AP 2011-06-15(在线收听

1. The first public photos of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords have come out since she was seriously wounded in last January's mass shooting in Arizona. Pictures were posted on Giffords' Facebook page and show her smiling with shorter, darker hair but few obvious signs of the severe head injury she suffered when she was shot.


2. Kenyans and Somalis are celebrating the death of an al-Qaeda mastermind who planned East Africa's worst terror attack in recent history - 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed was killed this past week by Somali troops after eluding capture for 13 years.


3. The huge wildfire in eastern Arizona has grown to nearly 700 square miles, but fire officials say they are getting closer to controlling the blaze. Authorities have lifted evacuation orders for residents of two towns, Springerville and Eagar, but they want residents to stay away until the air quality improves.


4. Filipino, who has just turned 18, has been declared the world's smallest man by Guinness World Records. He measures 23 and a half inches tall, that's less than two feet tall. He's about three inches shorter than the previous record holder.
