听电影学英语-邪恶新世界 03(在线收听

[00:04.68]- I'm off to Scotland. - Why? - 我要动身去苏格兰 - 为什么?
[00:05.16]Remember what I taught you. 记住我教你们的
[00:07.68]You have to maintain the balance between good and evil. 你们必须保持正义与邪恶的天平平衡
[00:12.44]- Don't worry, boss. - We're pros here. - 放心,老板 - 我们可是专业人士
[00:15.04]- We're your assistants. - Actually, I'm senior assistant. 实际上我才是高级主管
[00:19.28]What? Just 'cause he hired you 300 years before me, that makes you senior? 什么?就因为他早雇你300年 你就想摆架子?
[00:25.96]Does he know he's wearing a skirt? 他知道他穿的是条裙子吗?
[00:31.64]That's better. 这样更好
[00:34.24]Now, guys, no fooling around with the scales. 现在,伙计们,不要乱调天平
[00:37.72]Same for the staff. No turning lead into gold... 也不要乱玩魔杖,别玩点石成金
[00:43.24]no giving yourself huge pectoral muscles, Mambo. 曼波,不要施法变大你的胸肌
[00:47.32]Hey. It was a onetime thing, okay? 嗨,那是过去的事情了,好吗?
[00:48.32]And keep a special eye on Cinderella. 多留意下灰姑娘
[00:58.08]- Just like it always does. - Munk, open the portal. - 就像一直以来的那样 - 蒙克,打开入口
[00:58.28]Everything will go by the book. 一切都会按书中说的发展的
[01:04.12]Yes, Your Wizardry. 是的,巫师
[01:13.40]And remember. 记住
[01:14.36]Keep your eyes on the ball. 紧盯你们的目标
[01:20.12]Fore! 走!
[01:27.28]How do you like that? I'm a prince of portals! A master of magic! 你觉得如何?我是传送门的大师 我掌控巫术
[01:33.08]Big deal. You're the doorman. Door pig. Hippo thingy. 有什么了不起 你是门童,看门狗,大河马
[01:35.24]You know what you are. 你知道你是什么
[01:38.04]Can we get to work, please? 我们可以开始工作吗?
[01:56.52]Ricky, where have you been? 瑞克,你上哪去了?
[01:57.24]You have to wash the dishes for the prince's ball. 你得把王子舞会的碗给洗了
[02:00.52]You went to see Ella again, didn't you? 你又去看瑞拉,对吗?
[02:07.68]What does she see in that loser prince? 她到底看上了王子那个可怜虫哪一点?
[02:08.04]She doesn't even know the guy. I have to deal with him every day of my life. 她甚至都不认识王子 而我每天都得伺候他
[02:12.64]She is a prince dreamer, mon fr鑢e. 王子就是她梦想,小伙子
[02:16.72]- You're gonna get nowhere with her. - Shut up. - 你跟她是没有结果的 - 闭嘴
[02:21.76]I'm not trying to get anywhere. She's a friend. 我没要什么,她只是个朋友
[02:24.36]I know what kind of friend you're talking about. 我知道你说的是哪种朋友
[02:29.52]I need a friend like that, my friend. I tell you, huh? 我也需要这样的朋友 伙计,我告诉你,恩?
[02:31.40]Oui. With friends like that, why do you need enemies? 是的,有这样的朋友,还要敌人干嘛?
[02:36.40]Gentlemen! 先生们
[02:38.08]The prince is furious. He demands his cranberry juice. 王子发怒了,他马上就要酸莓果汁
[02:45.40]- No! - Not the cake! 不,别扔蛋糕
[02:50.60]Vanilla. 香草味的
[02:57.56]Come on, girls. Think prince. 快点,女孩们,想想王子
[02:59.96]- Don't work too hard. - Missed a spot. - 别太勤快了 - 漏了个污点
[03:02.12]See you at the ball. 舞会见
[03:04.12]As if. 有机会的话…
[03:04.40]oH! Ella. 瑞拉
[03:06.80]Remember. Shampoo and condition the cat. 记住,给猫洗澡,保养它的毛发
[03:10.60]And don't forget to swab out its sores. It loves that. 别忘了擦洗它的伤口,它可喜欢这个了
[03:15.64]Oops. Sorry. 噢,抱歉
[03:25.40]Weepy, weepy, cry, cry, cry, sob. 流泪,流泪,哭,哭,哭,啜泣
[03:29.76]And then, fairy godmother to the rescue. 接著,教母仙女来解救她了
[03:33.04]I love this part. 我喜欢这一部分
[03:35.04]"Don't cry, child." 不要哭,孩子
[03:37.72]Don't cry, child. 不要哭,孩子
[03:39.32]I'm your fairy godmother. 我是你的教母仙女
[03:41.32]I have come to grant your wish to be a real boy. 我来这帮你实现愿望,成为真正的男孩
[03:44.20]What? 什么?
[03:46.44]- You're Cinderella, right? - Yeah. - 你是灰姑娘,对吗? - 是的
[03:50.04]Then let's get you ready for the ball. 那我们为你去舞会准备吧
[04:07.44]That's not right. 不是这样
[04:17.96]Nice. 很好
[04:25.20]Yes. 好了
[04:30.60]Here we go. 开始吧
[04:35.68]Sassy! 很性感
[04:37.32]Oops. 噢
[04:42.76]- Yes. - Wow. - 好了 - 哇
[04:45.88]- You look beautiful, Salmonella. - It's Cinderella. - 你看上去很漂亮,莎蒙妮拉(霍乱杆菌) - 我叫灰姑娘

[04:49.60]Cinderella going to the ball-again. 灰姑娘又要去参加舞会了
[04:58.24]Sleeping Beauty, still asleep. 睡美人还在睡
