英语听力:牛仔裤的夏天 04(在线收听

  [00:15.50]that's it. 我们来赛跑
  [00:17.18]seven miles. 7英里
  [00:19.62]oh, god, don't you love to run? 哦,你喜欢跑步吗?
  [00:21.82]y eah. 是的
  [00:24.90]lt's the best high there is. 这个感觉最好了
  [00:26.90]lt's like you're just in this place where nothing bad could ever happen, you know? 就好象你在天堂一样 什么坏事也不会发生
  [00:27.18]exactly, it's-- 确切得说..
  [00:33.46]like if you just push a bit further, if you just keep moving-- 就好象只要你在走远一些 在继续前进
  [00:35.22]nothing can touch you. 什么也不能阻止你
  [00:39.90]of course, the endorphins don't suck, either. 当然脑内啡(脑分泌的的氨基酸) 也不能
  [00:48.58]-so tami's feeling okay? -y eah. - tami还好吗? - 是的
  [00:50.46]ls she gonna do baton twirling with you? 她会和你一起舞礼仪杖吗?
  [00:52.46]we don't know yet. she might just have to hold the banner. 还不能确定, 或许她会举旗帜吧
  [00:55.50]sweetheart, why don't we say grace before we start eating dinner? 亲爱得,我们就餐前我们来祷告怎么样?
  [00:58.58]-l would love to. -all right. - 我很乐意 - 来吧
  [01:04.86]bless us, o lord, for these, thy gifts which we are about to receive... 万能得主,感谢你赐予我们的礼物..
  [01:07.94]...from thy bounty, through christ, our lord. ....感谢你的感慨,我万能的主
  [01:09.22]-amen. dig in. -this looks great. - 阿门,开动吧 - 看起来真好吃
  [01:13.70]-l will get that. -oh, it's okay. - 我去接电话 - 噢,不用
  [01:16.38]we don't answer the phone during dinner. 我们吃饭的时候不接电话
  [01:18.22]except that one time. tell us again how you guys met. 有一次列外,跟我们说说 你们是怎么认识的
  [01:21.54]we've told that story so many-- 我们已经说过很多遍了..
  [01:24.82]-want me to? -all right. -  要我说吗? - 好吧
  [01:24.94]-y ou wanna tell it? -l don't. - 你想说吗? - 不想
  [01:27.66]-l dialed the wrong number. -and l answered. - 我拨错了电话号码 - 我接了电话
  [01:27.90]-lydia answered. -during dinner. - lydia 接了电话 - 吃饭的时候
  [01:29.62]just that one time. 就那么依次
  [01:33.42]and lydia agreed to go out with a stranger. lydia竟然答应和一个陌生人约会
  [01:36.98]-ls that not what happened? -oh, no, come on. no, l did not. - 事实不就是这样的吗? - 拜托,我没有那样
  [01:40.14]-that is exactly what happened! -we went bowling. lt was so much fun. - 事实就是这样的! - 我们一起去打了保龄球,玩的很开心
  [01:41.74]-do you remember you bowled a two? -a two is a bad score. - 你记得吗,你只打倒了两个瓶子 - 对啊,我打的很糟
  [01:45.54]at least l didn't get the ball stuck on my thumb. 至少我把球甩出去了
  [01:49.14]the water in the toilet is blue. 厕所里的水是蓝色的
  [01:51.10]and by the way, doesn't dad hate bowling? 还有,爸爸不是讨厌保龄球吗?
  [01:51.30]-blue? -y es, mom, blue. - 蓝色的? - 是的 妈妈 蓝色的
  [01:52.60]-bowling? -well, he's down here bowling. - 保龄球? - 他在这可爱打保龄球了
  [01:56.06]-and he says grace. -grace? - 他还做了餐前祈祷 - 祈祷?
