英语听力:听电影学英语-美味情缘 10(在线收听

  [00:04.92]Everything Italian, actually. 其实是意大利的一切
  [00:06.04]So, what happened to Sophia? 后来苏菲亚怎么了?
  [00:07.64]Her father found out what we were up to and he fired me. 她爸发现我们的事就开除我
  [00:21.16]So how come you're not running your own kitchen by now? 你怎么还没管理自己的厨房?
  [00:25.12]I don't know. 不知道
  [00:30.32]I guess the right offer hasn't come my way. 我猜我还没找到好的机会
  [00:36.68]So, what would you do if you had your wish? 你的愿望是在哪里当厨师?
  [00:39.24]I got my wish. 我的愿望实现了
  [00:48.60]I made it this morning. 这是我一大早做的
  [00:50.88]- I'm not a dessert person. - You haven't tried my tiramisu. - 我不爱吃甜点 - 你没试过我做的提拉米苏
  [01:03.64]Well, maybe I am a dessert person. 我猜我也是个爱甜点的人
  [01:18.28]You know, in Italian, "tiramisu" means "food of the gods. " 提拉米苏的意思是神的食物
  [01:25.32]No, it doesn't. 才不是呢
  [01:28.08]Well, it should. 应该是才对
  [01:34.84]You have a little... Some cream, right there. 你嘴角沾到一点鲜奶油
  [01:46.68]I should go. 我该走了
  [02:01.20]You're leaning on my scarf. 你压到我的围巾
  [02:03.20]Oh, right. Yeah. 是哦,对不起
  [02:06.52]Sorry. 对不起
  [02:25.48]Good night. 晚安
  [02:30.64]<i>He's so unpredictable.</i> 他太…令人捉摸不定了
  [02:33.52]- In what way? - In every way. - 哪方面? - 任何方面都是
  [02:37.24]He never does the right thing at the right time. He's... 他从来都不按牌理出牌
  [02:39.60]Kate. Life is unpredictable. 人生本来就没有规矩
  [02:43.20]Not in my kitchen. 我的厨房就有
  [02:46.16]I'm sure you'll be able to prevent the worst. 你一定能避免最糟的情况
  [02:48.36]The worst? 最糟的情况?
  [02:52.04]That he'll tolerate you for any length of time. 他能继续容忍你的龟毛
  [02:54.92]What is this? Some new kind of therapy? Insult the client? 侮辱病人算是最新的疗法吗?
  [02:57.92]Only the finest therapists use it. 最顶尖的心理医生才会用
  [03:05.08]So I'll see you after school, okay? Have a good day. 放学后见,玩得开心
  [03:09.12]Hello, Kate. 你好,凯特
  [03:12.12]- We're on time. - Do you have a minute? - 我们没有迟到 - 你有空吗?
  [03:15.92]Sure. 有
  [03:18.92]<i>I've been speaking to Zoe's teacher.</i> 我跟柔儿的老师谈过
  [03:22.16]She's been sleeping in class a lot. 她经常在课堂上打瞌睡
  [03:23.80]And do you know what her explanation for this is? 你知道她的理由是什么吗?
  [03:26.28]- No. - She says it's her late work hours. - 不知道 - 她说她必须值夜班
  [03:30.76]She tells her classmates she's working as a kitchen assistant... 她说她在你的餐馆当助手
  [03:32.24]...in your restaurant to earn her room and board. 为了赚住宿费和餐费
  [03:38.04]- I see. - Lf I actually believed... - 原来如此 - 如果她是真的
  [03:38.68]...that Zoe was working late hours at a restaurant... 每天在餐馆打工到深夜
  [03:43.48]...I'd need to contact Child Protective Services. 我就得通知儿福联盟
  [03:46.04]It's better for everyone when children are well cared for by their relatives. 小孩由亲人照顾对大家都好
  [03:46.24]- That won't be necessary. - I know that. - 没有这个必要 - 我知道
  [03:52.84]I'd hate to see Zoe end up in foster care after all she's been through. 我不想看到她被送到寄养家庭
  [03:55.48]But I'm confident that you will address this... 我相信你能解决问题
  [03:59.88]...and there will be no need to go that far. 我也不必通知相关单位
  [04:00.36]I'll be checking in on Zoe, and we'll talk again soon. 我会注意柔儿,然后再跟你谈
  [04:10.40]And then Mr. Daniels' cell phone rings... 丹尼尔老师的手机响起…
  [04:14.12]...and he answers it and talks through the whole class. It was so funny. 然后整节课都在讲电话,超好笑的
  [04:23.64]Zoe, we need to talk about something. 柔儿,我们得谈谈
  [04:30.52]You can't come to work with me anymore. 你不能再跟我去餐馆了
  [04:33.24]Why not? 为什么?
  [04:34.92]Because I'm afraid they're gonna take you away from me. 我怕他们会把你带走
  [04:39.48]- But I like going to the restaurant. - I know. - 可是我喜欢去餐馆 - 我知道
  [04:40.08]I know you do, but it's just not right for a little girl to be up so late, you know. 可是小女孩不能待到那么晚
  [04:46.60]- You don't want me there. - No, that's not true. - 你不要我去那里 - 并不是这样
  [04:51.72]No, you just need to get a good night's rest. 你每晚应该要好好睡觉
  [04:54.00]You hear me? 听到了吗?
  [04:56.76]You don't want to end up being taken away. 别让他们把你带走
  [04:59.68]Who cares? You didn't want me anyway. 谁在乎啊?你一开始就不想要我
