
[00:00.00]Unit 10 What did she say?;
[00:24.41]Conversation Did you get the job?;
[00:28.61]Phil Chen is interviewing for a job as a graphic designer.;
[00:33.76]Exercise A. Listen and practice.;
[00:38.82]F1:So,Phil,you said   you were a student.;
[00:42.44]Phil:That's right.   I'm studying   graphic arts at   U.C.L.A.;
[00:46.73]F1:And I see you   worked at a museum   last summer.;
[00:50.07]Phil:Yes.I worked   as a part-time   guide from June   until September.;
[00:55.13]I did some drawings there.;
[00:57.04]Phil:Would you like   to see them?I have   them right here.;
[01:00.18]F1:Why,Phil,these   are wonderful.;
[01:05.24]Your art teacher said you were a good student.;
[01:08.19]But you're also a very talented artist.;
[01:11.26]Phil:Thank you.;
[01:12.39]F1:Unfortunately,we   don't have any job   openings now.;
[01:16.87]Phil:If I have a job   opening soon,I'll   contact you.I like   your work a lot.;
[01:23.17]Phil:That's great.   Thank you very much.   It was nice   meeting you.;
[01:27.46]F1:And it was very   nice meeting you,   too.;
[01:31.28]Mike:So,Phil,how   was the interview?   Did you get a job?;
[01:37.06]Phil:Well,she said   she liked my work,   but I don't know.;
[01:41.04]She also said they didn't have any openings right now.;
[01:48.13]Listening in Context;
[01:52.17]Jobseek is a national recruiting firm.;
[01:56.27]They interview job applicants for many companies.;
[02:00.47]They are currently seeking people to fill two of the job openings below.;
[02:06.00]Exercise A. Listen to the telephone conversations;
[02:11.34]and check the job openings you hear.;
[02:14.36]Conversation 1 Katy:Jobseek.   This is Katy.   How can I help you?;
[02:26.22]Linda:This is Linda   Smith.I sent in a   resume two weeks   ago.;
[02:30.83]Katy:Let me see,   Linda.What job did   you want?;
[02:37.92]Linda:I want to   work with people.   So I applied for a   receptionist job.;
[02:42.85]Katy:Yes,here it is.   Well,we only have   one opening for a   receptionist.;
[02:49.81]But they want someone with at least one year of experience.;
[02:54.01]Linda:Well,I worked   at Barclay's Bank   from June last year   until this January.;
[02:59.95]Katy:Yes,I see that.   They really prefer   a college degree.;
[03:04.76]Linda:I'm studying   right now.;
[03:06.60]That's why I just want to work during the day.I go to school at night.;
[03:11.66]Katy:Okay.Linda.   Worldwide Travel   needs an outgoing,;
[03:15.53]energetic person to work part-time.;
[03:17.91]Would you like me to make an appointment for an interview?;
[03:22.77]Conversation 2 Katy:Jobseek.   This is Katy.   How can I help you?;
[03:33.46]Jeff:Hello,this is   Jeff Golden from   Jiffy Appliances.;
[03:37.34]Steve Jackson at Autoparts on Maine Street said you had good mechanics.;
[03:42.07]We have a full-time opening for an experienced mechanic.;
[03:45.92]Katy:Sounds good,   Mr.Golden.What   exactly are you   looking for?;
[03:50.05]Jeff:We want someone   who is very careful   and patient.;
[03:53.46]Someone who wants to do a good job.;
[03:56.35]We prefer someone with a year or two years experience.;
[04:00.04]But a good worker with a two-year technical school diploma is okay.;
[04:04.97]Katy:Well,that   sounds like John   Miller.;
[04:07.51]I can send John over tomorrow. What time's best?;
[04:12.72]Exercise B.;
[04:16.76]Listen again and fill in the requirements for each job mentioned.;
[04:22.55]Conversation 1 Katy:Jobseek.   This is Katy.   How can I help you?;
