英语听力文摘 English Digest 441、昆虫是怎样喝水的?(在线收听) |
How Insects Drink? 昆虫是怎样喝水的?
B: You are right! Insects do need water.How they get their water depends a lot on their diets. Herbivorous insects, those that feed on plants, get most of their water from their preyfood because plants contain a lot of water. But carnivorous insects often have to get their water from somewhere other than their prey, and often they'll go to plants for their water too, drinking from fruit maybe. Or they might sip from the morning dew or from raindrops or from edges of ponds or puddles. If they’re blood suckers, they probably get their water from their food. It's worth noting that not all mouthparts are the same and this too affects the ways an insect is able to get water. There are basically two kinds of insect mouths. There are chewers and suckers. Some chewers may have a difficult time trying to draw water from a pond, whereas getting their water from chewing a leaf is simple. Suckers, on the other hand, have a tube-likemouthpart called a proboscis that allows them to get liquid by sucking or lapping, whether from the nectar of flowers or from a soda can. A: Or from my arm, right? B: That's true. ![]()
B: 是这样的!昆虫确实需要水分。但是它们怎样饮水很大程度上是取决与他们的饮食习惯。对于那些以植物为食的食草性昆虫来说,大部分水分都是从食物中获取的,因为植物很有很多水分。 但是对于肉食性的昆虫来说,它们就的从其它地方获取水分,通常也是来自植物,或者水果。它们或许还会从晨露、雨水、池塘或者水坑边进水。 如果是吸血类的,它们大概就是从食物中获取水分。值得一提的是,昆虫的口器是不一样的,这就大大影响了它们喝水的方式。昆虫的口器大概可分为两类。 它们便是咀嚼式口器及吸收式口器。一些咀嚼式口器在池塘边喝水可能会有困难,所以通过咀嚼叶子来获取水分会更简单。 而吸收式口器则有一个管状叫做“喙”的部分,它可以让昆虫通过吸或舔的方式获得水分,不论是从花的花蜜中还是从汽水瓶都可以。 A: 从我的手臂也行,对吧? B: 是的!
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/englishdigest/168549.html |