听电影学英语-邻家女孩 4(在线收听

  [00:01.30]-Um Well, anyway, Danielle just came in from Los Angeles… 总之丹妮尔刚从洛杉矶来
  [00:06.38]and she's house-sitting while her aunt's away. 她姨妈不在她来帮忙看房子
  [00:09.70]Why don't you show her around? 你可以带她去周围走走吗?
  [00:19.82]Such a long road, you know. 你知道吗?已经走了很远了
  [00:32.06]Uh, what are we doing? 我们要干什么?
  [00:34.34]-Did you like what you saw? -What are you talking about? -你喜欢你所看见的吗? -你在说什么?
  [00:39.22]-Okay. I saw--I saw you for, like, an instant -An instant? -好吧,我只看到你一下子而已 -一下子?
  [00:43.26]Yeah. It was--It was no--It was no big deal. 没什么大不了的
  [00:47.38]No, no. It--It was--It was a-- 不,很大不了…
  [00:50.46]It was a big deal, but it's just that… 是个很大的事,不过…
  [00:53.62]I didn't-- 我没有
  [00:56.90]I'm--I'm sorry. 对… 对不起
  [00:58.90]I'm sorry. 对不起
  [01:01.38]So, what are we gonna do about this? 那我们要怎么解决呢?
  [01:05.86]Uh, I mean, I--I said--I said I was sorry. 我… 我说过… 对不起了
  [01:11.30]-What? -You saw me. -什么? -你看了我的…
  [01:17.38]Yeah, right. Like I'm gonna strip right here. 难道我要在这里脱光衣服吗?
  [01:21.94]Are you--Are you serious? 你不是认真的吧?
  [01:28.30]No. 不
  [01:30.02]Uh, no. 不可能的
  [01:32.22]No. Never gonna happen. 不,不,不要
  [01:36.94]Uh-uh. The whole package. 全脱了
  [01:40.06]No, come on. This is good enough. 不,这已经够好了
  [01:41.90]Jesus! Come on. Will you relax? 天哪!你可以放过我吗?
  [01:45.90]Fricking psycho. 变态
  [01:55.54]There. You happy now? 现在你满意了吧?
  [02:03.78]-Yep -Hey! -耶 -嗨!
  [02:08.10]Wait! 等等!
  [02:12.34]No! 不!
  [02:15.22]Jesus. Sorry. 上帝啊,对不起
  [02:23.46]You're an asshole. It's not funny. 你是个混蛋,这不好笑
  [02:28.54]It's a little funny. 有一点点味道
  [02:31.54]Come on. 来吧
  [02:34.34]Let me in. Let me in. 让我进去,让我进去
  [02:45.62]It's not funny. 不好玩
  [02:50.82]It's a little funny. 有点好玩
  [03:03.74]So, what else do you do besides torture people? 你除了虐待别人之外还做什么?
  [03:08.54]-Seriously. What's your story? -I don't know. -说真的,说说你的事来听 -不知道
  [03:09.58]I kind of just quit my job. 我有点想辞职
  [03:14.78]I want to start over, maybe go to college. 我想从头来过,说不定去上大学吧
  [03:24.22]So, uh, are--are you here alone or-- 你是一个人呢还是怎样?
  [03:27.78]Just ask. 尽管问吧
  [03:28.10]What? What? 怎么?
  [03:34.54]Do you have a--a boyfriend? 你有男朋友吗?
  [03:40.02]No. 没有
  [03:43.22]Aren't you gonna ask me if I have a girlfriend? 你想问我有没有女朋友吗?
  [03:46.38]-No -Okay. -不想 -好吧
  [03:50.06]So, you're about to graduate. You must be going nuts right now. 你就快毕业了,现在一定快疯掉了
  [03:54.26]Yeah. I mean, uh… 没错
  [03:58.94]it's just been, uh--been off the hook, you know. 我是说呢,已经安然过关了
  [04:00.02]-Really? -Yeah. -真的? -对
  [04:03.86]So, what's the craziest thing you've done lately? 那么你最近做过最疯狂的事是什么?
  [04:06.14]Oh, I mean, it's--it's hard to tell, you know… 哦,很难说,你知道的,因为我们…
  [04:09.74]because we've--I've just done so much nuts stuff. 我刚做了这么多疯狂的事,我是说…
  [04:10.94]I mean, it's just off the hook, off the walls. I mean-- 只是碰巧没事安然渡过,我是说…
  [04:15.70]You haven't done anything, have you? 你完全没做过,对不对?
  [04:19.22]No. 没错
  [04:21.66]It's kind of-- It's kind of been my problem lately. 是有点… 最近是有点困扰我
  [04:23.54]Come on. There's gotta be something. 少来,一定有的
  [04:27.06]What about your girlfriend? 你的女朋友呢?
  [04:32.54]Okay. We can figure this out. You just--You need a girl. 好吧,我们可以想出办法的,你只是需要个女孩子
  [04:35.50]What kind of girl? 哪种女孩子呢?
  [04:39.86]Definitely someone cute. 绝对要可爱的
  [04:42.26]Definitely. 一点也没错
  [04:45.46]Someone who can make him laugh. 要能逗你发笑的
  [04:50.30]But he also needs someone who's gonna push him. 但也需要会逼迫你
  [04:53.10]Someone who's gonna make him do things… 令你做出…
  [04:55.14]he never thought he could do. 从没想过会做的事
  [04:57.78]Like stripping in the middle of the street? 像是在街道中央裸奔吗?
