英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 07(在线收听

  [00:04.64]- What do you think about that? - I haven't,  because she won't. - 你怎么认为的?  - 我不觉得,因为她并没有那么做
  [00:15.84]They have GaIIiano! 有Galliano的衣服! (Galliano:一位时装设计大师)
  [00:19.24]They have Gucci haIf off, CaIvin KIein haIf off! Gucci半价,Calvin Klein半价 (Gucci, Calvin Klein都是时装品牌)
  [00:23.28]You'II get your turn,  just be patient. 人人都有机会,耐心点
  [00:24.32]At every point I will ask, ''Do I need this?'' 每次我都会问自己,“我需要这个么?”
  [00:30.76]There's another entrance this way! 有另外一个门,这边!
  [00:43.00]Well, these cashmere gloves I need 我需要这双羊绒手套
  [00:45.96]as it is winter and I have... hands. 因为现在是冬天,还有我有...一双手
  [00:48.32]So that's all. 就是这样
  [00:49.84]I'II buy these and these aIone. 我只买这两样
  [00:51.76]My gosh,  Missoni! 天呐,Missoni! (Misson:另一个时装品牌)
  [00:52.32]Now walk away, strong and frugal. 马上走人,强烈而且朴素
  [00:58.88]Oh, my God! Pucci boots. 上帝啊! Pucci的靴子 ( Pucci:意大利时尚名牌)
  [01:03.36]Fifty percent off? 半价?
  [01:05.36]Do I need these? 我需要么?
  [01:06.12]Do I need these? Do I need these? 我需要么?我需要么?
  [01:10.84]No. 没用
  [01:15.60]Jeannie,  Pucci boots! Jeannie,Pucci的靴子!
  [01:16.80]Uh,  oh,  I'm so sorry. I had 'em first. 非常抱歉,我想是我先看到的
  [01:18.88]But you put them down. 但是你又把它放下了
  [01:20.56]No,  I know I did,  but I saw 'em first, so I'm gonna take 'em. 不,我是放下了,但是是我先发现的, 我想我又想要了
  [01:23.84]Then you took your hands off them. 然后你放下了
  [01:23.96]Give me the boots, and no one gets hurt! 把鞋子给我,不然有人会受伤的!
  [01:26.80]Give me the boots. Give me the boots! 鞋子给我!是我的!
  [01:31.40]Look! There's a saIe on Burberry! 看那里! 有Burberry的特价
  [01:31.80]That's the oIdest trick in the book! 你的伎俩太老套了!
  [01:33.20]- Give 'em! - Don't you teII me... - 是我的!  - 你竟敢...
  [01:36.16]Give me the boots! 鞋是我的!
  [01:38.36]I waited in Iine aII morning for this! 我排了一个早上的队,就是为这个!
  [01:41.44]Ah! Ha-ha! 啊!哈哈!
  [02:34.92]''Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere coat. 你的信用卡就像是一件半价的羊绒大衣
  [02:37.72]The first time you meet, 第一眼看到它的时候
  [02:37.88]it promises to be your best friend. 它是你最亲密的朋友
  [02:39.76]UntiI you Iook cIoseIy and reaIize it's not reaI cashmere.'' 知道你看仔细了,发现它并不是一件真正的羊绒大衣
  [02:44.24]You've been ripped off. 你被骗了
  [02:46.52]Right. You get it? You get it. 是的.你明白了?你明白了
  [02:50.12]- We get it. Now go away. - Ha! - 我们懂了,现在你可以出去了  - 耶!
