胡敏读故事记单词 可被牺牲的外交官上(在线收听

  [00:00.00]diminish-discretion Expendable diplomats
  [00:06.48]You know that I have diplomatic immunity!said the Ambassador,"
  [00:11.94]"I strongly disapprove of your holding me against my will in this room"
  [00:17.89]His captor,a man dressed in discreet dark clothing,
  [00:20.87]俘获他的人穿着不 显眼的黑衣服,
  [00:23.85]responded with such calm
  [00:27.51]that it displayed his confidence in his own discipline.
  [00:32.37]There is nothing special about you,dear,sir.
  [00:37.41]That is one of my main goals here,todisabuse you of your feelings of grandeur.
  [00:44.28]"I am nothing!"
  [00:47.12]If you think that you can diminish the role of my country in this city
  [00:52.79]by harming me then you are wrong!
  [00:56.63]I am just one discrete unit discharged here for a certain purpose.
  [01:03.11]When my government notices the discrepancy of my absence,
  [01:08.57]they will discern the potential disaster,and hire a replacement.
  [01:14.32]That is something we are all trained to understand.
  [01:18.76]Every diplomat is expendable.
  [01:22.70]We can each be discarded at a moment's notice and our policy will not change.
  [01:29.08]"A sick system if you ask me!" Said the captor,"
  [01:34.22]tiring of the discourse and turning to dip his spoon in to stir a cup of tea.
  [01:40.88]"And one that needs to be discredited."
  [01:44.72]Well,do not discount the power of negative press and death during kidnapping.
  [01:51.57]When I have disclosed the ransom that I want,
  [01:56.11]your government will pay it
  [01:59.38]and even issue me an honorary diploma from Harvard if I so ask for it.
  [02:02.55]如果我要求,他们甚至还会给我颁" 发哈佛大学的荣誉学位证书。
  [02:05.73]"The captor stirred his tea and slowly lifted his head.
  [02:10.90]"And they will honor my request for discretion as well."
  [02:15.55]I have your wife and daughter in another location!"
  [02:20.38]"At those words the ambassador lost all hope and lowered his head.
  [02:26.55]discrimination-disregard A scene caused by discrimination As the crowd dispersed,
  [02:38.90]a disfigured man was left standing next to a coke dispenser.
  [02:44.36]The level of calm he displayed
  [02:48.12]was disproportionate to the level of chaosthat he had just created.
  [02:54.18]"I am tired of being discriminated against because of how I look!" He yelled.
  [03:00.43]"The disparity between what I experience
  [03:05.29]and normal people experience is unbearable."
  [03:09.94]"If you have a dispute with your employer"
  [03:14.06]we can help you get a good lawyer.
  [03:17.83]"No lawyer can help me.Every lawyer is ..."
  [03:23.76]Yelled the man as he let fly a series of disparaging remarks about lawyers.
  [03:30.91]His disdain for lawyers was made clear in that moment
  [03:36.48]as did his level of disillusionment.
  [03:40.42]The policeman who had spoken knew that he had to handle this man
  [03:46.66]before the situation disintegrated even further.
  [03:51.73]But his first priority
  [03:55.18]was the disposal of the gun that the disfigured man was holding
  [04:00.54]before the man showed total disregard for order and hurt someone.
  [04:06.41]I won't disprove your feelings about lawyers"
  [04:11.17]nor can I stop discrimination,sir.
  [04:15.22]But I can dismiss all of these policeman with guns pointing at you
  [04:20.96]if you would just put down that gun.Said the policeman.
  [04:26.00]If you dismantle me of my gun then no one will listen anymore.
  [04:28.98] "如果你拆掉了我的枪,那就没入会听我的了。
  [04:31.96]This is disharmony,
  [04:35.33]No,this disharmony must continue and you have to get that reporter,
  [04:42.38]Buck Williams to put me on TV so that I can say what I have to say.
  [04:49.04]" He isn't that one reporter who was disenfranchised recently?"
  [04:51.77]"他不是那个最近被剥夺 权利的记者吗?"
  [04:54.50]Whispered another policenan.