[04:34.28]Linda:This is Linda   Smith.I sent in a   resume two weeks   ago.;
[04:38.83]Katy:Let me see,   Linda.What job did   you want?;
[04:45.92]Linda:I want to   work with people.   So I applied for a   receptionist job.;
[04:50.81]Katy:Yes,here it is.   Well,we only have   one opening for a   receptionist.;
[04:57.78]But they want someone with at least one year of experience.;
[05:02.01]Linda:Well,I worked   at Barclay's Bank   from June last year   until this January.;
[05:07.92]Katy:Yes,I see that.   They really prefer   a college degree.;
[05:12.72]Linda:I'm studying   right now.;
[05:14.60]That's why I just want to work during the day.I go to school at night.;
[05:19.62]Katy:Okay.Linda.   Worldwide Travel   needs an outgoing,;
[05:23.49]energetic person to work part-time.;
[05:25.82]Would you like me to make an appointment for an interview?;
[05:30.62]Conversation 2 Katy:Jobseek.   This is Katy.   How can I help you?;
[05:41.37]Jeff:Hello,this is   Jeff Golden from   Jiffy Appliances.;
[05:45.34]Steve Jackson at Autoparts on Maine Street said you had good mechanics.;
[05:50.02]We have a full-time opening for an experienced mechanic.;
[05:53.80]Katy:Sounds good,   Mr.Golden.What   exactly are you   looking for?;
[05:57.90]Jeff:We want someone   who is very careful   and patient.;
[06:01.43]Someone who wants to do a good job.;
[06:04.26]We prefer someone with a year or two years experience.;
[06:07.98]But a good worker with a two-year technical school diploma is okay.;
[06:12.91]Katy:Well,that   sounds like John   Miller.;
[06:15.45]I can send John over tomorrow. What time's best?;
[06:42.35]Unit 11 You're doing beautifully!;
[06:47.38]Warm Up Exercise B.;
[06:50.40]Listen to Susan and Andy talking about a sports match.;
[06:54.62]Circle the words you hear.What sport are they talking about?;
[07:00.00]Susan:So,how was   the game?;
[07:02.64]Andy:Great!Our team   played really well.;
[07:05.40]Susan:Oh,yeah?   So you won,then.;
[07:08.04]Andy:We sure did.   We beat the other   team by twelve   points.;
[07:12.37]Susan:Cool!Sounds   like it was quite   a game.;
[07:15.39]Andy:Yeah.We have an   excellent pitcher   on our team.And   some great batters.;
[07:19.90]We scored three home runs.;
[07:21.97]Susan:Your opponents   must be down about   the score,though.;
[07:26.64]it's the first time they've lost a game in the whole tournament.;
[07:32.59]Conversation Go,Nathan!;
[07:37.93]Exercise A. Look at the story and listen.;
[07:42.35]Nathan is running a 10K  race.His friends are watching.;
[07:48.45]Karen:Where's   Nathan?I don't   see him.;
[07:54.18]Ben:There he is.   Nathan's doing   very well.;
[07:57.16]Annie:But he's   running slowly now.   I think he's tired.;
[08:00.63]Karen:Oh,no.He's   in great shape.   He'll do well.   You'll see.;
[08:05.02]Ben:Yeah,he's a   very good runner.;
[08:07.21]Annie:That's   for sure.;
[08:08.58]Annie:Hurry,   Nathan!Run! Ben:He's going as   fast as he can.;
[08:12.81]Karen:Pass them!   Pass them!;
[08:15.45]Karen:You're doing   beautifully.   Go,Nathan!Go!Go!;
[08:20.41]Ben:He came   in first!;
[08:21.81]Annie:He beat   them all! Karen:He won!   Nathan won!;
[08:29.47]Grammar in Context Comparing how people do things;
[08:36.15]Pronunciation Exercise C. Listen to the stressed words.;
[08:42.41]Be as good as you can today.;
[08:51.38]Exercise D. Listen. Circle the stressed word.;
[08:58.02]1.Complete the   forms as neatly   as you can.;
[09:11.76]2.Try to work as   quickly as   possible.;