  [02:54.88]''Then,  as winter comes, you discover that your coat 那么,当冬天来临的时候,你发现你的外套
  [02:56.16]isn't actuaIIy a friend at aII. 并没有想想中的那么好
  [02:58.16]You shouId have read the fine print. 你应该看到那清晰地商标
  [03:00.48]ShouId Iook more cIoseIy what you're getting into.'' 应该对你试穿的衣服看的更加仔细
  [03:09.60]You shouId put a picture in that. 你应该在这里放一张照片
  [03:10.12]It's a present. Haven't got 'round to fiIIing it yet. 别人送我的,还没有找到合适的
  [03:15.60]My mom bought me this exact one from a thrift store. 我母亲在一个旧货店买的这个
  [03:19.48]ProbabIy paid haIf what you paid, 可能只花了你那个一半的价钱
  [03:22.72]not that they often shop at thrift stores. 她不是经常去旧货店的
  [03:25.60]- What? - This is good. - 怎么了?  - 这个很好
  [03:29.48]- ReaIIy? - Mmm. - 真的吗?  - 嗯
  [03:31.40]Is it by Rebecca BIoomwood? 是Rebecca Bloomwood写的?
  [03:32.16]Yes! My friend Suze saw me writing it. 当然!我的朋友Suze亲眼看着我写的
  [03:38.64]I mean,  is that how you want your name to appear? 我的意思是,你希望你的名字 出现在文章的署名栏上么
  [03:42.12]- ''By Rebecca BIoomwood''? - Oh,  right. - “作者 Rebecca Bloomwood”?  - 是的
  [03:43.72]I don't want to be too associated with this magazine. 我不希望跟这家杂志社有太多的关联
  [03:45.48]Sorry? 你说什么?
  [03:47.56]Because I just think it wouId be better 因为我觉得对我来说
  [03:48.88]to be sIightIy more of an everyman. 当一个稍微普通一点的人更适合我
  [03:53.16]Um,  a IittIe more ooh-ooh-ohh. 恩,稍微,呵呵
  [03:55.44]Mysterious,  rather than just... Becky? Hmm. 神秘一但,不仅仅是... Becky?嗯
  [04:01.80]Hmm. 嗯
  [04:05.20]''The GirI in the Green Scarf. Thank you. “戴绿色围巾的女孩,谢谢
  [04:08.04]I bought your magazine this morning and have aIready 今天早上我购买了你们的杂志,并且已经
  [04:12.56]toId three stores where to stick their credit cards.'' 告诉三个人如何控制使用他们的信用卡”
  [04:17.12]Oh! Hey,  check it out: 噢!喂,看看这个
  [04:20.40]Jay Brogan,  Queens,  via e-maiI: 皇后区的Jay Brogan用电子邮件发过来的:
  [04:20.48]''Man,  is it easy to feeI those guys do it for your benefit. “各位,很容易就能感受到你们是为我们着想
  [04:23.88]- You never check the APR.'' - CaII him from my desk - 你从来不会去查年利率是多少”  - 去我桌子给他打电话吧
  [04:26.84]- if you want. Oh. - No,  no. I'm OK. - 如果你需要的话 - 不,不用,谢谢
  [04:28.56]''I'II teII you what,  I have now. Thanks,  Mrs. Green Scarf.'' “我要告诉你们的是,现在,我去查了非常感谢绿围巾女士”
  [04:31.04]We never get this kind of response. 我们从没有收到过像这样的读者回馈
  [04:32.68]Excuse me,  sir. Edgar West. 打扰一下,老板,Edgar West先生的电话
  [04:36.00]That's not good. He hates us. 这不是个好消息.那家伙讨厌我们
  [04:43.32]I've just spent a few minutes rather wrapped up 我刚刚花了几分钟时间
  [04:43.72]Luke Brandon. 我是Luke Brandon
  [04:46.52]in your ''Green Scarf.'' 好好的研究了一下你那“绿围巾”写的文章
  [04:49.84]I Iike it. 我喜欢
  [04:54.96]Excuse me,  I'm sorry, but he is reaIIy being persistent. 对不起,但是这家伙太顽固了
  [04:59.04]He needs to taIk to you. 他想跟你通话
  [04:59.44]CouId you teII him that I'm busy,  pIease. 你能跟他说我现在很忙么?谢谢
