's pretty. Keep up the good work. 做的很不错,继续加油
  [02:51.48]Wait. I see you're sitting there alone. Do you wanna come and sit down? 等等,你好像一个人来 要不要过来一起坐?
  [02:56.08]- Sure, that'd be great, if that's all right. - Okay. -好啊,挺不错的 -很好
  [03:04.04]- So are you an architect? - I am not. I' m in fish. -你是建筑师? -不是,我工作跟鱼有关
  [03:08.20]Oh, that's where the smell is coming from. 难怪会有那股味道
  [03:11.80]Yeah, yeah, I was feeding a walrus this morning... 是啊,我早上喂了海象...
  [03:14.16]...and I thought I got most of it off of me, but guess I didn't. 我以为我都洗干净了 但是大概并没有吧
  [03:16.12]- I love that smell. - No, you don't. -我喜欢这味道 -不会吧
  [03:20.52]- Fish don't even like that smell. - No, I do. My dad's a fisherman. -连鱼都不喜欢这种味道了 -真的,我爸是渔夫
  [03:23.48]He and my brother Doug, they go out to sea for months at a time. 他跟我弟道格都一起出海
  [03:27.88]And I miss them so much while they're gone that when they come back... 每次回来,因为我太想他们...
  [03:30.72]...I just hold on to them for five minutes each. 我都会抱他们整整五分钟
  [03:39.52]And they smell just like your hands. It's the best smell in the world. 他们身上的味道就像你的手 世上最香的味道
  [03:45.40]Well, my fingers are available... 有需要的话...
  [03:47.28]...for your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them. 随时欢迎你闻
  [03:49.84]- Wanna? - Okay. -想闻吗? -想
  [03:59.16]Sea lions are known for their athleticism... 海狮以好动闻名...
  [04:03.44]...and dolphins are known for their intelligence. 海豚则以智慧闻名
  [04:06.44]- Walruses are known for their... - Tusks? -海象的闻名之处... -是象牙?
  [04:11.52]Their tusks. Also their male parts can get pretty gigantic. 象牙,还有超壮观的大鸡鸡
  [04:17.48]Yeah, yeah, it's the second biggest out of all the mammals. 没错,那是世上第二大的
  [04:23.24]- What's the first? - I think Tattoo-Face. -第一大的是谁? -那个大花脸吧
  [04:30.72]Ilike your laugh. 我喜欢你的笑声
  [04:33.96]Ilike you making me laugh. 我喜欢你逗我笑
  [04:34.76]I hate to break this up, but we're setting up for lunch. 抱歉打扰,要供应午餐了
  [04:38.44]Oh, okay. Sorry, Sue. 歹势,阿苏
  [04:40.44]And the real cool thing about walruses is they're very mysterious. 海象最酷的地方,就是很神秘
  [04:45.60]- Mysterious? - Yeah, yeah. -神秘? -对
  [04:46.20]We don't really know what they're like in the wild. 我们不知他们的野外生活
  [04:51.96]Don't they just sleep on icebergs and yawn all the time? 他们不是爱睡冰山、打哈欠吗?
  [04:53.56]All we really see is what they do outside of the water... 那是离开水面,我们所看到的...
  [04:56.72]...but who knows what they do under the ice... 他们在冰下的生活就神秘了...
  [04:58.52]...where they spend two-thirds of their lives. 他们有2/3的时间是在水里