[09:24.76]3.Bring a doctor as   fast as you can.;
[09:38.91]4.Leave as quickly   as possible.;
[09:51.37]5.Be as patient as   you can with   your friends.;
[10:05.40]6.Drive as slowly   as possible   on icy roads.;
[10:21.90]Exercise E. Listen again and repeat.;
[10:27.97]1.Complete the   forms as neatly   as you can.;
[10:37.60]2.Try to work as   quickly as   possible.;
[10:48.25]3.Bring a doctor as   fast as you can.;
[10:59.64]4.Leave as quickly   as possible.;
[11:10.16]5.Be as patient as   you can with   your friends.;
[11:21.80]6.Drive as slowly   as possible   on icy roads.;
[11:35.09]Listening in Context Exercise A.;
[11:41.70]Chris and Brenda are talking about their sports abilities.;
[11:45.58]Circle the sports you hear.;
[11:48.28]Brenda:Hi,Chris.   How's it going?;
[11:51.24]Chris:Great.I just   had tennis class.;
[11:53.53]Brenda:Oh,good.   How's your game?;
[11:55.66]Chris:Hmm,well,I'm   still a pretty   poor player,;
[11:59.25]but I think I'm getting better.;
[12:01.16]Brenda:Well hey,   we'll have to get   together for a   game sometime.;
[12:04.59]Chris:Oh,I don't   know if I'm ready   for that yet.;
[12:07.49]Brenda:Oh,come on!   I play pretty badly,   too.In fact,my   serve is terrible.;
[12:13.43]Chris:All right,then.;
[12:14.52]I'll play tennis with you,if you play volleyball with me.;
[12:18.14]Brenda:Oh,no,not   volleyball!I'm a   hopeless volleyball   player.;
[12:22.50]What about badminton?;
[12:24.05]Chris:Okay.I play   badminton pretty   well.;
[12:26.72]Brenda:You do?   I was hoping you   wouldn't say that.;
[12:32.77]Exercise B. Listen again. Circle the correct answer.;
[12:40.05]Brenda:Hi,Chris.   How's it going?;
[12:42.91]Chris:Great.I just   had tennis class.;
[12:45.20]Brenda:Oh,good.   How's your game?;
[12:47.39]Chris:Hmm,well,I'm   still a pretty   poor player,;
[12:51.02]but I think I'm getting better.;
[12:52.86]Brenda:Well hey,   we'll have to get   together for a   game sometime.;
[12:56.33]Chris:Oh,I don't   know if I'm ready   for that yet.;
[12:59.15]Brenda:Oh,come on!   I play pretty badly,   too.In fact,my   serve is terrible.;
[13:05.10]Chris:All right,   then.;
[13:06.23]I'll play tennis with you,if you play volleyball with me.;
[13:09.82]Brenda:Oh,no,not   volleyball!I'm a   hopeless volleyball   player.;
[13:14.24]What about badminton?;
[13:15.77]Chris:Okay.I play   badminton pretty   well.;
[13:18.47]Brenda:You do?   I was hoping you   wouldn't say that.;
[13:45.30]Unit 12 What do you do?;
[13:50.23]Warm Up Exercise A.;
[13:53.70]Listen.Write the wishes in the spaces.;
[13:58.63]A:Who are you? [sounding confused];
[14:05.97]Genie:I am the   Genie of the   bottle...;
[14:09.05]WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR?[strong deep voice,genie like];
[14:11.25]A:Let's see... [thinking]mmmm mm.;
[14:14.01]I wish I could ... have a lot of money...and be a sports champion...;
[14:19.99]mmm and take a vacation at the beach.;
[14:25.90]Genie:Your wishes   are granted![poof   of genie-like   smoke sound];
[14:33.19]Conversation I'm a webmaster.;
[14:38.23]Exercise A. Listen and practice.;
[14:42.99]Mike Cohen is making a web page for the Hollywood Oaks Apartments.;
[14:49.30]Annie:Hi,Mike.   You must be busy.;
[14:54.83]Mike:Oh,hi,Annie.   Yes.I've been   really swamped   lately.;
[14:58.96]Annie:I wish I could   understand   computers better.;
[15:02.19]Thanks for helping me with my web page. Mike:You're welcome.;
