听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 05(在线收听

  [00:06.60]Or did we iust want what we wanted? 又或我们仅仅只是想着自己的需要?
  [00:09.80]She was so little when all this started. 开始时她那么小
  [00:12.08]When did she start wanting to make her own decisions? 什么时候她想自己决定的呢?
  [00:15.68]BRIAN: It's ohay. YOUNG ANNA: l want my daddy. - 没事啦 - 我要爸爸
  [00:19.12]- l want my mama. No. please. Mama. BRIAN: It's okay. l know. - 我要妈妈,不,妈妈 - 没事哈,我知道
  [00:20.84]YOUNG ANNA: Mommy. 妈妈
  [00:34.84]SARA: What do you mean. you don't know? 你什么意思,你不知道?
  [00:37.12]BRIAN: She won't talk. 她不肯说
  [00:40.44]You know. maybe she just wants to be considered. 你知道,她可能仅仅是想得到尊重
  [00:44.88]Take the credit that it's her decision. l don't know. 她的决定就是得到尊重,我不清楚
  [00:47.28]- Maybe it's not crazy. SARA: What. you don't want her to do it? - 或许这并不疯狂 - 什么,你不想让她捐肾?
  [00:49.64]l didn't say that. 我没这么说
  [00:51.44]But it's against her will. so how does that work? 但是她不愿意,那怎么行呢?
  [00:53.92]- Do you hold her down. or do l? SARA: Don't be dramatic. - 你来制伏她,还是我? - 别开玩笑了
  [00:57.92]You gonna take her ankles. l'll take her wrists? 你抓脚,我按手?
  [00:58.40]- She's not a baby. You just can't trick her. - l know. - 她不是小孩子,你不能算计她 - 我知道
  [01:02.20]So then what? 所以呢?
  [01:04.08]- l don't know. - You want to sedate her? - 我不知道 - 你想让她消停?
  [01:05.84]Get handcuffs. tell her we're going to get ice cream again? 拿上手铐,告诉她我们又要去吃冰激凌?
  [01:08.32]Because if we do. every day for the rest of her life... 因为如果我们这样做,在她以后的人生
  [01:10.80]...she's gonna look at us like we forced her. like we used her. 她都会认为我们强迫她,利用她
  [01:15.08]- And she'll be right. - For chrissakes. Brian. l didn't do this. - 但是她不会有事的 - 看在上帝的份上,Brian,我还没做呢
  [01:18.76]- Whose side are you on? - Side. What sides? Are there sides now? - 你站在哪一边? - 哪一边,什么哪一边,我们分界限了?
  [01:24.12]She doesn't want to do it. 她不想这么做
  [01:32.72]GLORIA: Your 1 1: OO appointment is here. 你十一点约的人来了
  [01:33.40]- l don't have an 1 1: OO. GLORIA: Wait. you can't go in there. - 我没约人 - 等等,你不能进来
  [01:36.88]Mr. Alexander l'm Sara Fitzgerald. Anna's mother. Alexander先生,我是Sara Fitzgerald,Anna的妈妈
  [01:37.80]Get your hands off me. 把你的手拿开
  [01:41.76]- lt's okay. Gloria. - Are you sure? l don't mind calling security. - 好了,Gloria - 您确定吗?我不介意叫保安
  [01:45.84]CAMPBELL: No. no. Thank you. 不,不,多谢
  [01:47.84]What can l do for you. Mrs. Fitzgerald? 我能为你做什么,Fitzgerald夫人?
  [01:49.88]The legal age for emancipation of a minor is 14 in the state of California. 加利福尼亚州未成年人脱离监护的法定年龄是十四岁
  [01:52.40]lt's the law. you might want to check it. Anna's 1 1. you're three years early. 这是条文,你可以自己看一下 Anna十一岁,你早了三年
  [01:55.76]- l'm aware. she's challenging. - She can't. - 我很清楚,她面临挑战 - 她不能
  [01:58.84]- She's too young to stand. - l'm filing for her as guardian ad litem. - 她现在过于年轻 - 我正在申请成为她的诉讼监护人
  [02:00.04]As what? A family independence agency? 什么样的,一个独立的家庭代理?
  [02:02.20]l have 1 5 years as a volunteer member of the ACLU... 我已经为美国公民自由协会义务工作了十五年
  [02:05.32]...in addition to which l have this power of attorney signed by your daughter. 而且我还有由你女儿签字认证过的授权书
  [02:17.24]This will never hold up. It's not even legal. 这不可能成立,这甚至都不合法
  [02:18.92]Anna doesn't want to do it anymore. And 1 1 years old or not. she has rights. Anna不愿意接着做了,不管她是不是十一岁,她都有权利
  [02:24.72]And so long as she wants to move forward. l am going to help her. 只要她愿意继续,我都会帮她
  [02:26.20]Why? What's your interest? This isn't a case for you. 为什么,你感兴趣的是什么?这与你无关
  [02:28.84]- There's no money. - What's my interest? - 你赚不到钱 - 我感兴趣的东西?