  [04:58.06]Yes it was,but they decided to do anything to buy time
  [05:05.71]and give the disfigured man chance to speak about the wrongs he had suffered.
  [05:11.77]disrupt-dividend A dissertation on diversity
  [05:20.91]As Marissa distributed her dissertation to her distinguished guests
  [05:28.78]her attention was diverted by the absence of Professor Bell.
  [05:34.34]Professor Bell was her strongest supporter and Marissa needed her.
  [05:40.40]The crowd was not as diverse as Marissa had hoped.
  [05:45.05]Her other supporter had been called to appear in District Court
  [05:50.51]and Professor Bell was all she had.
  [05:54.77]Marissa needed the diversity;
  [05:59.34]too many white men in the crowd
  [06:03.18]would lead to a distinct bias against her findings.
  [06:08.04]This began to distil a sense of fear in Marissa,
  [06:12.58]but she quickly brushed aside the distraction
  [06:17.13]and continued with her distribution.
  [06:21.28]As she finished and prepared to begin,Marissa hoped for any diversion.
  [06:27.84]After a few minutes of introducing her topic
  [06:32.28]a hand in the back of the room distracted Marissa.
  [06:36.72]There were several distinctive bracelets on that hand
  [06:41.16]and Marissa smiled to see Professor Bell coming to the front.
  [06:46.31]The other people were only disrupted briefly, however,
  [06:52.79]and Marissa continued talking;now with more confidence.
  [06:58.25]When her talk was finished it was time for questions.
  [07:03.29]One professor asked about several of the distinctions in her research.
  [07:09.92]Another asked if she had included the proper
  [07:14.57]level of diversificationin her sampling procedures.
  [07:19.93]When a third began to talk about
  [07:24.29]how they thought Marissa had distorted her key findings,
  [07:29.65]the room dissolved into groups arguing quite loudly.
  [07:34.69]The room only quieted when Professor Bell stood up to defend Marissa.
  [07:41.24]It was quite a dividend to see her rebuke all of those middle-class,
  [07:47.51]white male professors.
  [07:50.67]But as Marissa saw the scene her research had caused,
  [07:56.42]she knew that more would come
  [08:00.08]when she disseminated her findings to the rest of the world.
  [08:05.36]Professor Bell wouldn't be able to calm that storm.
  [08:10.81]divine-dormitory A docket found
  [08:19.88]Jill couldn't find the docket anywhere.
  [08:26.04]But she kept looking passing by the dormant body of her husband on the couch
  [08:33.20]The light from the dame in the ceiling made her suddenly feel dizzy
  [08:36.14]从天花板的圆顶射下来的 灯光让她突然感到头晕目眩,
  [08:39.08]and she sat down.
  [08:42.03]How she had escaped her domestic life
  [08:46.29]and her dominant husband to return to college she would never know.
  [08:51.93]He hadn't taken it well,
  [08:56.01]but he acknowledged that it was better for the kids than a divorce
  [09:01.65]and he sincerely hoped it would make her happy.
  [09:06.22]If she didn't find her documentation,however,
  [09:11.18]she would be doomed to domesticate herself again.
  [09:15.94]She walked past the wall of plants
  [09:20.98]that marked their division of living room from dining room. Nothing.
  [09:27.22]Jill was becoming dominated by fear
  [09:32.58]when she remembered
  [09:35.53]that she had taken the documents to her son'sdivisional soccer play offs
  [09:41.28]near the dockyard two days ago.
  [09:45.12]She prayed a prayer asking for divine help and left her domain.
  [09:51.18]"That's an interesting documentary you're writing."
  [09:56.82]"Said the maintenance worker when he handed the docket back to Jill.
  [10:02.78]"I was just about to take it to one of the dormitories when you drove up."
  [10:08.84]"I was getting so worried that I wouldn't find it."
  [10:14.40]Is there anything I can do to thank you.?
  [10:18.48]"Oh, no.But I do admit that having a bit of dominance over a beautiful,"
  [10:28.04]intelligent woman is quite intriguing.
  [10:32.79]But no, no,I'm just joking.