  [01:59.06]he says grace, mom. he gives thanks to god before he eats. 他做了感恩祈祷,妈妈 餐前祈祷
  [02:01.42]we couldn't get him to go to church with us once. who is this guy? 他以前死活也不肯和我们去一次 教堂,这个人还是我爸爸吗?
  [02:06.42]-i don't even-- -y ou need to talk to him, carmen. - 我甚至没有... - 你得和他谈谈,carmen
  [02:07.02]-just tell him how you feel. -l do talk to him. l talk to him all the time. - 告诉他你的感受 - 我和他谈了,我一直都在和他交谈
  [02:12.54]y eah, like you talk to me? no. 就像你和我谈话一样吗?不
  [02:13.66]this is important, carmencita. what he did was wrong. carmen,问题在于,他作错了
  [02:18.02]l'm gonna get on a plane and l'm just gonna come down there. 我得马上去那,我这就去乘飞机
  [02:21.14]look, you'd never want him to be happy, and that's why you blame him. 不,你不希望看到他幸福, 这就是你一直责备他的原因
  [02:25.62]and this is gonna work out great. lt's going to be fine. 没关系,我自己会处理好的
  [02:41.22]dear tibby... 亲爱的 tibby...
  [02:41.62]...i think we may have been very, very wrong about the pants. ...我觉得,我们认为那条牛仔裤 会给我们带来好运,真是个错误
  [02:48.14]the one time i wore them i almost drowned... 我穿着他的时候,差点淹死了..
  [02:48.94]...and then got plucked onto a fishing boat... ...然后跟落汤鸡一样在一艘鱼船上...
  [02:53.10]...by a guy who made me touch a live fish. it was disgusting! ...被一个男子逼着摸一条活鱼, 真是恶心死了
  [02:57.82]at least i'm getting some good sketching in. 至少,我还画了些素描
  [03:02.90]i love everything about this island. 我爱这个岛上的一切
  [03:05.66]oh, except that you're not with me. 可惜你不在我身边
  [03:07.42]infinite X's and o's, lena. 爱你的,lena
  [03:29.14]-how was town? -fine. - 这个镇子怎么样? - 很不错
  [03:30.82]l have found this in the laundry. 我洗衣服的时候,发现了这个
  [03:31.60]ls it yours? 这是你的吗?
  [03:33.58]no, actually... 不,不是...
  [03:39.02]...l sort of borrowed it. ...这是我借的
  [03:41.26]when l went down to the harbor, l went swimming... 我去了港口,在那里游泳的时候..
  [03:44.82]...and someone just lent it to me. ....某个人借给我的
  [03:44.90]oh, someone. someone who? 某个人,某个人是谁?
  [03:47.70]a boy? 男孩吗?
  [03:50.98]which one? l know everyone. 哪个?我认识所有的人
  [03:56.46]don't mind them, they're your cousins. 别管她们,她们都是你的表亲
  [04:01.34]they're cousins too? how many do l have? 她们也是我的表亲? 我有多少表亲呢?
  [04:04.02]plenty of them. don't change the subject. 很多很多. 别转移话题
  [04:06.70]out with it. out, out. 出去,出去,出去
  [04:11.94]his name is kostas dounas. 他叫 kostas dounas
  [04:16.10]dounas? 是 dounas
  [04:18.02]he's a dounas? 他是 dounas家的人?
  [04:22.86]y ou must never speak of them. 永远不准你提起他们
  [04:25.38]they are liars! they are thieves! they are barbarians! 他们是骗子,小偷,是野蛮人
  [04:39.18]y our grandfather would die if he know about this. 你爷爷要是知道了这个 会气死的!
  [04:41.74]y ou must never see this boy again. 你永远不准再去见他
  [04:46.46]y ou understand? 你明白了吗?
  [04:48.46]-y es. -no, that's not enough. - 是的 - 不,这样不够
  [04:53.70]y ou have to swear. 你得发誓
  [04:53.90]l swear. 我发誓
  [04:58.18]okay. 好的