  [02:30.56]Eight hospitalizations in 1 1 years... 十一年里8次治疗
  [02:34.96]...six catheterizations. two bone-marrow aspirations... 六次导管插入术,两次骨髓移植
  [02:37.12]...-...two stem-cell purges. - She was helping her sister. - 两次干细胞清洗 - 她在帮她姐姐
  [02:41.68]Not to mention the side effects. including bleeding. infections. bruising. 即使不提诸如出血,感染,挫伤
  [02:44.64]Filgrastim shots. Those are growth hormones. am l correct? 赛强过敏之类的副作用 这是生长激素,对吧?
  [02:46.96]- Something like that. - Drugs for nausea. opiates for pain... - 差不多吧 - 呕吐药,止痛片
  [02:50.24]...Ambien for sleep. Not exactly the proper medication for a preteen. 唑吡坦(安眠药),这些可不是十一岁孩子该用的药
  [02:54.72]Every procedure had its risks and complications. 每个步骤都有风险和并发症
  [02:57.08]Anna understood that. she was okay with it. Anna知道,她也赞同
  [02:58.60]- Really? - Yeah. - 是吗? - 是的
  [03:01.88]At 5 years old. 五岁的时候
  [03:03.36]Oh. my God. you're good. You're really good. 哦,老天啊,你很不错,相当优秀
  [03:06.64]You know. l've seen your commercials. right? l mean. who hasn't? 你知道,我看过你的广告,是吧,谁没有呢?
  [03:10.04]l always thought you were some headline-seeking hack... 我一直以为你是一个只会制造噱头的无能之辈
  [03:11.88]...but you have real talent. 但是你是个真正的人才
  [03:15.92]You almost had me believing that you cared about Anna. 你差不多让我相信你关心Anna
  [03:18.56]Funny. l was about to say the same thing to you. 稀奇啊,我正准备对你说这话呢
  [03:22.32]Mrs. Fitzgerald. did you ever say to yourself: Fitzgerald夫人,你是否扪心自问过
  [03:24.12]'Maybe l'm wrong. maybe l took it a little too far?' 或许我错了,或许我陷的太深了?
  [03:30.48]l'll see you in court. 法庭上见
  [03:32.40]SARA: You gotta get up. 起来啦
  [03:36.24]You haven't been out of that bed in two weeks. 你躺在床上两周了
  [03:36.28]KATE: l'm tired. - You can do it. - 我累着呢 - 你可以起来
  [03:38.84]BRIAN: It's a beautiful day outside. KATE: No. - 今天天气很不错 - 不
  [03:41.52]lt's sunny. It's gonna be good for you. 太阳很好,这对你有好处
  [03:43.52]KATE: l'm too sick. SARA: You're not too sick. - 我病得很重 - 没那么重
  [03:47.00]You're depressed. l'm not gonna feed you antidepressants... 你太消沉了,我不该给你吃抗抑郁药的
  [03:49.48]...they're gonna just make you more numb. Now. get up. 它们只会麻痹你,现在,起来
  [03:51.56]- No. BRIAN: Hey. baby? - 不 - 嘿,孩子
  [03:52.88]- You want to tell me what's really wrong? - l'm tired. Don't you get that? - 你想告诉我究竟是什么事吗? - 我累了,你没听见吗
  [03:57.32]- l'm sick. and l'm tired. and l'm ugly. BRIAN: Stop it. - 我病了,我很累,我很丑 - 不要说了
  [03:59.92]KATE: Don't you dare tell me that l'm beautiful. because l'm not. 你不敢告诉我我很漂亮,因为我根本不漂亮
  [04:04.80]Don't you dare tell me that nobody's gonna stare at me. because they will. 你不敢说没人会盯着我,因为他们就会
  [04:07.48]SARA: Oh. God. - l'm a freak. - 噢,天哪 - 我是个畸形
  [04:10.04]- Okay. that's it. BRIAN: It's okay. - 好的,就这样了 - 没事了
  [04:10.44]BRIAN: Come here. 到这儿来
  [04:18.92](RAlOR BUllING)
  [04:24.08]Mom? 妈妈?
  [04:39.96]- (MOUTHING) Thanhs, Mom. - (MOUTHING) Mom, Mom. - 谢谢,妈妈 - 妈妈,妈妈