  [10:36.45]"Thank you." Said Jill feeling a little bit uncomfortable."
  [10:42.19]"Oh, well there is one thing you could do for me."
  [10:47.76]"He said,as Jill looked a little bit worried.
  [10:52.12]"You could donate some money to the after-school program."
  [10:57.76]Those kids really need some new balls to play with.
  [11:02.20]"No problem." Jill replied with relief."
  [11:06.88]"I'll talk to my friends right away."
  [11:10.54]"downpour-durableNo drudgery in the ditches
  [11:20.39]Sam was dredging the drainage ditch behind the town dump
  [11:26.55]when the downpour began.
  [11:29.89]There were only a couple of small droplets at first,
  [11:35.35]but then the rain really began to fall.
  [11:39.32]He smiled as he hoped that the drought would now be over
  [11:43.97]they were long due for some rain.
  [11:47.94]He put down his shovel and drill
  [11:51.71]and happily escaped the drudgery of his work to the shed on the hill.
  [11:57.48]Inside he shut the door and sat down to relax.
  [12:02.44]Not paying attention to the draft coming in through the walls
  [12:07.90]Sam's thoughts began to drift.
  [12:11.66]It was a dubious job,cleaning ditches,
  [12:16.03]but he had accepted the dramatic change in lifestyle quite easily.
  [12:21.59]He had never been happy in the corporate world.
  [12:25.74]And he had taken the loss of his job
  [12:29.90]because of downsizing quite hard at first.
  [12:34.05]But then he had accepted the downturn to see what life still had to offer.
  [12:40.11]When he found his current job,his family dubbed him lost forever.
  [12:46.35]They had thought he would be able to find a duplicate job in another company,
  [12:52.02]but that thought was dreadful for Sam
  [12:56.39]and he knew that he wouldn't have been durable enough
  [13:00.83]to be happy again in business.
  [13:04.38]Now,Sam was quite happy.
  [13:09.34]It was a drastic change,sure,
  [13:13.42]moving from a nice office in a tall building
  [13:18.09]to always working in fields and ditches,
  [13:22.04]but Sam quite liked being outside and he was happy.
  [13:27.08]When the rain stopped Sam peacefully stepped out of the shed and went back to work.
  [13:33.32]The air was fresh and he regretted nothing.
  [13:37.87]duration-edificeDaryl the Dwarf
  [13:46.04]Ecotourism was good for Daryl the dwarf.
  [13:52.39]And while he came from a long dynasty of hill dwellers
  [13:57.25]that had traditionally been quite eccentric,
  [14:01.64]he was getting used to frequent visitors.
  [14:05.77]His relatives didn't help much;they suffered from social dysfunction.
  [14:12.22]But they were dwindling each year
  [14:15.88]and someone had to find a way to carry on their legacy.
  [14:20.63]Daryl brushed off his dusty jacket and went outside to gather some food.
  [14:26.98]The earthbound life required no grocery stores,
  [14:31.71]only time gathering edible plants and berries.
  [14:36.28]It was darker than usual for nighttime, but that was because of the eclipse.
  [14:42.52]When Daryl heard a small noise,he ducked his head with ease.
  [14:47.69]The bat,guided by echolocation,
  [14:52.73]would never have hit him the echoes would have located Daryl's head.
  [14:58.90]But he had moved as a reflex.
  [15:02.66]Daryl soon arrived at the edge of the field
  [15:07.99]where he would gather a unique plant,the Eclipse Flower.
  [15:11.86]This flower only bloomed during the very short duration of an eclipse.
  [15:20.79]How that plant survived Daryl didn't know;
  [15:25.23]it was an edifice of the mystery of nature.
  [15:29.67]But he did know that, when brewed properly,
  [15:34.64]the drink from the flower made one feel quite dynamic.
  [15:39.60]He had learned thisduring his edification with his grandmother who was now long dead.
  [15:46.55]Daryl lay down on the ground to wait.
  [15:50.31]He would have to wait for the right moment,but that was a small price to pay.
  [15:56.87]Dwelling on the earth had many small costs,
  [16:01.23]but they were all worth living an earnest life in harmony with nature.
