听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 11(在线收听

  [00:03.52]What was it like? Was it sexy? Was it gross? 那怎么样,性感的,狂野的?
  [00:06.00]- Was there a lot of tongue? - No. - 有舌吻吗? - 没有
  [00:11.88]lt was nice. 但是很美妙
  [00:13.64]How did you know what to do? 你怎么知道该干什么呢?
  [00:14.36]l don't know. 我不知道
  [00:15.44]l just did. 我就是做了
  [00:26.96]He has scars on his hands... 他手上由于移植物抗宿主
  [00:32.68]...from graft-versus-host. 留下了伤疤
  [00:34.04]l could feel them when we were holding hands. 我们牵手时我能摸到
  [00:39.60]Was that weird? 很古怪吗?
  [00:41.80]lt was kind of like we matched. 看起来我们很相配
  [00:53.92]Hello. 你好
  [00:54.84]- Hi. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嘿
  [00:59.80]How far into it are you? 进行到哪里了?
  [01:01.44]Just started. 将开始呢
  [01:07.84]A hundred bucks says you won't make it till 3 without tossing your cookies. 100美元赌你不到3次就吐光光了
  [01:10.40]KATE: You're disgusting. 你真恶心
  [01:12.48]Such a slacker. Don't you have anywhere to be? 好一个懒虫,没有什么地方想去?
  [01:15.56]No. nowhere. And what are you doing? 没有,没有地方,你在干什么?
  [01:16.88]You're trying to weasel your way out of the bet? 你想赖账?
  [01:20.36]l'm trying to spare you. Although-- 我在给你省钱,另外
  [01:26.40]TAYLOR: Okay. 好了
  [01:28.00]Okay. 好了
  [01:46.88]Here. 给
  [01:53.04]Sorry. 对不起
  [01:55.48]What are you talking about? Tomorrow it could be me. Here. 你在说什么?明天这儿可能就是我
  [02:40.84]No. 不要
  [02:43.44]Trust me. you need it. 相信我,你需要这个
  [02:43.64]Trust me. 相信我
  [03:03.84]- Fun date. huh? - Hm. - 有趣的约会,是吧? - 嗯
  [03:09.40]- So you had French fries for lunch. huh? - You're disgusting. - 所以你中午吃了法国炸薯条,嗯? - 你真恶心
  [03:11.80]And you lost the bet. pay up. 你赌输了,付钱吧
  [03:15.28]l don't have any money. l'll pay you in sexual favors. 我没有钱,以身抵债吧
  [03:21.04]That's-- That's just great. 这,这好极了
  [03:22.52]Why don't we ask your mom about that? 为什么不问问你妈妈这事呢?
  [03:24.20]Keep it up and your next date will be during a bone-marrow aspiration. 下次再说吧,你的下一项是骨髓吸引术
  [03:30.76]Yeah. l hope so. 是的,我希望也是
  [03:30.88]Just joking. 开玩笑的
  [03:35.36]TAYLOR: l hate you. l really hate you. 我恨你,我真的恨你
  [03:43.12]Hey... 嘿
  [03:44.56]...so the hospital... 医院
  [03:47.76]...it throws this dance for sick kids. 为生病的孩子办了个舞会
  [03:51.84]lt's really dorky. It's done like a regular prom. 那很傻,但跳起来就像正式舞会
  [03:56.00]With a band and tuxes and punch spiked with platelets... 乐队啦,燕尾服啦,加柠檬的鸡尾酒啦
  [03:60.80]...and last year l went stag and it was really dumb. 去年我一个人去了,真没意思
  [04:08.76]But l was thinking... 但是我想...
  [04:10.36]...well. you're a patient and l'm a patient. and maybe we could-- 好吧,我们都是病人,或许我们可以...
  [04:15.80]We could go together. 一起聚一聚
  [04:19.48]- lt's a little low. don't you think? - You look like a banana. - 有点低,你说呢? - 你看起来就像一只香蕉
  [04:22.36]l think it's very nice. Very modest. 我觉得很好,很合身
  [04:26.92]- And it does cover up a lot of cleavage. - Really? Will it cover this? - 还掩饰了大部分瑕疵呢 - 真的么?能遮住这个?
  [04:30.92]Oh. 噢
  [04:32.72]- Kate. - Let's go. - Kate - 走啦
  [04:33.28]You're angry. Doesn't mean you have to take it out on the world. 你再怎么生气也不能对别人发火啊
  [04:36.68]She's a bitch. Did you see her looking at my scarf? 她是个婊子,你有没有看见她看我的围巾的样子?
  [04:37.68]- Maybe she liked the pattern. - Really? - 或许她喜欢这个样式呢? - 真的?
  [04:39.28]- Yeah. - That dress sucked anyway. - 是啊 - 这件太紧了
  [04:42.12]lt was awful. 好可怕
  [04:43.04]You know what? l'm not going. 你知道?我不去了
  [04:45.80]l'm never gonna find a stupid dress anyway. 我再也不会找什么蠢衣服了
  [04:48.20]SARA: Don't you think that every girl going feels the same way? 你不觉得所有女孩都看起来都一样吗?
  [04:50.40]KATE: l don't care about any other girl. 我才不管什么别的女孩
  [04:51.48]l just wanted to look good. really good. for one night. 我只想看起来漂亮,就漂亮一个晚上
  [04:57.56]What? 怎么了?
