英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 12(在线收听

  [00:00.00]Bernini 贝尼尼、卡拉瓦乔
  [00:20.56]The flow in zone 3 is disabled. 第三区电流已经切断
  [00:22.44]No response on the screen. 荧幕上没有任何异常
  [00:24.12]Flow in zone 3 again and continue to zone 4. 开启第三区电流,进行第四区断电
  [00:35.84]office 教宗随侍办公室 晚上9点30分
  [00:38.12]What sort of signs? 是什么样的迹象?
  [00:39.96]I'm sorry? 抱歉?
  [00:47.24]If the Holy Father was given an overdose of Tinzaparin... 如果教宗被注射过量抗凝血剂
  [00:52.84]what signs would his body bare? 遗体会出现什么迹象?
  [00:56.84]Bleeding of the oral mucosa. 口腔黏膜出血
  [00:58.76]His tongue. 教宗的舌头
  [00:59.64]Post-mortem, the blood congeals, then turns the inside of the mouth black. 死后血液凝结导致口内发黑
  [01:06.88]Even after fourteen days? 就算过了14天也看得到?
  [01:09.08]It wouldn't show up until at least a week after his death. 迹象在死后至少一周后才会出现
  [01:17.72]He was very important to me. 教宗对我而言意义非凡
  [01:20.28]Yeah, I understand. 是,我了解
  [01:28.84]Will you come with me, please? 请你跟我来好吗?
  [01:38.56]Signore, would you organize a security team to escort Ms. Vetra and myself down to the crypt? 阁下,请你调派人手组成保全队 护送我和维特拉小姐进入墓穴
  [01:42.72]Yes, sir. We'll leave immediately. 遵命,我们立刻去办
  [02:02.96]Do you smoke? 你抽烟吗?
  [02:06.60]A little bit. 偶尔
  [02:08.60]You better sit down before you keel over. 那你最好坐下以免晕倒
  [02:18.08]What does this say in Italian? Ecstasy of Saint Theresa. Right there. 这些翻译成意大利文是什么意思? 圣女德兰的狂喜,就在这里
  [02:25.12]Moved at suggestion of the artist. 跟从艺术家的指示
  [02:29.72]Moved? To another church? At the suggestion of Bernini? 跟从? 跟从贝尼尼的指示到下一座教堂?
  [02:34.84]I don't know. 我不知道
  [02:36.16]Here. Translate all of this for me, and I'll buy you a pack of smokes. 看这里,翻译这些给我听 我就帮你买包烟
  [02:42.20]I'm looking for a reference of fire. 我要找跟火有关的字句
  [02:46.12]Seraphim, meaning "the fiery one". - Right. - “炽天使”,象征“火” - 没错
  [02:51.00]His great golden spear. A point of fire. 手握巨大金矛,尖端熊熊烈火
  [02:58.24]Then "woman left completely afire. " 然后“留下女人浑身是火”
  [03:03.04]The ecstasy of Saint Theresa. Saint Theresa on fire. “圣女德兰的狂喜”雕像 刻划她当时欲火焚身
  [03:07.96]So, this sculpture was moved to this church? 所以那座雕像移到这间教堂?
  [03:10.92]Why'd they shut down the system? They know we're down here. 为什么关掉电源系统?他们明知 我们在这里
  [03:13.64]If that's the power, there's no oxygen. 没有电源就没有氧气来源
  [03:17.96]Can we get out? - The door is electronic. - 我们出得去吗? - 那是自动门
  [03:26.20]Well, that's disappointing. 真叫人失望
  [03:27.16]Where are we going? - To see my father. - 我们要去哪里? - 去见我父亲
  [03:32.08]I don't understand. 我不懂你的意思
  [03:32.48]I was orphaned when I was nine years of age. 我九岁时在北爱尔兰因为炸弹攻击 成为孤儿
  [03:35.80]A bombing in Ulster, the UVF protesting the visit of a Catholic Archbishop. 起因是当地志愿军不满总主教的来访
  [03:42.68]The Archbishop felt responsible and he adopted me the following day. 总主教感到自责,从此收养了我
  [03:46.56]I was raised by him and by the Church. 我被他与天主教会抚养长大
  [03:50.52]He was the wisest man I ever met. 他是我所见过最睿智的人
  [03:53.20]Even when I was young and stubborn, I wanted to be ordained... 纵使当我年少轻狂,还是想做神父
  [03:56.72]but I was brought up in Italy, so I also wanted to do my military service. 但在意大利长大的我也想去服兵役
  [03:59.40]I wanted to fight. 为国家效命
  [04:03.04]He told me, "Learn to fly. " 他告诉我先学会飞
  [04:06.68]So, I joined the Aeronautica Militare. Flew helicopters. 于是我加入空军驾驶直升机
  [04:10.96]Bringing the wounded back to hospitals. 然后带着一身伤送医治疗
  [04:11.92]He was a great man. - Your father died. - 他是个伟大的人 - 你的父亲去世了?
  [04:16.40]Fourteen days ago. 就在14天前
  [04:19.40]Headquarters, you hear me? 呼叫总部,听到了吗?
  [04:22.36]The flow is completed. Oxygen level is very low. 电源被切断,氧气量过低
  [04:24.84]Answer, please. - Did you get anything? - 听到请回答 - 有人回应吗?
  [04:27.44]No. The walls are lead lined. There's no signal. 没有,墙壁灌铅无法收到讯号
