英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 01(在线收听

  [01:19.40]片名:《天使与魔鬼》 片名:《天使与魔鬼》
  [02:13.56]The Ring of the Fisherman, which bears the official papal seal... 刻有罗马教宗象征的渔人权戒
  [02:17.92]must be destroyed immediately following the Pope's death. 在教宗过世后必须即刻销毁
  [02:23.72]The Papal apartment is then sealed for nine days of mourning... 教宗住所随之封锁以示哀悼
  [02:28.36]a period known as "Sede Vacante", the time of the empty throne. 世称“宗座从缺”,这段时期教廷王位虚悬
  [02:35.72]Over the last several days, Catholic leaders from every corner of the world have flocked to Rome... 往后几天,枢机主教从各地涌入罗马
  [02:41.28]shocked by the sudden death of this progressive and beloved pope. 为英明崇敬的教宗骤逝而震惊
  [02:53.44]Today, in St. Peter's Square... 而今在圣伯多禄广场
  [02:56.88]the faithful pray that there is among them another leader who can unite their church 群众殷切期盼另一位教廷领袖诞生
  [03:00.48]which has been so riven by change and descent in recent years. 来统一近年来分崩离析的天主教会
  [03:09.60]As the body of the pontif passes by... 当遗体通过群众
  [03:11.80]we see prayers are being offerred by the Preferiti... 我们看到教宗候选人护随在旁祈祷
  [03:17.04]favorites among those being considered to succeed him as the Vicar of Christ. 而在这些候选人当中将诞生新任 基督代理人
  [03:29.12]At the end of the mourning period... 当默哀期间终了
  [03:31.44]the College of Cardinals will lock itself behind the doors of the Sistine Chapel for Conclave. 枢机团将闭关于西斯廷礼拜堂 进行秘密会议
  [03:38.20]The process by which they will choose a new leader... 选出新的教廷领袖
  [03:40.92]for the world's one billion Catholics... 来领导全世界十亿个教友
  [03:42.16]who now find their church at a crossroads... 而全体教友意识到天主教会 面临十字路口
  [03:46.28]its ancient traditions threatened by a modern world. 悠久传统受到现代社会的威胁
  [03:55.12]GENEVA 瑞士日内瓦,欧洲核子研究组织 大型强子对撞器
  [03:58.32]Attention: Control booth going online. 注意:控制室连线中
  [04:05.56]We are powering up. 能量持续上升
  [04:09.16]Attention Category 1 personnel. 第一部门全体人员注意
  [04:14.04]Interlock areas are now restricted. 连锁区域现在禁止出入
  [04:16.48]You've blocked all access, Philippe. 菲利浦,你关闭了所有通道
  [04:21.20]You are terrified because you gave it your all. The accelerator should never create antimatter. 你会害怕是因为你已付出一切 加速器不可能制造反物质
  [04:26.08]It's only three cylinders under high security. I only ask you to wait. 只有三个严密保护的试瓶 我只要你耐心等
  [04:30.12]We can't wait any longer. Antimatter is only the beginning. We will have free access. 我们不能再等下去,反物质只是开端 之后用途众多
  [04:35.40]But listen, even with proper calibration, we might not be prepared. 听好,就算计算精确也不一定表示 我们准备周全
  [04:40.52]Just call the director. Stop this. 打电话给执行长,叫他停止
  [04:42.12]ATLAS underground is now a restricted vault. 环场探测器地下洞穴已被封锁
  [04:46.44]Vittoria, Vittoria... 维多利亚
  [04:47.80]Protons are being loaded. 质子输入中
  [04:50.72]This will not blast us to the other side, so, please. 这又不会把我们炸到天边,拜托你
  [04:53.00]Powering on LHC magnets. 启动对撞机超导磁铁
  [04:59.68]lonic stage in 4, 3, 2... 离子阶段倒数4、3、2…

