听电影学英语-初恋50次 10(在线收听

  [00:01.00]Oh, boy. 妈呀
  [00:10.56]There's something I wanna show you. 我要让你看样东西
  [00:23.68]We figured it out. She only sings on days she meets you. 她只在遇见你的日子唱这首歌
  [00:27.76]You're kidding me. That song? 不会吧,那首歌?
  [00:30.28]That's Mom and Dad's song. 那是我爸妈的歌
  [00:30.72]When her mom was alive, Lucy would have me take that tape... 她母亲在世时,要是我出海...
  [00:34.52]...on every fishing trip I went on. - Oh, yeah? -她会要我带海滩男孩的录音带 -是吗?
  [00:36.60]Yeah, she knew it would make me miss her mom... 她知道这会让我想她母亲...
  [00:40.60]...and want to come home sooner. 让我一心只想快点回家
  [00:42.36]I'm seeing a new side to you, sir. I gotta tell you, it's grossing me out. 真看不出来,你竟然这么恶心
  [00:48.12]What's in it for you? What do you get out of this? 你有啥目的? 你这样有啥好处?
  [00:52.60]I don't know. 我不知道
  [01:00.36]Wouldn't you want to spend an hour a day with that? 你们难道不想享受一下?
  [01:02.16]Actually, no. She sings like shit. 才不呢,她歌声超烂
  [01:05.96]- What? - Can I ask you guys something? -怎样? -请问一下
  [01:07.52]What'll happen down the line? Someday she'll wake up... 以后会怎样? 有天她会醒来...
  [01:10.52]...look in the mirror and notice she aged 10 years overnight. 看着镜子 注意到自己一夜老了十岁
  [01:15.40]You know something, Henry? 你知道吗?
  [01:18.64]I worry about that every damn day of my life. 我每天都担心这一刻的来到
  [01:25.84]Pardon me. 抱歉
  [01:26.52]Sorry to interrupt, but I noticed we were both eating alone... 我无意打扰你 但我注意到我们都是一个人...
  [01:30.60]...and I thought I could sit with you, maybe build a syrup Jacuzzi... 我想也许我能跟你一起坐...
  [01:33.16]...for your waffle house? - Oh, that would be nice... -我能帮你的松饼屋盖糖浆泳池 -那是不错啦...
  [01:37.76]...but I have a boyfriend. 不过我有男友了
  [01:38.64]So I' m sorry. 真抱歉
  [01:42.12]You're making up a boyfriend to get rid of me? 你用这当借口赶我走?
  [01:46.28]No, I' m not. 我才没有
  [01:46.56]What's his name, then? 那他叫什么名字?
  [01:49.64]Ringo. 林哥
  [01:51.64]Is his last name Starr? 他不会刚好姓史塔吧?
  [01:53.24]- No. McCartney. - McCartney, okay. -不是,他姓麦卡尼 -好吧
  [01:58.92]- Oh, no. - All right. I' m sorry. -不会吧 -好吧,对不起
  [02:00.92]No! This cop is writing me a ticket! 不是啦!条子在开我单子!
  [02:02.20]Oh, whoa, whoa. I wouldn't go out there. 是我就不会出去
  [02:04.88]- Wait, wait, wait! - Go on! -等等 -快去啊!
  [02:05.16]I'm coming. 我来了
  [02:08.28]The tags don't expire for seven months. 我的牌照还有7个月才到期
  [02:10.96]- They expired May of this year. - No! No, no! -它今年5月已经过期了 -不对...
  [02:13.84]They expire May of next year. 是明年5月才到期
  [02:14.40]I think there's been a misunderstanding. 我想这里有点误会
  [02:17.04]- I don't. - This is ridiculous. -我可没有 -这太扯了
  [02:18.68]I'm not paying for this! It's October! 现在是10月
  [02:19.96]Excuse me. Can I borrow this? Look, October! 借我一下,你看,10月!
  [02:24.48]Lucy, let's go back inside. 我们进去吧
  [02:27.64]What? 什么?
  [02:38.20]What? 什么?
  [02:46.12]Having a bad day, Doug! 凸槌了,儿子
  [03:30.36]Sweetheart... 小公主...
  [03:31.64]...these are from the accident. 这些是车祸的照片
  [03:50.84]Oh, no! 不会吧!
  [04:00.20]I can feel it. 我感觉的到
  [04:06.88]You were in the hospital for three months, sweetheart. 你在医院里待了3个月
  [04:22.48]I have to talk to this doctor. I need to hear it from him. 我要跟医生谈谈 我要听他亲自跟我说
  [04:27.96]You have heard it, sweetie. Many times. 你已经听过很多次了
  [04:31.60]I have? 是吗?
  [04:34.36]I'll take her. 我带她去
  [04:37.60]I have to hear for myself too. 我也想亲耳听听
  [04:49.12]Doug, just take this, okay? I can't... 小弟,这个拿去 我没办法...
  [04:52.60]I can't look at it anymore. 我没办法再看下去了
  [04:56.28]- It 's gonna be all right, Luce. - Don't call me Luce. I barely know you. -不会有事的,小露 -别叫我小露,我跟你又不熟
  [05:00.56]Sweetie, you're sort of dating him. 女儿,你跟他算是情侣
  [05:03.12]Sorry I' m not better-looking. 抱歉我长的不够帅
  [05:08.76]What else happened since last October? 我车祸后发生了什么事?
  [05:10.96]- What about my students? - Miss Campbell took over your class. -我的学生呢? -坎老师接手你的课
  [05:17.32]- Did Alicia marry that guy? - Yeah. -艾莉嫁给那个人了? -对
  [05:20.72]Doug, did you win the Mr. Hawaii contest? 你赢得夏威夷健美先生了吗?
  [05:21.88]I didn't know there was gonna be a urine test. 我不知道他们会验尿
  [05:24.20]Wow. 糟糕
  [05:27.56]Do we have sex? 我们上过床吗?
  [05:31.92]No, we don't. Just so everybody knows that. 没,大家都听清楚了
  [05:35.04]We want to. 我们很想
  [05:39.72]Just kidding. 开玩笑的啦
  [05:44.84]So you guys have to just lie to me every day. 所以你们每天都要撒谎骗我?
