英语听力:听电影学英语-平民天后 07(在线收听

  [00:01.26]me and you aren't friends. 这就是原因之一
  [00:05.30]I never have any idea what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说什么
  [00:08.34]Some dudes get the approach. 有些家伙很有办法.
  [00:09.02]That Italian dude. He's big-time approach. 那个意大利老兄确实很有些手腕
  [00:10.22]Others, the sting. 有些人只有勇气
  [00:14.22]I actually feel my brain turning into goo. 我感觉我脑袋里乱糟糟的
  [00:15.82]Embrace the sting. 多点勇气吧
  [00:18.82]That's what you're vibin' from Lizzie. 这样你才不会失去丽兹
  [00:18.90]Wait a minute. 等一下
  [00:21.78]Now, you actually think that I'm jealous of Paolo? 你认为我忌妒保罗?
  [00:26.38]Word. 是的
  [00:28.26]Oh, no. 哦,不
  [00:28.54]No, see, that would mean 不,如果这样
  [00:30.14]that I like Lizzie as more than a friend. 就说明我对丽兹的感情 不仅仅是朋友间的.
  [00:34.02]You and I have trouble communicating? 你我沟通有问题吗?
  [00:34.38]You're wrong, man. 你错了,伙计
  [00:39.38]Whoa! 哇!
  [00:40.98]This girl looks freakishly like my sister! 这女孩长得真像我姐姐,真奇怪!
  [00:45.66]-Ow. -Zoom! Zoom! -噢 -放大! 放大!
  [00:49.42]Another freakish coincidence. 又一个奇怪的巧合
  [00:51.58]I mean, she has the same necklace as my sister's. 她的项链和我姐姐的一模一样
  [00:52.50]Huh. 哈
  [00:54.58]Why do we even pretend you're in charge? 你连假装做主的资格都没有
  [00:59.86]Let's see what this says. 看看上面说了什么
  [01:02.70]"Isabella goes blond. "伊莎贝拉染了金发
  [01:04.14]Ow. 哈
  [01:05.30]Italian pop duo Paolo and Isabella 意大利流行双人组合 保罗和伊莎贝拉
  [01:08.62]wowed the crowd outside a shop near the Trevi Fountain, 在“许愿泉”附近的一个店铺, 受到人们的热烈追捧
  [01:12.06]showing off Isabella's new blond hair." 伊莎贝拉展示了她刚染的金发"
  [01:12.14]They must think that Lizzie is this famous singer! 她们一定认为丽兹 就是那个歌手!
  [01:15.62]And if I show this to my mom, Lizzie will be so busted! 如果我把这个给妈妈看, 丽兹 就死定了!
  [01:22.14]If you show this to your mom, it's worth nothing. 如果我把这个给你妈妈看 一个子儿也得不到
  [01:24.02]But if you show this to the Italian tabloids, 如果卖给意大利小报
  [01:29.06]we will be rolling in cash, my friend. 你就发达了,伙计
  [01:32.06]Interesting! 很有意思!
  [01:39.62]"We"? "我们"?
  [01:39.78]Not up to toughing it out on the streets with us? 还没恢复到可以和我们一起上街游览?
  [01:45.10]I could try, Miss Ungermeyer. 我可以试试,恩格梅尔小姐.
  [01:46.06]No, I just hate seeing you being denied 不,我只是不想见到你错过
  [01:49.26]the cultural experience of being in a foreign country. 感受外国文化的机会
  [01:52.54]of historical significance yesterday. 非常又历史意义的景点了
  [01:52.82]You missed seven points 你昨天已经错过7个
  [01:55.22]I know. It's really killing me too, Miss Ungermeyer. 我知道,我也觉得很难过,恩格梅尔小姐.
  [02:00.38]Which is why I thought I'd bring you something 所以我觉得,我该给你带些东西
  [02:01.06]to help ease the pain, hmm? 帮助你缓解你的病痛
  [02:02.54]Mmh, well, that's really thoughtful of you. 你真周到
  [02:06.06]Seeing as how your teeny-tiny little body 既然你瘦弱的身体
  [02:10.50]doesn't have the strength, 没有力气
  [02:10.62]we're gonna have to let your mind do the wandering. 让你的思想自由翱翔吧
  [02:15.26]"The Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire," hmm? “罗马帝国盛衰史”?
  [02:15.38]Ah! 啊!
  [02:20.34]I'd like one report on the rise and one on the decline. 我要关于兴盛和衰落的报告各一份
  [02:20.62]Ouch! 哎呀!
  [02:21.86]If I didn't have a headache a minute ago, I do now. 如果我刚才还不头痛,现在就痛了
  [02:29.10]You don't have a problem with that, do you? 没有问题,是吗?
  [02:30.10]Um, no. 嗯,没有
  [02:31.58]What else do I have to do? 我还要做什么?
