豆知识 2009-10-18&10-24 如何识破说谎者(在线收听

 Hi, I’m Donna Barnes, Life and Relationship coach here in New York City and the author of “It’s All About You”.

In this clip, we’ll talk about telltale signs of a liar. And I think if you really watch the person and you know them well, you’ll know for sure when they are lying. I think liars typically don’t, they either don’t make eye contact, or they make ridiculous eye contact that they don’t normally make, ‘cause they’re trying to make you think that they’re not lying. 
I think if they squirm around, and they’re uncomfortable while they’re speaking that means they’re probably not being truthful. If they repeat themselves, that’s a sign that maybe they’re not being truthful. And it’s kind of like he who protests too much. If he’s really pushing the he or she, I don’t mean to imply that it’s only men who would lie, if that person is pushing their agenda really hard, then, it might make you wonder “Gee, why is this something they need me to believe so much?” 
So, I think that if you know somebody well and you watch their behavior, usually there’s what is called micro expressions and there’s little, tiny expressions that they’ll make in their face when they say a lie that if you know them well and you really watch for it, you’ll see and you’ll know that they’re probably not telling the truth. 
I think um, you know if they touch themselves and they are kind of uncomfortable while they’re talking, that’s a sign that maybe they are not telling the truth. And again, you know, if they repeat themselves too much or they’re really not open to interruption, like if you interrupt them, and it’s like they’re recanting a story rather than just talking, it’s probably something that they work up in their head, and that they are trying to, you know, lay it out like their excuse. Then, you know, they should be flexible with how they’re talking about if it was an actual true thing that happened. Your questions shouldn’t bother them. They shouldn’t get annoyed by them.
So I hope that helps, and I hope that everyone’s always honest to you.
This is Donna Barnes from New York City.