英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 09(在线收听

  [00:03.68]The chapel is Raphael. 礼拜堂是拉斐尔建的
  [00:04.76]But the sculptures are Bernini. 但雕像是贝尼尼塑造的
  [00:10.40]The unknown Illuminati master? 光明会匿名大师?
  [00:15.04]Bernini? 贝尼尼?
  [00:17.24]He worked for the church. - Almost exclusively. - 贝尼尼为教会工作 - 几乎终身奉献给教会
  [00:21.56]But the Illuminati were infiltrators. 但光明会无孔不入
  [00:25.88]There wasn't a powerful organization on earth they didn't penetrate 世界上几乎所有重要组织皆有 光明会成员
  [00:27.00]including the Vatican, by hiding in plain sight. 包括梵蒂冈也有成员潜伏其中
  [00:35.76]Habakkuk and the Angel. 哈巴谷与天使
  [00:37.64]It's the prophet that predicted the annihilation of the earth. 一位预测世界末日的先知
  [00:41.12]"Let angels guide thee on thy lofty quest." “崇高追寻允受天使指引”
  [00:49.44]This is the first marker. 这是第一个标记
  [00:53.04]The path is a line. 路径真的存在
  [01:06.44]Southwest. 西南方
  [01:07.00]It was pointing southwest. 雕像指向西南方
  [01:09.16]Earth, air, fire, water. We're looking for a Bernini sculpture having something to do with air. 土气火水依序下来,我们要找一尊 与空气有关的贝尼尼雕像
  [01:15.28]The second church is somewhere southwest of here. 第二座教堂就位于这里的西南方
  [01:17.80]You're sure this time? 这次你有把握吗?
  [01:21.68]I need a map showing all the churches of Rome. 我要一张标有罗马所有教堂的地图
  [01:25.16]I could use it now. 我现在就要
  [02:06.04]The purple layers with these black crosses represent the churches. 紫色区块内标示黑色十字就是教堂
  [02:09.84]But nothing intersects the line until it hits...until it hits St. Peter's. 但没有一个在我们前进的方位 除了圣伯多禄教堂
  [02:13.52]Michelangelo designed St. Peter's, not Bernini. 圣伯多禄教堂是米开朗基罗建造的 不是贝尼尼
  [02:13.80]Michelangelo designed the Basilica. Bernini designed St. Peter's Square. 米开朗基罗设计圣伯多禄教堂 贝尼尼设计教堂广场
  [02:17.80]The second marker must be a statue in St. Peter's Square. 第二个标记就在圣伯多禄广场的 一座雕像
  [02:28.68]It's ten minutes to nine. Can you go any faster? 离9点还剩10分钟,你不能再开快点?
  [02:31.84]Not unless you want the full attention of the world press. 不能,除非你想成为国际媒体焦点
  [02:41.60]No majority in the first vote, but Cardinal Baggia from Italy is the clear favorite... 第一轮投票未呈多数,但意大利籍 巴吉亚主教显然最有希望…
  [02:51.88]Still no new Pope, but Cardinal Guidera from Spain has the best chance... 新任教宗仍未诞生,但西班牙籍 吉德拉主教很有机会…
  [02:58.08]The more conceivable candidate could be Cardinal Ebner from Germany... 可想而知德国籍耶尼尔主教最有可能…
  [03:04.32]Stem cell research is murder. 干细胞研究草菅人命
  [03:10.52]You condemn sick people to death. 你们扼杀病人生存的机会
  [03:12.88]Man is not God. 人不是神
  [03:15.00]peter 圣伯多禄广场 晚上8点58分
  [03:25.64]There. Another obelisk. 看那里,又一个方尖石碑
  [03:29.68]Check the crowd. It's almost nine. He's got to be here already. 搜索群众,快9点了,歹徒已经在这里
  [04:05.96]Must be a hundred statues up there. 这里有上百座雕像
  [04:08.48]None of them are angels. Those are all saints. 没有一个是天使,都是圣人
  [04:13.72]How on God's name would anyone create a sculpture about air? 到底贝尼尼怎么塑造一个 跟空气有关的雕像?
  [04:26.52]Bas relief. Of course. 浮雕,没错
  [04:26.76]It's still a sculpture. It's at the ground. Look at the carvings. 浮雕也是种雕像,往地上看 在浮雕上找
  [04:29.32]Look for another having something to do with air. 找一个跟空气有关的浮雕
  [04:51.80]Vento Ponente. West wind. 西风
  [04:56.80]Vittoria. 维多利亚
  [04:59.08]Here it is. 就在这里
  [05:00.32]West wind. An angel blowing out five streaks of air. 西风浮雕,刻有天使吐出五道气息
