英语听力:听电影学英语-男人百分百 11(在线收听

  [00:09.06]Oh, the shark, babe 哦,鲨鱼
  [00:11.26]Has such teeth, dear 有这牙齿,亲爱的
  [00:14.14]And he shows them 他拿出来的
  [00:16.06]Pearly white 珍珠白的
  [00:18.70]Just a jackknife 就像折叠刀
  [00:23.10]Has old MacHeath, babe 有老套,亲爱的
  [00:24.86]And he keeps it 他那有
  [00:27.46]Out of sight 看不见
  [00:30.78]You know when that shark bites 你知道鲨鱼咬什么感觉
  [00:33.66]With his teeth, babe 他的牙齿
  [00:37.34]Scarlet billows 鲜红的流淌
  [00:37.70]Start to spread 开始流开来
  [00:41.38]Fancy gloves, oh 奇怪的手套,哦
  [00:45.78]Wears old MacHeath, babe 穿老套
  [00:49.06]So there's never 还没有过
  [00:49.54]Never a trace of red 从来没红色的踪迹
  [00:55.22]On the sidewalk 在人行道上
  [00:55.58]Ooh, sunny morning uh-huh 哦,阳光明媚的早上
  [00:59.66]Lies a body 躺着一个男孩
  [01:01.46]Just oozing life 懒散的生活
  [01:05.82]And someone's sneakin' 有人鬼鬼祟祟
  [01:07.74]- 'Round the corner - Living life. - 在拐角处 - 栩栩如生的生活
  [01:12.42]- Could that someone - Life. Livin' it. - 有人可以吗 - 生活,在这
  [01:15.30]- Be Mack the Knife - Ooh. That's good. - 是老兄刀 - 哦,很好
  [01:17.38]There's a tugboat 有艘拖船
  [01:19.66]Down by the river Don't you know 顺河下去,你不知道
  [01:23.14]Where a cement bag's 水泥包在哪
  [01:25.62]Just drooping on down 沿下就掉下去
  [01:28.90]Oh, that cement is just 哦,水泥是的
  [01:30.70]It's there for the weight dear 这就是那分量,亲爱的
  [01:34.54]Five'll get you ten 五个就能得到十个
  [01:36.06]Old Macky's back in town 老麦克回到这城
  [01:39.26]Ha! I love it. 哈,我爱这里
  [01:41.30]Say, Jenny Diver 说啊,詹妮
  [01:45.02]Whoa, Sukey Tawdry 谁,叙克
  [01:45.10]Look out Miss Lotte Lenya 小心,乐特小姐
  [01:49.78]- And old Lucy Brown - I know. I know. - 老露西 - 我知道,我知道
  [01:51.06]- Wait a minute. - Yes, that line forms - 等一分钟 - 是的,那排窗
  [01:54.26]On the right, babe 在这右边,宝贝
  [01:56.62]Now that Macky's 现在那麦克的
  [02:04.78]- Back in town - No, it's great. - 回到城里 - 不,非常好
  [02:07.86]Look out Old Macky is back 小心,老麦克回来了
  [02:13.26]Okay, that was a... One more. Time for one more. 再来一个,还有时间再讲一个
  [02:14.82]Okay, you know why guys like doing it in front of the mirror? 你们知道男人喜欢 在镜子前面做吗?
  [02:19.10]- Why? - Objects may appear larger. - 为什么? - 因为物体在镜子里会变得大一点
  [02:23.58]- That's a good one. Anyway. - Oh, that's a good one. - 很好笑吧 - 很好的
  [02:27.38]I heard that in the beauty shop this morning. 是今天早上在美容院里听来的
  [02:28.14]- But seriously. Dee? - Huh? - 我是说真的 - 哦?
  [02:32.02]That other thing we were talking about before. 我们上次说的那件事怎么了?
