英语听力:听电影学英语—甜心辣舞 07(在线收听

  [00:05.20]Excuse me. Excuse me. Come on up here. How you doing. miss? 借过,借过,来这边,妳好吗,小姐?
  [00:08.48]Hi. Good to see you. What up. B.? - 嗨 - 高兴见到你,你好吗,兄弟?
  [00:09.20]What's happening. my man? How you doing. man? Lenny's got your spot. - 最近怎样,兄弟? - 你好吗,兄弟?<u>兰尼</u>为你找了好位
  [00:11.16]( Chattering )
  [00:16.76]What's up? 嗨
  [00:17.44]What's up? What's up? 嗨,嗨
  [00:19.60]Ginuwine. How you doing? What's going on. baby? How you doing? - <u>Ginuwine</u>,你好吗? - 最近好吗,宝贝?
  [00:24.92]How you doing? Good to see you. - 你好吗? - 你好吗?高兴见到妳
  [00:26.92]Ginuwine. this is Honey. How you doing? Pleasure to meet you. - <u>Ginuwine</u>,这是<u>哈妮</u> - 妳好,高兴认识妳
  [00:30.16]Rodney. Honey. What's up. man? Nice to meet you. - <u>朗尼</u>,<u>哈妮</u> - 高兴见到
  [00:32.52]- Honey. from the Jadakiss video. right? - Yeah. - <u>哈妮</u>,在<u>Jadakiss</u>影带里那个,对吗? - 对
  [00:36.84]I caught that. You was doing your thing in there. You was real hot. 我看过,妳表现得不错,真的很好
  [00:40.00]- Thanks. - I hear Mikey's gonna make you super colossal. - 谢谢 - 听说<u>小米</u>要把妳栽培成为巨星
  [00:43.80]I thought I was making him look good. but. you know. ( Chuckles ) 我还以为我令他绵上添花
  [00:46.40]You hear that Mikey? You got to watch her. Better get them contracts tight. 听到吗<u>小米</u>? 你要看着她了,最好用合约绑着她
  [00:48.04]- So you gonna be in the next one. right? - Oh. for sure. for sure. - 所以下辑影带妳也有份,对吗? - 当然,当然
  [00:53.52]'Cause the next one gotta be crazy. 因为下个专辑会很厉害
  [00:56.60]No doubt. no doubt. That's why I got you a new choreographer for this one. 毫无疑问,毫无疑问 因此我为你找了新的舞蹈指导
  [00:58.08]- For real? Who? - This girl right here. - 真的?谁? - 就是这个女孩
  [01:02.16]For real? I mean, you ever done the whole joint before? 真的?妳以前做过吗?
  [01:08.84]No. but it's all right. We got two more to do before yours. 没有,但不打紧 在你的专辑前她会先做另外两辑
  [01:09.44]So she'll be a pro by the time we get to you. you know. 到时她就是位专家
  [01:13.44]Right? Right. - 对吗? - 对
  [01:15.12]Cool. Well. you know. Mikey knows best. you know what I'm saying? 很好,<u>小米</u>很懂得发掘
  [01:18.36]- Okay. sure. - I don't know what to say. - 好的,当然 - 我不知说什么好
  [01:22.36]Thank you. Mikey. You're the best. “谢谢,<u>小米</u>,你是最好的”
  [01:26.76]Thank you. Michael. You're the best. 谢谢,<u>小米</u>,你是最好的
  [01:28.24]- You better get them contracts tight now. - (All Laughing) 你最好用合约绑着她
  [01:33.56]Thank you. ( Giggles ) 谢谢
  [01:49.68]Raymond. is that you? Honey! - <u>雷文</u>,是你吗? - <u>哈妮</u>!
  [01:53.16]What are you doing out here? My mama says I have to do something with my hair. - 你在这里做什么? - 妈妈说我要弄弄我的头发
  [01:59.32]Your mama's right about that. You wanna do this on your own. or should I come with you? 你妈妈说得对 你想自己去,还是想我陪你?
  [02:04.08]You can come with me. Cool. So. what are you thinking? Some braids? - 妳可以陪我 - 好,那么,你想怎弄?做辫子?
  [02:08.20]Snoop Doggy Dogg silky-fine press and curl? 像<u>Snoop Doggy Dogg</u>那样烫直再卷曲?
  [02:11.68]Or maybe do like Mike and shave it all off? 还是像<u>Mike</u>般剃光?
  [02:14.84]Hmm. how 'bout braids? Braids? - 辫子怎样? - 辫子?
