英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 13(在线收听

  [00:02.90]My dear, no matter what your size, you'll always be... 亲爱的,不管体型怎样 你永远都...
  [00:06.62]...nothing but a filthy, carbon-based life form! ...只是一个肮脏的 基于碳化合物的生命体!
  [00:08.74]Hail Gallaxhar! 万岁,银河煞星!
  [00:10.90]Hail Gallaxhar. 万岁,银河煞星
  [00:18.18]These disguises are the bomb! 这些伪装真有用!
  [00:21.74]That's it! Follow me. 没错!跟我来
  [00:23.54]- The only way to save the Earth... - Hail Gallaxhar! - 拯救地球的唯一办法是... - 万岁,银河煞星!
  [00:26.34]- Hail Gallaxhar! - Hail Gallaxhar. - 万岁,银河煞星! - 万岁,银河煞星
  [00:26.62]Hail Gallaxhar. The only way... 万岁,银河煞星,拯救地球...
  [00:30.30]...to save the Earth is to blow up this ship... ...的唯一方法,就是在入侵之前...
  [00:31.98]- Hail Gallaxhar! - Hail Gallaxhar. - 万岁,银河煞星! - 万岁,银河煞星
  [00:34.78]...before the invasion starts. - How are we gonna do this? - ...炸毁这艘飞船 - 我们要怎样做?
  [00:38.18]We need to find the main power core. 我们要找到主能源核心
  [00:40.94]Excuse me, could you direct us to the main power core? 打搅了,你能告诉我们 主能源核心怎么走吗?
  [00:44.34]Gladly. It's right there, above the extraction chamber. 乐意之至 就在那里,在释放室的上方
  [00:57.86]Thank you very much. Hail Gallaxhar. 非常感谢你,万岁,银河煞星
  [00:59.10]- Watch out! - Look out, brainless! - 小心! - 小心,没头脑
  [01:01.82]Give me that thing! 把这玩意儿给我!
  [01:03.38]A weapon like this needs to be in the hands of someone responsible. 像这样的武器应该放在有责任心的人手里
  [01:09.70]What?! 怎么回事?
  [01:11.78]Hail Gallaxhar? 万岁,银河煞星?
  [01:16.34]Monsters! 怪物!
  [01:16.46]- Monsters. - Monsters?! - 怪物  - 怪物?
  [01:19.70]Attention, all aliens! Destroy all monsters! 注意!所有外星人! 杀死所有的怪物!
  [01:26.26]You want some of this?! 想尝尝我的厉害吗?
  [01:28.78]Ninja! 忍者!
  [01:34.50]You want to hurt my friends, you'll have to go through me! 想伤害我的朋友?除非你能穿过我!
  [01:41.18]Oh, yeah. 不错
  [02:03.98]Susan! 苏珊!
  [02:12.42]I can't believe we made it! 不敢相信我们做到了
  [02:31.90]O... M... G. 我...的...天
  [02:33.66]Warning: Intruder. 警告 入侵者
  [02:40.02]You'll never figure out my color code. 你永远破解不了我的颜色密码的
  [02:41.70]A hexadecimal color code system. 一个十六进制的颜色密码系统
  [02:47.02]This won't be but a moment. 这也就是一会儿的事
  [02:48.78]Red, green, blue, yellow, orange, baby blue, 红,绿,蓝,黄,橙,浅蓝...
  [02:50.74]purple, pink, mauve, gold, brown, mocha, avocado, adobe gold! ...紫,粉红,紫红,金,棕 咖啡,暗绿,土砖色
  [03:02.30]Doc, come on, dance! 博士,加油,快跳!
  [03:05.50]Your busted, tired dance moves are no match for my security protocols. 你那徒劳无用的舞步 完全不是我的安全协议的对手
  [03:08.94]- We can't hold them off much longer! - One thing you don't know about me! - 我们快坚持不住了! - 有件事我没告诉过你,亲爱的
  [03:14.22]My Ph. D... is in... 我的博士学位...是...
  [03:19.70]...dance! Dance! Dance! ...跳舞的!
  [03:22.58]Security protocol breached. 安全协议被破解
  [03:24.78]Ship has been set to self-destruct. 飞船已被设定为自我毁灭
  [03:28.46]Total annihilation in T-minus six minutes. 完全毁灭时限为T-6分钟
  [03:33.62]- Well, launch the invasion then! - Invasion no longer possible. - 那就快发动入侵! - 入侵已经无法发动
  [03:38.70]Oh, space balls! 太空屁话!
  [03:41.46]Divert the Quantonium to the bridge, and prepare my escape capsule! 把量子核转移至舰桥 准备好我的逃生仓!
  [03:58.78]Look at that! They're all running scared! Monsters win! 看看啊,他们都害怕得逃跑了 怪物胜利了!
  [04:02.02]I don't think that's why they're running. 我觉得这不是他们逃跑的原因
  [04:05.10]Ship will self-destruct in T-minus five minutes. 飞船将会在T-5分钟后自我毁灭
  [04:12.46]Hail Gallaxhar! 万岁,银河煞星
  [04:14.06]We're not gonna make it! 我们赶不上了!
  [04:23.22]Hang on! 抓稳了!
  [04:31.78]Keep going! 朝前去!
  [04:43.50]It's no use. It won't budge. 没用的,这打不开
  [04:45.18]If I was still Ginormica, I could do this! 如果我还是女巨人的话就做得到了
  [04:49.98]Get out of here while you still got the chance! 苏珊,趁你还有机会赶紧离开这里吧
  [04:50.34]No! Don't say that. I'm not leaving you guys. 不要!别这么说,我不会抛弃你们的
  [04:53.82]Yes, you are. Rendezvous with Monger. 不,你要这么做,你要和蒙哥汇合

  [04:57.42]He's outside the ship, waiting for you. Go while there's still time. 他就在飞船外面,等着你 走吧,趁还有时间