  [02:36.38]Come on. I mean, he can't just ignore you all night, 我是说他不能总是这么视你无物
  [02:38.70]stay glued to the TV like some zombie... 整晚守着电视过日子啊
  [02:40.86]and then expect you to turn it on like a lightbulb. 你一定要让他明白这一点
  [02:40.94]I mean, I wouldn't put up with that. 给我才不会善罢甘休的
  [02:44.26]I mean, you're either interesting or you're not. 你要么就是喜欢你,要么就不
  [02:47.14]Ask him to decide. 叫他决定
  [02:49.30]- Can I write that down? - All right. - 我要把这句写下来 - 好吧
  [02:51.42]I'm either interesting or I'm not. He'll shit a brick. 他要么就是喜欢我 要么就不,他得自己决定
  [02:56.70]Hmm. What if he says I'm not? 万一他说不怎么办?
  [03:00.58]He won't say that you're not. 他和你说的一样
  [03:03.82]Trust me. 相信我
  [03:07.02]Okay, I did it. 好的,我相信
  [03:09.58]I told Chaim I wasn't moving to Israel. 我告诉琦姆我不会去以色列
  [03:11.18]Yeah, good. And? 是,好的,然后?
  [03:15.18]I said what you said. He can be a writer anywhere. 我说了你的话,他怎样都是好作家
  [03:17.18]If I'm going to be in advertising, I need to be here and not there. 如果我做广告业,我就会在这不在那
  [03:19.42]And then he said? 然后他说什么?
  [03:21.42]- I don't know. It was in Hebrew. - Ooh. - 我不知道,在希伯来 - 哦
  [03:23.42]But I don't think it was, "You got it. See you next Tuesday." 我想不是在说下个 星期二见的意见
  [03:24.82]I don't know. I'd wait it out. He'll call you. 谁知道呢,我会等等看的 他会打电话给你的
  [03:30.50]I can't. I better call him back. 不行,我最好先打给他
  [03:30.98]Be strong. He will call you. 坚强点,他会打电话给你的
  [03:35.14]Well, girls, been nice chattin'. I gotta get back to work. 女士们,很高兴和你们聊天 我得回去工作了
  [03:42.22]- Can I make you a sandwich? - No, I'm cool. - 你要三明治吗? - 不,我很冷
  [03:45.78]But thank you, anyway. This was fun. 不过还是要谢谢你们 和你们聊天很有意思
  [03:45.86]Really. 真的
  [03:50.74]Aww! 哇
  [03:52.82]Huh. This is good. 这个很不错
  [03:58.62]More insightful than I would've thought. 比我想像得有见解多了
  [04:00.22]This line doesn't feel exactly right. 这条线看上去有点问题
  [04:05.46]If you're thinking that line isn't perfect, I agree. It needs work. 如果你认为那条线有问题的话 我也同意,需要再修改
  [04:05.86]There's something not exactly right about it, isn't there? 这个看上去就是有点 怪怪的,是不是?
  [04:09.46]I mean, it's not bad. It's insightful, actually. It's just... 我不是说这个不好 其实我觉得很有见解
  [04:13.54]Well, what do you think this woman's thinking? 你觉得这个女人会在想些什么?
  [04:17.30]Uh, well, l... 嗯,我…
  [04:20.38]Let's see. 让我想想
  [04:22.38]Uh, she's thinking about what she wants out of life. 她在想她这一生中 到底想要些什么东西
  [04:26.22]What's she gonna accomplish? How's she gonna do all that? 她是不是能够成功 是不是能够完成心愿
  [04:29.50]Women, you know, they think about that a lot. 女人总是在担心很多事情
  [04:30.90]I mean, surprisingly a lot. 我是说出奇的多
  [04:32.90]They worry all the time about everything. 她们总是很担心
  [04:38.66]Well, you know, even I had a mother. 我也是有母亲的人啊
  [04:40.54]Well... 嗯
  [04:43.94]So maybe running gives her time off from all of that. 也许慢跑让她有机会 忘记那些担扰
  [04:46.70]It gives her something she can't get anyplace else. Look at her. 也许给了她一些其他地方 都不能带给她的东西,看看她
  [04:49.50]God. I want to be her. 天呐,我希望能够是她
  [04:52.46]She looks so free, doesn't she? 她看上去这么放松
  [04:56.54]no guys to worry about, no games to figure her way through. 没有什么勾心斗角的游戏去烦心
  [04:56.74]No one's judging her, no boss to worry about, 没有在谈论她 没有男人在旁边指手划脚
