英语听力:牛仔裤的夏天 01(在线收听

  [00:33.86]i'd like to think that fate had a hand in what happened that summer. 我觉得去年夏天发生的一切 都是命运的安排
  [00:38.30]that it was the pants' destiny to find us. 那条注定和我们相遇的裤子
  [00:40.18]where they came from and why they chose us... 它们来自哪里,又为什么会选择我们
  [00:43.10]...well, that will always be a mystery. 也许永远都是一个迷
  [00:49.06]but perhaps that was part of their miracle. 或许这就是奇迹的一部分
  [00:50.86]that they sensed in that moment how much we needed them. 似乎那时它们已经感觉到 我们多么的需要它们
  [00:53.14]how much we needed some little bit of faith to hold onto... 我们多么需要继续下去的信念
  [00:57.90]...when it seemed like everything we believed in was about to slip away. 在我们熟知的一切都离我们而去的时候
  [01:14.02]but wait a minute, i'm getting ahead of myself. 等等,我有点说过头了
  [01:17.06]beautiful dress! love it. 那裙子真漂亮,我喜欢死了
  [01:19.66]we'd been a foursome for as long as i could remember. 我们四个人是从小一起张大的死党
  [01:20.94]-where are we going? -we're going over there. - 我们要去哪里? - 去那边吧
  [01:25.34]in fact, we were a foursome before we were born. 实际上我们在出生前已经是四人小组了
  [01:26.02]and seven. anyone feel any kicking? 七,感觉到宝宝在踢你了吗?
  [01:28.62]our mothers met at a prenatal aerobics class. 我们的妈妈是在产前训练班认识的
  [01:34.22]they really didn't have anything in common... 实际上,她们没有任何共同语言
  [01:36.98]...except their due dates. 除了她们的产前训练
  [01:38.38]one, and relax. good work. 1,放松.做的好
  [01:41.82]the first one out of the gate was bridget. 第一个出生的是Bridget
  [01:45.70]ladies, let's keep it together. 姑娘们,一起上
  [01:48.90]the rest of us followed within the week. 我们三个在同一周内也降生了
  [01:50.26]bridget liked to take charge. Bridgte喜欢迎接挑战
  [01:54.98]way to go, lena. 快下台吧,Lena
  [01:56.74]l'll handle this. 我来搞定
  [01:57.54]and you know what? 知道吗?
  [02:01.34]sometimes, that worked in our favor. 有时候,这对我们非常有帮助
  [02:03.82]oh, my god. 噢,天啦
  [02:09.10]and that's how it always was with us: 我们也不都是这样开心
  [02:12.14]give and take. 有喜有忧
  [02:16.02]but mostly give. 我们有许多烦恼
  [02:20.82]lena, l don't think he's coming back this time. Lena,我觉得他这次不会回来了
  [02:24.30]it's gonna be okay, carmen. 一切都会好起来的,Carmen
  [02:25.58]l'll come over first thing tomorrow. 我明天一早就去你那
  [02:29.58]and tibby and bridget too. Tibby和Bridget也会一起去
  [02:32.46]just stay on the phone with me until you fall asleep. 我会在电话里一直陪着你 直到你睡着
  [02:38.70]what were they thinking?, take seven. 他们到底是怎么想的? 第7场
  [02:39.78]we were there for each other... 我们互相了解
  [02:43.18]...to understand the things that no one else in the world could. 那些其他人都无法了解的东西
  [02:46.58]what were they thinking, having another baby at their age? 他们到底是怎么想的, 这把年纪了还想要小孩
  [02:48.22]and what was l? 那我算什么?
  [02:50.82]just some experiment from their hippie days... 他们嬉皮士生活的实验品
  [02:53.90]...and now it's time to start their real family? 他们现在才要开始正在的生活?
  [02:56.78]go ahead. 继续啊
  [02:58.60]lt sucks. 糟透了
  [02:59.46]they're out of their minds. 他们都疯了
  [03:03.78]-totally. -cut! - 说的对 - 停
  [03:05.54]lena, don't you realize this is tragedy? Lena,你不知道这是悲剧吗?
  [03:05.74]can't you give me a bit more enthusiasm? 你不能带点感情吗?
  [03:10.38]there were some things we would never make sense of. 有些事情我们永远也想不明白
  [03:14.98]grief is never an easy burden to bear. 悲伤沉重的压在我们的心头
  [03:17.58]and we were there for those too. 这些我们也必须面对
  [03:19.98]and as we mourn the loss of this beloved wife, mother and friend... 我们为失去最爱的妻子, 母亲和朋友而哀伤
  [03:25.14]...it only makes her choice that much more unfathomable. 这样只会让她走的不安心
  [03:28.50]what measure of despair compels one to commit such an act? 所以我们要停止悲伤
  [03:33.66]we can only take comfort in the fact that she is in a better place now... 另我们感到安慰的是,她得到了解脱
  [03:37.66]...than she found here among us. 安息吧
  [03:45.50]we were there for the things we couldn't face alone. 我们共同面对那些 我们无法独自面对的事情
  [03:45.70]my deepest sympathies. bridget. 节哀,Bridget
  [03:53.34]-hey. -hey, bee, you okay? -嘿 -嘿,宝贝,你还好吧?
  [03:57.42]y eah. l will be as soon as l get out of these stupid heels. 是的,脱掉这白痴的高跟鞋就都好了
  [03:58.22]here. hold them for me, will you? 给,帮我拿着
  [04:00.98]think l'll run home. 我想跑回家
  [04:03.90]or the ones we didn't want to face at all. 或者说,我们根本不想面对那些
  [04:12.34]together, it was as if we formed one single, complete person. 我们四为一体,一个完美的人
  [04:16.22]wild, unstoppable bridget. 狂放不羁的
  [04:20.10]shy and beautiful lena. 害羞而美丽的
  [04:20.58]tibby, the rebel. 叛逆的
  [04:24.10]and me, carmen, the writer. 还有我,她们的作者
  [04:26.34]can't buy anything new at a vintage store. 精品店里买不到新东西
  [04:28.62]we were 1 6 and had never been apart. and all that was about to change. 过去的16年里,我们出来没分开过 但是一切都要改变了
  [04:30.70]-how about this one? -lt's great. - 这个怎么样? - 太棒了
  [04:34.62]lf you wanna go to greece looking like laverne de fazio. 如果你想去希腊, 长的像
  [04:36.58]-who? -'70s tv icon. - 谁? - 70年代的电视剧偶像
  [04:36.98]am l the only one who's not culturally deprived? 你们都是文盲吗?
  [04:40.46]tibby forgot to take her happy pill this morning. 看来Tibby今天心情很不好
  [04:44.18]actually, l'm saving them for when l'm stuck doing time at wallmans... 我在wallmans打工,憋了 一肚子的气
  [04:45.94]...while the rest of you jet off on your little adventures. 那时你们还不知道在哪里逍遥呢
  [04:48.42]boo-hoo, tibby. y ou are such a drama queen. 嘿 tibby 你真是舞会皇后
  [04:52.10]l am going to south carolina. that is only, like, three states away. 我要去南卡罗来纳州, 离我们这只有三个州
  [04:54.66]lt's abandonment, nevertheless. l hate you all. 你妈妈不会让你去的 我恨你们所有的人
  [05:00.26]y ou're the one who wanted to stay here all summer... 这个暑假只有你一个人想一直呆在这