  [02:16.64]All right. cool. Come on. 好,不错,来吧
  [02:19.32]Come on. They won't bite. 来吧,他们不会咬人的
  [02:23.28]( Chattering )
  [02:30.44]Whoa. Look who's here. I thought I was gonna have to watch cable to see you again. 看看是谁 我以为在有线电视才能再见到妳
  [02:32.84]Raymond needs a little trim and some braids. <u>雷文</u>要修剪下头发,并做些辫子
  [02:41.56]Look. Little guy. You see that guy right there? 小朋友,看到那边的人吗?
  [02:44.88]Yeah. 看到
  [02:47.92]I know he has a stupid-looking face. but what's his hair look like? 虽然他的外表很蠢,但他的发型怎样?
  [02:49.84]All right. Just all right or a little more than all right? - 不错 - 只是不错还是比不错再好一点?
  [02:55.32]A little more. That's right. And you know why? 'Cause he gets his hair cut by me. - 再好一点 - 对了,因为他的头发是我剪的
  [02:58.28]I spent a whole 20 minutes on him. 我花了足足二十分钟
  [03:02.04]I'm gonna send you over there to Stacey to get braided up. 我先让你去<u>斯泰西</u>那里做辫子
  [03:06.72]And when you're done, I'm gonna spend 22 minutes on you. 完成后,我会花上二十二分钟帮你弄
  [03:08.20]Now how does that sound? 觉得怎样?
  [03:10.20]That's cool. 很好
  [03:12.36]All right. now you just chill. shorty. Don't worry about nothing. 好吧,现在你放松,小朋友,别担心
  [03:16.44]Besides. I never mess up a kid's head. 而且,我从未试过弄糟小孩子的头发
  [03:19.36]Especially when his mom's in the shop. 尤其是他的妈妈也在这里时
  [03:22.04]( Chuckles ) He's eight. That would have made me 1 4. 他8岁,那我要在14岁时生他
  [03:24.84]- I'm not that kind of girl. - My bad. - 我不是那种女孩 - 我的错
  [03:28.20]We just peoples. 我们只是朋友
  [03:28.40]Yeah. we peoples. You peoples? - 对,我们是朋友 - 你们是朋友?
  [03:30.00]Player. how'd you swing that? I've been trying to be her peoples for weeks. Ain't had no luck. 兄弟,你怎能做到的? 我曾用数星期成为她的朋友,但不成功
  [03:36.08]- I got flow. - ( All Laughing ) 我有男子气慨
  [03:38.16]- I got flow too. You don't think I got some flow? - Maybe not as much as me. - 我也有男子气慨,你认为我没有? - 或许不及我厉害
  [03:44.64]Whoa. See. Now you better be careful. Little man. 你现在要小心些了,小朋友
  [03:48.00]You don't watch yourself. I'm gonna have you running out of here looking like a poodle. 你不小心的话,我可能会把你弄成狮子狗般
  [03:57.52]All right. Young blood. holler at your boy. 好吧,年轻人,值得为自己尖叫吧
  [04:02.32]It's tight. ( Chuckles ) 好像很棘手
  [04:05.96]Let me ask you something else. 我来问你其它事
  [04:06.28]What if I was to take Honey out to dinner? You think that'd be tight too? 若我带<u>哈妮</u>去吃晚餐? 你觉得也会很棘手吗?
  [04:12.72]That'd be all right. 该没问题吧
  [04:13.44]How's Friday? Friday I'm working. - 星期五怎样? - 星期五要工作
  [04:17.48]Friday night? These shoots go late. I never know when I'm gonna get off. - 星期五晚? - 常常会拍到很夜,我从不知何时下班
  [04:23.00]Saturday? Saturday I'm working too. - 星期六? - 星期六也要工作
  [04:25.16]You're not working all day Saturday. 妳不会星期六整天工作吧
  [04:30.56]Listen. I'll tell you what. 听着,不如这样吧
  [04:32.60]You find out when you're not working. you get at me. 妳知道何时不用工作,便来找我吧
  [04:33.68]I'm a busy woman. I may never have the time. Baby. that'd be a tragedy. - 我很忙的,可能永远没时间 - 宝贝,那会是个悲剧
  [04:44.56]Come on. 走吧
  [04:44.64]All right. Little cat. 好吧,小猫
  [04:49.60](Bell Jingles On Door)
  [04:52.20]- Let us pray. - (All Laughing) 我们祈祷吧
  [04:57.44]Heavenly Father. please bless Chaz... 我们天上的父,请保佑<u>卓斯</u>...