  [02:35.14]∮ Why not ∮ ∮为何不∮
  [02:37.66]∮ Take a crazy chance? ∮ ∮冒险一试?∮
  [02:39.02]∮ Why not ∮ ∮为何不∮
  [02:42.10]∮ Do a crazy dance? ∮ ∮尽情舞蹈?∮
  [02:44.62]∮ If you lose the moment ∮ ∮如果错失这一刻∮
  [02:46.50]∮ You might lose a lot ∮ ∮很可能错失更多∮
  [02:47.70]∮ So why not? ∮ ∮那为何不呢?∮
  [02:48.98]∮ Why not? ∮ ∮为何不呢?∮
  [02:51.14]∮ Why not take a crazy chance? ∮ ∮为何不冒险一试?∮
  [03:04.22]I am so grateful for your help. 我很感觉你的帮助
  [03:05.58]You're doing a very kind thing for Isabella. 你为伊莎贝拉做了一件大好事
  [03:06.70]Uh, Paolo, where are we? 保罗, 我们在哪儿?
  [03:09.78]Via Condotti. One of the most expensive 康多提大道
  [03:13.26]shopping districts in the world. 世界上最昂贵的购物区
  [03:15.02]We must find you the perfect outfit. 我们要给你弄身完美的装束
  [03:19.10]Ah! 啊!
  [03:20.10]Oh, hey, Isabella, Paolo! 嘿 伊莎贝拉, 保罗!
  [03:21.58]Ciao! 再见!
  [03:21.86]Your hair is so blond and, uh, innocent. 你的头发颜色很纯正,看上去很天真
  [03:26.38]-Who did it? -Um... -谁帮你做的头发? -嗯...
  [03:27.18]The island we were on was really, really sunny, 我们去的那个小岛阳光明媚
  [03:29.54]so it was j-just the sun. 是太阳的作用
  [03:30.74]We must get sun, too, no? 我们也该晒晒太阳,是吗?
  [03:33.62]Ciao, bella! 再见, 贝拉!
  [03:35.30]They are so tall! 他们那么高!
  [03:36.10]Ciao, Ciao, Ciao. 再见,再见
  [03:38.70]-They all want to be you. -They want to be Isabella. -他们都想变成你 -他们想变成伊莎贝拉.
  [03:41.86]Sit and I'll get Franca. I will just be a moment. 坐好,我去找弗兰卡 一会儿就回来
  [03:46.74]I'll just be sitting here in heaven. 我坐在这里像天堂
  [03:46.86]Whoa! Take your time. 哇! 不着急
  [03:50.42]Hard as it is to imagine, 真难以想象
  [03:53.30]as we look at the ruins of the Forum, 我们在看着古罗马中心广场
  [03:53.38]that this was once the center of commerce, 这里曾经是古罗马的
  [03:57.10]religion, and politics in ancient Rome. 商业,宗教和政治中心
  [03:59.86]All right, now, the Forum came into being 古罗马中心广场
  [04:03.46]in the sixth century B.C., 是公元前6世纪落成的
  [04:03.54]and with it, a new urban culture was born. 随着它的出现,一个新的城市文化产生了
  [04:09.02]Yeah, Craft? 怎么了, 克拉弗特?
  [04:09.18]Uh, um, di-- 嗯,呃--
  [04:12.70]Is it time for the spaghetti? 是不是到吃意大利面条的时候了?
  [04:13.90]It's 9:00 in the morning. 现在是早上9点
  [04:14.86]So? You never had leftover spaghetti for breakfast? 那又怎么样?你没有早餐吃过 剩下的面条?
  [04:17.62]I don't eat carbs. 我不吃面食
  [04:19.66]You never had a spaghetti sandwich, either? 你也没吃过面条三明治??
  [04:20.54]This cultural experience is, like, so wasted on you. 这种文化体验对你真是浪费
  [04:27.30]Excuse me, where did you buy that Prada bag? 对不起,你这普拉达包是哪里买的?
  [04:31.46]Craft! Sanders! Separate. 克拉弗特! 桑德斯! 你俩分开
  [04:33.34]We did, Miss Ungermeyer. And thank God. 已经分开了,恩格梅尔. 感谢上帝
  [04:36.26]Why don't you people, uh, do something at your, uh, 你们现在为什么不去做一些
  [04:38.90]Take a 10-minute shopping break while I choke down an espresso. 给你们10分钟的购物时间, 我去喝杯咖啡
  [04:39.94]skill level here? 你们擅长的事情?
  [04:45.50]This dude definitely spent too much time on his biceps 这家伙花大力气锻炼他的二头肌
  [04:49.18]and not enough on his abs. Totally old school. 腹肌却锻炼不够, 这是老派的作风
  [04:57.22]Wha-- 哇--
  [04:57.78]Nice spy, bro. 眼光不错,兄弟
  [05:00.78]Yeah, watch and learn. 好好学着