[15:06.39]Annie:So,you're a   webmaster.What   exactly do you   do in your job?;
[15:11.29]Mike:I put web sites   on the Internet for   businesses.;
[15:14.72]Annie:You must be a   computer genius. Mike:Not really.;
[15:18.37]Mike:So,what do you   want on your web   page?;
[15:21.31]Annie:Well,there's   going to be a   vacancy in the   building soon.;
[15:25.02]I need to find a new tenant.;
[15:26.98]Mike:Okay.Why don't   you show the   apartments and the   pool on the web page;
[15:32.17]Annie:I wish I could   keep everyone   here.;
[15:34.97]There's such a great atmosphere in this building.;
[15:37.91]Mike:I think   everyone agrees   with you.;
[15:40.29]Mike:I just put   your web site onto   the Internet a few   minutes ago.;
[15:44.07]Look!Two people are already asking for information about the apartment.;
[15:48.98]They're singers from Brazil.;
[15:51.22]Annie:Singers?   From Brazil?   How interesting!;
[15:58.08]Listening in Context Talking about computers;
[16:04.88]Exercise A. Look at the computer as you listen to the conversations.;
[16:11.67]Check off the parts as you hear their names.;
[16:16.65]Salesperson:Hello,   can I help you? Joseph:Yes,I'd like   to buy a computer.;
[16:24.70]Salesperson:Well,   what do you have   in mind?;
[16:27.57]Joseph:I'm not sure.   I don't know much   about computers,   to be honest.;
[16:32.48]Salesperson:What do   you want to use   your computer for?;
[16:35.56]Joseph:Mainly to   type documents and   make presentations.;
[16:39.62]I'll also need it to check e-mail and do research on the Internet.;
[16:43.34]Salesperson:Well,   then I'd recommend   something basic.;
[16:46.77]There are two models I can show you.;
[16:49.22]They both come as a package,you know,;
[16:51.95]with built-in modem and CD-ROM drive, monitor,mouse, and keyboard.;
[16:57.49]Joseph:That sounds   good.What's the   difference between   the two?;
[17:01.48]Salesperson:Speed   and,of course,price!   This one is $2,000.;
[17:06.45]The other one,which if faster and a newer model,is $4,500.;
[17:12.76]Joseph:$4,500!Wow!I   wish I could afford   to pay that,;
[17:18.85]but my budget is only $2,500.I'll take the first one.;
[17:23.82]Salesperson:   Okay,sir.;
[17:24.94]Would you like to pay cash,check, or credit card... [fade out];
[17:30.06]Exercise B. Listen again. Answer the questions;
[17:39.23]Salesperson:Hello,   can I help you? Joseph:Yes,I'd like   to buy a computer.;
[17:47.29]Salesperson:Well,   what do you have   in mind?;
[17:50.23]Joseph:I'm not sure.   I don't know much   about computers,   to be honest.;
[17:55.13]Salesperson:What do   you want to use   your computer for?;
[17:58.22]Joseph:Mainly to   type documents and   make presentations.;
[18:02.28]I'll also need it to check e-mail and do research on the Internet.;
[18:06.13]Salesperson:Well,   then I'd recommend   something basic.;
[18:09.50]There are two models I can show you.;
[18:11.95]They both come as a package,you know,;
[18:14.75]with built-in modem and CD-ROM drive, monitor,mouse, and keyboard.;
[18:20.21]Joseph:That sounds   good.What's the   difference between   the two?;
[18:24.06]Salesperson:Speed   and,of course,price!   This one is $2,000.;
[18:29.18]The other one,which if faster and a newer model,is $4,500.;
[18:35.41]Joseph:$4,500!Wow!I   wish I could afford   to pay that,;
[18:41.58]but my budget is only $2,500.I'll take the first one.;
[18:46.41]Salesperson:   Okay,sir.;
[18:47.80]Would you to pay cash,check, or credit card... [fade out];
