听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝 09(在线收听

[00:04.92]-Got any family, boss? -What? - 有家人吗,老板? - 什么?
[00:08.52]You been spending all this time with me, I didn't know if you had any. 我看你把所有的时间都花在我的身上了 我不知道你有没有家人
[00:13.72]No. 没有
[00:16.60]Well, I've got a daughter, Katy. 呃,我是有个女儿,叫凯蒂
[00:20.16]That's family. 她就是家人啊
[00:22.16]We're not exactly close. 但是我们并不那么亲近
[00:23.32]How much she weigh? 她多重?
[00:25.28]What? 什么?
[00:28.12]Trouble in my family comes by the pound. 我的家庭问题和体重成正比
[00:32.16]Yeah. 是吗
[00:36.88]Not very big. 不是很重
[00:37.36]Used to be real athletic. Don't know if she kept it up. 曾经很爱运动 不知道现在还有没有坚持
[00:47.68]So, what do you think? 那么,你怎么想?
[00:50.36]I ready for a fight? 我可以参加比赛了么?
[00:59.92]Hey, Sally. 嘿,赛利
[01:01.68]Come here for a minute, will you? 过来一下,好吗?
[01:06.40]Frankie, I need to see you in the back for a minute, okay? 弗兰基,能不能到后面来跟我谈谈?
[01:08.16]-Can I see you a minute? -Sally here's a real good manager. - 我能和你说句话么? - 赛利是个很优秀的经理人
[01:13.32]Has a couple of Golden GIove boys. Looking for a girl, Sally? 他手下还有几个拿过金手套的选手 想要女孩吗,赛利?
[01:17.88]I'm Iooking for a good one. 如果有优秀人选的话
[01:18.48]Well, see, there you go. 看,这不就有了
[01:26.04]Nice working with you, girlie. 很高兴和你合作,小姐
[01:31.12]-What'd you want? -Nothing. It's nothing. - 你有什么事? - 没什么,没什么
[01:34.88]I ain't Iying, I've been watching you work. You got a hell of a Ieft. 我没撒谎,我已经看过你训练了 你的左拳很厉害
[01:38.00]Thank you. 谢谢你
[01:42.24]So you wanna give this a try? See if it's a fit? 那你要不要试试? 看看是不是合适?
[01:47.60]-Yeah, sure. -Good. - 噢,当然 - 好
[01:51.92]Because I think you're ready for a fight. 好,因为我觉得你已经够资格比赛了
[02:05.80]Break. 分开
[02:08.00]What am I doing wrong, Sally? Every time I get inside, she's on me. 我到底做错了什么,赛利? 每次我逼近都被她痛击
[02:11.96]You're doing great. You're wearing her down. Keep punching. 你做得很好 你就快把她拖垮了,继续出拳
[02:14.44]-I ain't doing great, I'm Iosing. -You're wearing her down. - 我不好,我要输了 - 你就快把她拖垮了
[02:19.32]You okay, honey? Can you see okay? 没事吧,亲爱的?看得清吗?
[02:23.64]-Come on. -Do it. - 加油 - 加油
[02:25.72]Come on, Iet's do this! 加油,加油!
[02:32.44]That's it! 没错!
[02:41.20]Nice night, eh? 今晚真不错,不是吗?
[02:42.40]Jesus Christ. 老天
[02:44.88]That's Lonnie Washington's girl. 那姑娘是罗尼 华盛顿的拳手
[02:47.84]Hell of a fighter. 非常优秀的拳手
[02:48.88]1 1 -0. 11场全胜
[02:51.84]Your Ieft. Keep your Ieft up. 左拳,左拳举起来
[02:57.80]Lonnie's got a Iot of good fighters. 罗尼旗下有很多优秀拳手
[03:00.88]He's got Joey Adagio, Iightweight champ? 轻量级冠军乔伊 阿达乔也在他旗下
[03:02.08]Yeah. 对
[03:06.56]Your Ieft, damn it. 你的左拳,该死
[03:08.52]Wouldn't have been my choice for her first fight, but Sally's a good manager. 要是我肯定不会选她做第一个对手 不过赛利是个好经理人
[03:12.84]-He must think she can take her. -Jesus H. - 他一定认为她能打败她 - 天哪
[03:15.48]Your Ieft. Keep your Ieft up. 左拳,左拳举起来
[03:18.76]You think she can hear you from back here? 你认为这么远的地方她能听见?
