听电影学英语-我恨情人节 15(在线收听

  [00:02.44]John, it's a good day for you because you're dating my mom. 约翰,这对你是个好日子 因为你正在和我妈约会
  [00:06.60]A visual, that if I let it burn through my retinas... 一个视野,如果我让它 烧穿我的视网膜…
  [00:08.80]will sear a hole through my skull and my brain will leak onto my neck. 会在头颅上烧一个洞 我的脑浆会流到我的脖子
  [00:12.16]This is why you are happy on this day. 这就是为甚么你在这一天会快乐
  [00:15.76]I have seen this day for what  it is, a hollow sham. 我见过这一天的本质,有名无实
  [00:18.44]I will sell many roses to many fools on this day... 在这一天我会卖出很多玫瑰 给很多傻瓜…
  [00:19.40]who have not seen the light as I have. 他们不想我一样,见过光明
  [00:22.04]Valentine's Day blows! 情人节滚开!
  [00:33.20]Don't get your hopes up today. Some man will just crush 'em. 今天不要期望太高 有些男人会毁掉它的
  [00:40.40]Mine! 是我的!
  [00:44.16]Roses For Fooling Yourself That Romance Exists. 玫瑰是用来自欺欺人 认为爱情是存在的
  [00:47.60]- You want to work in the back today. - May I help you? - ?今天在后面帮忙吧 - 我可以帮你吗?
  [00:47.72]- Okay, who was first? - I was! - 好了,谁是先来的? - 是我!
  [01:01.08]Hey, what's up? 嘿,怎么了?
  [01:01.48]Tim. 提姆
  [01:05.00]Tim... 提姆…
  [01:07.92]I don't know anything about anything anymore. What do I do? 我不再懂任何事了,我该怎么办?
  [01:10.96]How do I know? I'm from the world of "Not tonight, the kid puked on me". 我怎样知道?我是从"今晚不要 孩子在我身上吐了"的世界里来的
  [01:14.00]Yeah, but sometimes... 是的,但是有时…
  [01:17.32]it's nice, right? 它还是很美好的,是吗?
  [01:24.64]This morning, the kids were running around like crazy... 今早,孩子们像疯了一样跑来跑去…
  [01:27.32]Annie's standing in the kitchen making pancakes. 安妮站在厨房做煎饼
  [01:31.16]Hair's all messed up... 头发一团乱…
  [01:33.16]her breath could've knocked a buzzard off a porta potty and... 她的呼吸可以打下一只秃鹫,然后…
  [01:38.36]when she wasn't looking, I reached  out and took the pancake syrup and... 趁她不注意的时候,我伸手 拿了煎饼糖浆,然后…
  [01:42.48]I spelled "Happy V-Day"  out on her plate. 我在她的盘子上写了"情人节快乐"
  [01:48.56]She cried, you know? 她哭了,?知道吗?
  [01:58.76]Do I have it all wrong? 我全都搞错了吗?
  [01:59.56]Is that what love is? 爱就是这样吗?
  [02:06.24]butterflies in my tummy love, you know... 忐忑不安的那种爱,?知道…
  [02:06.92]Well, you know, it's not... 嗯,?知道,它不是…
  [02:11.32]but, you know, even on the bad days, you get there... 但是,你知道,即使在 不顺的日子里,你也会遇到…
  [02:16.92]you see her and the kids... 你看见她和孩子们…
  [02:18.80]and yeah, think... 而且,对,我认为…
  [02:21.12]yeah... 是的…
  [02:24.60]it's good to be home. 很高兴回到家了
  [02:29.64]Anyway, that's what love is to me. 总之,爱对我来说那就是那样
  [02:34.24]Yeah. 是的
  [02:38.16]Yeah. 是的
  [02:41.44]Tell the boys I need to go. 告诉那些男生我要出去
  [02:58.48]Hi, Dad. 嘿,爸爸
  [03:00.56]Genevieve. 珍娜
  [03:03.96]Jeez, it's so good to see you. 天啊,真高兴看见?
  [03:07.08]How are you? ?好吗?
  [03:14.28]Dad... 爸爸…
  [03:16.60]you never should have cheated on Mom. 你不该对妈妈不忠的
  [03:20.08]Well... 这个…
  [03:24.80]I don't see how my relationship with your mother concerns you. 我不看出我和?母亲的关系 对?有何影响
  [03:30.28]Well, guess what? It does. 嗯,猜测怎么了?它就是有影响
  [03:32.20]It messed us all up. 它把我们全都搞乱了
  [03:35.16]It really hurt Mom, and... 它对妈妈真的伤害很深,而且…
  [03:37.84]how was I ever supposed to trust a man after that? 我以后怎能再相信男人?
  [03:41.32]It changed me. 它改变了我
  [03:43.16]It's taken me years to figure this out. 我花了好多年才想明白
  [03:45.20]I thought all I ever did was fall in love... 我以为我做的就是坠入爱河…
  [03:49.36]but really, I made sure I never did. 但事实上,我在确保从不坠入爱河
  [03:55.40]So, yeah it does concern me. 因此,是,它确实影响到我
  [04:00.76]And you were wrong to do it. 你这样做是错的
  [04:07.32]But I love you. 但是我爱你
  [04:09.48]Good-bye. 再见
  [04:29.44]Boy, I can't wait to get home to my old lady. 哎哟,我迫不急待要回家 看我的老女士
  [04:31.04]Did you get her a Valentine's card that says, "Hey, old lady, glad you're alive"? 你有给她一张情人节卡片,说 "嘿,老女士,很高兴?还活着"?
  [04:35.08]I meant my dog. 我是指我的狗
  [04:37.56]She's old and her name is Lady. 牠很老了,牠的名字叫女士
  [04:43.76]Sorry. 抱歉
  [04:46.52]I like old things. 我喜欢旧的东西
  [04:48.36]Lady was eleven when I got her from the pound. 当我从池塘发现牠时,女士已11岁了
  [04:54.96]That antique stool? 看到那把古董高脚椅吗?
  [04:57.44]I found that when I was in Kentucky on the road. 我在去肯塔基的路上发现的
  [05:00.32]It's almost two hundred years old. 将近200年了
