听电影学英语-八月迷情 14(在线收听

  [00:13.50](纽约爱乐乐团) (传奇与新人 公园音乐会)
  [00:17.50](奥古斯特·拉什) (奥古斯特C大调狂想曲) (诺瓦切克……)
  [01:03.90]Bravo, August! 太棒了,奥古斯特!
  [01:08.18]Good one! 漂亮!
  [01:12.78]August, boy, you're a hard guy to find. 奥古斯特,我的孩子 找你可真难啊
  [01:20.94]Been looking everywhere for you. 到处都找遍了
  [01:21.62]Excuse me. You're interrupting a rehearsal here. 对不起 我们正在排练
  [01:24.02]- Yeah, rehearsal, right. - And you are? - 我看出来了 - 那你是…
  [01:28.98]Come here to me, son. 到我这儿来,儿子
  [01:45.18]What'd they do to you? 他们对你怎么了?
  [01:47.06]Nothing. 没怎么
  [01:51.06]These people can steal your soul. 这些人会偷走你的灵魂
  [01:53.42]Sir, whomever you are, you don't have the right. 先生,不管你是谁 你都没有权利…
  [01:57.02]I'm his father, all right? I have every right. 我是他爸,怎么的 我有一切权利
  [02:04.18]I'll take you home now. Come on. 走,跟我回家
  [02:05.66]But I have a concert. I like it here. 可是我还要举行音乐会 我喜欢这儿
  [02:09.74]- He's a remarkable boy... - You don't think I know that? - 他是个非凡的孩子… - 还用你说吗
  [02:11.54]What'd you do, you just snatched him up off the street? That gives you the right? 你算老几,你只是从街上把他捡来 哪儿就轮得到你说话了?
  [02:17.02]Wait a moment, we've been teaching him here. 请不要误会 我们一直在这里教他
  [02:20.38]Fill his head with classical theory and rules? 把那些所谓经典理论和腐旧陈规灌输给他?
  [02:20.78]What are you gonna do? 你们想干嘛?
  [02:23.86]You can't learn music from books. 音乐可不是从书本上学来的
  [02:27.42]It's out there. 它在书本之外
  [02:30.30]You teach him? 你教他?
  [02:32.50]He teaches you. 我看是他教你还差不多
  [02:36.06]You learn from him. 你在跟他学
  [02:37.66]We are. I assure you, Mr. Rush, every day. 没错,您说的很对,拉什先生 我们每天都有所收获
  [02:40.22]You should be with family. Come on. 你该回家了,来啊
  [02:45.90]Mr. Rush, please. 请不要这样,拉什先生
  [02:46.98]Do you have any idea of the importance of the concert tomorrow night, for August? 您知不知道明天晚上的音乐会 对奥古斯特来说有多重要?
  [02:54.46]August. Wait, listen. 奥古斯特,等等,听我说
  [02:56.46]You gotta tell me right now, is this man really your father? 你必须先回答我 这个人真的是你父亲吗?
  [03:01.82]You can tell me the truth. 你跟我讲实话
  [03:04.82]I know your real name. 我知道你的真名
  [03:09.46]Evan. 埃文
  [03:11.46]August. 奥古斯特
  [03:13.74]Evan. 埃文
  [03:17.06]Is he your father? 他是你的父亲吗?
  [03:24.42]He taught me everything I know. 我所知道的一切都是他教的
  [03:38.58]And we are back, we are back. 总算又回来啦
  [03:42.58]Don't make it harder for yourself, Aug. 别跟自己过不去,小奥
  [03:46.58]Wizard's not so bad. 奇才人还不错
  [03:48.62]You saw the kid, right? He's a freak of nature. Yeah. 你看到那孩子了吧 他就是个天才
  [03:53.02]Here's the deal. Thousand a night, two weeks minimum, three cities guaranteed. 我的条件很简单 一晚上一千,最少两周,确保巡回三个城市
  [03:56.62]Then we ship him out to your partner on the West Coast. No. 然后让他到西海岸去做你的搭档 不
  [03:57.58]He just ain't feeling well. 没了你他每天都不自在
  [04:03.06]He said you the only one who gonna make him feel better. 他说只有你才能让他好起来
  [04:11.70]Competition. All right, I'll be back. You do what you do. 抢生意的来了,唉,一会儿见 你也该开工了
  [04:17.94]Yo, yo. 喂,喂
  [04:28.02]I'm his representation. That's why I'm making the deal. 我是他的经纪人 所以由我来跟你谈
  [04:30.02]Come on. No, there's no parents. 得了,你放心 他没爹没娘
