CNN 2011-09-18(在线收听

 A timeless dessert thing into a  pickup arrives, the common quiet of the Syrer is been disturbed by the arrival of force heading to loyalist, the stronghold of further south.  But this is fighting force in the making they are learning literally as go along.  In the early morning cool,  Ahmed formly Gahdafy's army is giving a lesson how to use a rocket propel grey launcher. Everyone gets chance to shoulder it, get to use and fill it. It's only a matter of days as the most before going battal.  Ahmed concedes  the detour order  did crimb months of treaty into few hours during Gerny to the front. Of course he says but over the next day or two, we try to teach.

What are following more lessons? in the arc of  shing gun, how to load it, how to fire it.
then they are craft gun. Now everyone is new of this. 61 year-old fomer soldier, Maha Mivy
can chant share with best. The plan is to try to negotiate with a peaceful surrender in the large seven city, Siha. all indications so far however point to the bitter fight for South. It could be Gahafi's last stand commader Ahmad snowing. Their biggest concentration is in south that tells me we have even  information they want to set up an independant entity to be ruled by all the figures of  the overgime. It's not all of that  fighting however. The large group of doctors and  nurses also come along with trucks and ambulances full of medicine. They are not just usual material for better wounds they are humanitarian insight dismention.  But Buker was a car dealer in Tripoli before the revolution. He says he maybe need more money selling cars then practising medicine. 
One top of commission is to keep all the people with us  in front line safe. The other problem is, such as inclusive one month. I think all the such are near zero.
But it's sensal it's water. If thousands of bottles in this heat, dihydration can be deadly in Buly. By mean day the force finally starts to move. Now the final moves now. But it still needs a long way to go. More than 300 kilometers to the front lines Saho. 
It will be a long hot and difficult journey.