[03:28.92]Of course, if Maggie Ioses, it wouldn't mean anything to Sally. 当然,就算麦琪输了 对赛利也算不了什么
[03:32.68]Might even help him. 也许还对他有帮助
[03:35.36]Lonnie's girl gets another win... 让罗尼的女选手再胜一场...
[03:37.64]...Lonnie might Iet Sally's Iightweight fight Joey Adagio for the title. ...罗尼也许会让赛利的轻量级拳手 去挑战乔伊 阿达乔的冠军
[03:41.96]Sally's trying to set a fight with Adagio? 赛利想要安排一场和阿达乔的比赛?
[03:43.00]Hey, what do I know? 嘿,我知道什么?
[03:46.40]I just come because I enjoy the fights. 我只是来欣赏比赛
[03:49.00]Mother of God. 上帝
[03:53.76]Okay, break. 好了,分开
[03:54.44]Hey. Come here, come here. 嘿,过来,过来
[03:55.56]Hey. Get over here. 嘿,过来
[03:58.84]You're dropping your Ieft hand. Quit dropping your Ieft hand. 你老是放低左拳 别再放低左拳了
[04:01.84]Hey, Frankie, you mind if I talk to my fighter? 嘿,弗兰基 你能不能让我跟我的拳手谈谈?
[04:04.48]You're doing a hell of a job. Is this the way you advise your Iightweight? 你干得还真不赖啊 你也是这样指导你的轻量级选手的?
[04:08.08]Dunn. 我是邓
[04:09.16]-What are you doing? -I'm talking. What are you doing? - 你在干什么? - 我在说话,你在干什么?
[04:13.84]-Is this your fighter? -It's my fighter. - 这是你的拳手么? - 是我的拳手
[04:14.76]It ain't fitting real well, Sally. 真的不是那么合适,赛利
[04:18.40]Fine, you take her. She can't fight worth a shit anyway. 好吧,你来带她 反正她也屁都不会打
[04:22.60]-Somebody tell me what's going on. -I was Iate. Sally was just subbing for me. - 谁告诉我到底怎么回事 - 我迟到了,赛利刚才只是替我
[04:25.88]You telling me this is your fighter? 你说她是你的拳手?
[04:29.44]Yeah, this is my fighter. 对,是我的拳手
[04:33.56]Then you got 1 0 seconds. 那么你有10秒的时间
[04:35.44]I keep holding my Ieft up, then I throw a punch and it keeps dropping. 我把左手举起来了 可当我出拳的时候,就总是会放下去
[04:39.88]She thinks she knows you. 她认为她摸透你了
[04:39.92]-Well, Iet it drop. -That'd be a Iot easier. - 那就放下去好了 - 那就简单多了
[04:42.20]Every time you drop it, she comes right over the top. 你左手每次放下 她就从上面打过来
[04:46.04]So you just wait for her, see? That's all she's thinking about. 那你就等着她,明白吗? 她脑子里就这么多东西
[04:47.64]-When she cocks that right hand-- You hear? -I hear you, boss. - 她收回右拳准备出击的时--你听见了吗? - 我听着呢,老板
[04:51.32]When she does, step to the side and come with a good-night hook. 如果她那么做,你就向旁边躲一步 然后给她一记再见勾拳
[04:55.00]-Got one? -Got it right here. - 能行吗? - 看我的吧
[04:55.40]-Okay. -Fight, or I'm calling it. - 好 - 开始吧,我等着呢
[05:00.76]-Go give it to her. -The body knows what fighters don 't. - 去教训她吧 - 拳手的身体了解拳手自己所不了解的东西
