英语听力:听电影学英语-贱女孩 14(在线收听

  [00:05.94]And it wasn't going away. 不可避免了
  [00:14.46]Hey, I pulled these two off each other. 嘿,我把这两个分开了
  [00:17.46]Coach Carr, step away from the underage girls. 卡尔教练,别靠近未成年女孩
  [00:25.02]Let me help you down there. 让我帮你下来
  [00:27.34]Hell, no! I did not leave the South Side for this! 该死,不!我不会让这样下去的!
  [00:32.06]Oh, crap! My hair! 噢,讨厌!我的头发!
  [00:34.90]All junior girls report to the gymnasium, immediately! 所有低年级女生立即到体育馆报到!立刻!
  [00:46.26]Have you ever walked up to people and realized 你曾经向满是议论你的...
  [00:47.26]they were just talking about you? 人群走过去的经历吗?
  [00:51.94]Have you ever had it happen 60 times in a row? 你有连续60次走过吗?
  [00:54.62]I have. 我有
  [01:16.06]Never in my 14 years as an educator have I seen such behavior, 在我14年的教学生涯中 从来没遇到过这种行为
  [01:21.06]and from young ladies. 而且还都是女孩
  [01:24.74]I got parents calling me on the phone asking, "Did someone get shot?" 我接到你们父母的电话,“有没有人受伤?”
  [01:26.78]I ought to cancel your Spring Fling. 我应该取消你们的春季狂欢会
  [01:30.10]- No! - No! 不!
  [01:33.10]Now, I'm not gonna do that, because we've already paid the DJ, 现在,我不会那样做 我们已经给主持人付了钱
  [01:36.78]but don't think that I'm not taking this book seriously. 但不要以为我对这本册子不重视
  [01:39.14]Coach Carr has fled school property. 卡尔教练已经逃离了学校
  [01:44.34]Ms. Norbury has been accused of selling drugs. 诺布利小姐已被指控贩毒
  [01:47.50]Now, what the young ladies in this grade need 现在,你们这年级的女孩所需要的
  [01:48.50]is an attitude makeover. 是态度的转变
  [01:52.54]And you're gonna get it right now. 你们不久就会实现这种转变
  [01:53.70]I don't care how long it takes. I will keep you here all night. 不管需要多少时间,我要你们今晚都呆在这
  [02:00.38]We can't keep them past 4:00. 我们不能留过四点
  [02:01.22]I will keep you here until 4:00. 我要把你们留到四点
  [02:05.74]Now, what we're gonna try to do is fix the way you young ladies 现在,我要做的就是
  [02:07.10]relate to each other. 改变你们彼此间的关系
  [02:07.78]Okay. Lady to lady. 好吗?女孩和女孩之间的关系
  [02:12.78]So who has a lady problem that they'd like to talk about? 有关女孩的问题,谁来讨论一下?
  [02:19.30]Yes? 请讲?
  [02:19.46]Somebody wrote in that book that I'm lying about being a virgin 书里写到,我说自己是处女是在撒谎
  [02:23.98]because I use super-jumbo tampons. 因为我用超大号的卫生棉条
  [02:25.18]But I can't help it if I've got a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina. 因为我的阴道太大 当我量大的时候只能那样
  [02:32.50]Yeah, I can't do this. 是的,我无能为力
  [02:35.38]You're a successful, intelligent, caring, graceful woman. 你是位成功的、睿智的、有同情心的女士
  [02:39.38]I am? 我?
  [02:41.54]There has to be something that you can say to these young ladies, 你肯定有些话想对这些年轻的女孩说
  [02:42.58]something to help them with their self-esteem. 帮助她们改掉自大的毛病
  [02:45.42]It's not a self-esteem problem. 这不是自大的问题
  [02:47.74]I think they're all pretty pleased with themselves. 我想她们对自己都很满意
  [02:52.26]Okay. 好
  [02:53.78]Okay. Everybody, close your eyes. 好,请所有人把眼睛闭上
  [02:58.46]All right. I want you to raise your hand if you have ever had a girl 认为被人背后说过坏话的
  [03:02.30]say something bad about you behind your back. 请举手
  [03:07.82]Open your eyes. 睁开眼睛
  [03:10.86]Now, close your eyes again. 下面,再闭上眼睛
  [03:14.34]And this time, I want you to raise your hand if you have ever 这次,在背后议论朋友的人
  [03:17.02]said anything about a friend behind her back. 请举手
  [03:26.06]Open them. 睁开眼睛
  [03:29.74]There's been some girl-on-girl crime here. 这里有些女孩和女孩之间的矛盾
  [03:34.10]Okay, so what we could do today is a couple exercises to help you 好,所以,今天我们来作些练习
  [03:37.10]express your anger in a healthy way. 帮助你们用健康的方法表达愤怒
  [03:41.98]Let's start over here. 我们从这里开始
  [03:43.82]Ms. Norbury had us confront each other directly 诺布利小姐让我们彼此直接面对
  [03:45.66]about the things that were bothering us, 这些困扰我们的事情
  [03:46.82]and it seemed like every clique had its own problems. 似乎每个小圈子都有自己的问题
  [03:49.34]You've been acting really stuck-up ever since you switched to shortfielder, 自从你成了一垒手就趾高气昂
  [03:52.34]and Dawn agrees with me. 道恩也同意我的意见
  [03:55.18]- Dawn? - Don't drag me into this. - 道恩? - 不要把我扯进去
  [03:56.02]I'm pitching tomorrow. 明天我还要投球
  [03:57.54]Why are you scamming on my boyfriend? 为什么你要骗走我的男朋友?
  [03:59.02]You're just jealous because guys like me better. 是你嫉妒男生更喜欢我一些
  [04:03.06]Nigga, please. 尼加,拜托
  [04:05.74]Okay. Good. 好,很好
  [04:08.74]Can I just say that we don't have a clique problem at this school? 我可以说在这所学校里 我们没有任何圈子问题吗?
  [04:12.26]And some of us shouldn't have to take this workshop, 我们之中,有些人根本不必作这个练习
  [04:15.10]because some of us are just victims in this situation. 因为我们只是受害者
  [04:17.46]How many of you have ever felt 认为你们曾被莉贾娜·乔治欺负过?
  [04:17.94]That's probably true. 这可能是事实,有多少人
  [04:18.62]personally victimized by Regina George?
  [04:34.34]Good. Okay, who's next? 很好,好了,谁是下一个?
  [04:35.86]Who's next? 谁是下一个?
  [04:39.18]Cady. 凯蒂
  [04:42.22]Do you have anything you wanna own up to? 你有没有什么想坦白的?
  [04:42.54]Yes. 有...不
  [04:44.06]No. 你从未散播过别人的谣言?
  [04:46.38]You never made up a rumor about anybody?
  [04:48.74]No. 没有
  [04:48.90]Just that you sell drugs. 就像说你贩毒的事
  [04:52.06]Nothing you want to apologize for? 没有你想道歉的?
  [04:53.94]I couldn't apologize to Ms. Norbury 我不能向诺布利女士道歉
  [04:56.58]without getting blamed for the whole Burn Book. 要是整本《红唇烈焰之书》没有我的责任
  [04:57.26]No. 不
