英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 11(在线收听

  [00:08.44]Commander Richter, the search for the device? 理查队长,装置搜索状况如何?
  [00:11.08]Well, we've turned the power on and off to about twenty percent of Vatican city 我们已在梵蒂冈两成区域作电源切换
  [00:15.28]but nothing on the video yet. - We're running out of options. - 但还没有任何发现 - 我们别无选择了
  [00:19.36]How long would you need to evacuate everyone? 你需要多久时间疏散群众?
  [00:21.68]If I pull all my men from the search for the bomb, thirty minutes. 如果我把搜索炸弹的人手全叫来的话 需要30分钟
  [00:24.28]Mr. Langdon, you have been right so far about the path. 兰登先生,目前为止你对光明路径的 推断正确
  [00:28.72]It's now 9:15. How quickly can you find the next church? 现在是9点15分,你要多久找到 下一座教堂?
  [00:30.48]The lines of breath on the carving pointed due east directly away from Vatican City. 浮雕吐息应该指向梵蒂冈城东方
  [00:36.52]But there were five of them, so there's room for error. 但浮雕上有五道气息,难保不会 找错方向
  [00:37.44]About twenty churches intersect those lines. None of them have names that invoke fire. 约有二十座教堂位于气息所指方向 没有一座教堂名称与火有关
  [00:43.84]So, the Bernini sculpture must be inside one of them that does. 而贝尼尼的雕像一定在其中 一座教堂里
  [00:44.32]I'm willing to get back into the archives to find it. 所以我想再进藏书室去找
  [00:47.28]Would you escort Mr Langdon? - Yes, Father. - 请你护送兰登先生 - 是,神父
  [00:52.28]Silvano's journals. The killer's name could be in here. 这里面是西维诺的日志,凶手的名字 可能就写在上面
  [00:57.52]May I stay? - Please. Fine. Of course. - 我可以留下吗? - 请便,当然可以
  [01:00.12]Professor. 教授
  [01:04.84]Would it surprise you to find those clothes suit you? 难道你不惊讶这身衣服很适合你?
  [01:08.04]It would surprise the hell out of me. 还真是吓死我了
  [01:26.80]The Vatican expressed its sympathy with the families of the victim. 梵蒂冈对死者家属深有同感
  [01:29.16]A tourist from D黶seldorf, whose death is confirmed. 德国籍旅客确定死亡
  [01:34.08]Vatican police have arrested a suspect... 梵蒂冈警方已逮捕凶嫌
  [01:38.72]The investigation is completed. 侦查到此结束
  [01:40.32]Vatican will permit access to St. Peter's again, with strict security measures. 梵蒂冈将加强守卫,并允许民众 再次进入圣伯多禄广场
  [01:47.96]The Vatican did admit that, where there are crowds, so often follows crime. 梵蒂冈确实承认群众所在之处 犯罪频传
  [01:52.28]We're trying now to get the name of the tourist who was... 我们试图取得旅客姓名…
  [01:55.72]But wait. 等一下
  [01:57.64]We're getting word now of smoke. 我们现在有来自烟囱的消息
  [02:01.08]Smoke from the Sistine Chapel chimney. Apparently, there's been another vote. 西斯廷礼拜堂的烟囱冒出浓烟 显然枢机团再次举行投票
  [02:04.96]The smoke is black. 浓烟呈黑色
  [02:06.32]Once again, the Cardinals have failed to reach consensus... 枢机团再次未能达成共识
  [02:10.72]and the Catholic Church remains without a leader. 天主教会现在仍缺少一位领袖
  [02:21.12]What are you looking for now? 你在找什么?
  [02:25.84]Church assets. - I beg your pardon? - 教廷资产目录 - 你说什么?
  [02:27.44]Artwork. It's valuable. 教廷所拥有的艺术品,价值非凡
  [02:29.60]Corporations tend to keep track of their holdings. 企业通常会追踪管理旗下资产
  [02:31.48]The Catholic church is not a corporation. It's a beacon. 天主教会并不是企业,是世界灯塔
  [02:36.80]A source of inspiration for one billion lost and frightened souls. 引领十亿个迷失受惊的灵魂
  [02:40.76]Sure, I get that. It's also a bank. 这是当然,天主教会同时也是个银行
  [02:45.48]banco 梵蒂冈银行
  [02:55.36]Commander Olivetti said that I was not to leave you aside this time. 奥力维堤警官要我这次紧盯着你
  [03:01.36]It wasn't me. It was her. 是她撕的,又不是我
