英语听力:听电影学英语-香草天空 09(在线收听

  [00:03.88]Experiment. Use me. 尽管拿我当实验品吧
  [00:05.60]The headaches will go away. 你的头痛会消失
  [00:06.88]These are more than headaches.
  [00:11.28]These are like steel plates slicing through my every thought. 我的思绪就像被钢片狠狠切断
  [00:13.12]We're not cowboys. We can't just wing it. 我们不能随便冒这个险
  [00:17.72]Because I can't think straight most of the time. 我平常都无法思考
  [00:21.36]- We can increase your medication. - Oh, yes, medication. 那就增加药量
  [00:21.40]是哦 吃药
  [00:25.56]And there are things that we'll continue to investigate. 我们会继续努力
  [00:28.60]However, there are so many others who've not had the aesthetic benefit... 但你已经接受昂贵的整形手术
  [00:30.64]of plastic surgery as you have.
  [00:35.36]This isn't about vanity, Dr. Pomeranz. 这跟外表无关 我并不爱美
  [00:37.84]This isn't about vanity.
  [00:39.84]This is about functioning in the world. 我只想正常运作
  [00:42.24]It's my job to be out there functioning. 这是我的工作
  [00:45.80]l've got the money. l'll pay any amount. 我有钱 花多少都行
  [00:49.56]Just invent something. 发明些什么
  [00:51.56]Just play jazz. 发挥想像力
  [00:52.76]You say you're the best face man in New York. 你说你是纽约最顶尖的医生
  [00:55.56]Fucking prove it. 证明给我看呀
  [00:60.12]- We could do something about your arm. - Fuck my arm! 你的手臂还有救
  [01:09.28]Nobody here takes your feelings for granted. 我们了解你的心情
  [01:12.84]We did prepare something for you based on the preliminary examination. 我根据初步诊断准备一样东西
  [01:13.00]Tell me. Bring it on. 说吧 给我看
  [01:15.00]It's sometimes useful in the early stages of rejection. 这在毁容初期非常有用
  [01:20.96]It's a facial prosthetic. It was two weeks in the making. 这具面膜花了两星期才做好
  [01:23.44]- Thank you, Carly. - You're welcome, Doctor. 谢谢你
  [01:35.84]A facial prosthetic. 面膜
  [01:37.84]The aesthetic replacement does work... 这真的很有效
  [01:40.12]emotionally and actually. 对心理和生理都有效
  [01:42.72]The plastic in the aesthetic shield also blocks out abusive rays... 它能隔离强光 帮助细胞重生
  [01:45.08]and assists in the regeneration of cells.
  [01:50.80]So it's an aesthetic regenerative shield. 这是脸部重建面膜
  [01:51.44]That's correct. Exactly. 没错
  [01:55.24]The ergonomics of the plate barrier allows it to interact reflexively... 它能和你的脸部动作紧紧结合
  [01:58.80]with the movements of your own face.
  [01:59.92]I see. 我知道了
  [02:00.08]- It's a helpful unit. - Good. 这非常有效
  [02:06.44]Because for a minute there, I thought we were talking... 很好
  [02:09.32]about a fucking mask!
  [02:13.04]It's only a mask... 你这么想它就只是面具
  [02:13.68]if you treat it that way. 棒呆了 万圣节那天就搞定了
  [02:15.96]It's great. This completely takes care of Halloween.
  [02:21.32]But what about the other 364 days of the year? 可是其它的364天呢
  [02:42.20]A new form of me began to take shape. 一个全新的我逐渐成形
  [02:44.48]I planned my reemergence... 我就像计划诺曼第登陆
  [02:46.56]like the Normandy invasion. 准备重新出击
  [02:48.96]Sofia. Sofia. 苏菲亚……
  [02:53.52]Sofia Serrano.
  [02:56.60]l'll just say it. 老实说
  [02:58.88]I did my homework. 我很用功 看过每份备忘录
  [03:02.08]I read every memo.
  [03:03.24]Thomas Tipp was right. 汤米说得没错人们会再阅读
  [03:06.84]People will read again.
  [03:09.40]I attended the monthly board meeting with the Seven Dwarfs by video hookup. 我透过摄影机参加视讯会议
  [03:15.08]Because people aren't buying books. 大家不再买书了……
  [03:15.68]- Let's invest. - Oh, baby, this was war.
  [03:19.84]I grew stronger in ways l'd never known before. 我变得越来越强
  [03:24.60]And on December 5... 我在十二月五日开始作战
  [03:27.00]my planes filled the sky.
  [03:28.40]The return of David Aames, Jr... 大卫艾姆东山再起
  [03:32.08]Citizen Dildo. 吊国民出击
  [04:13.76]You won't believe this... 你一定不相信
  [04:18.96]but this is me smiling. 这是我的笑容
  [04:26.76]It's been a long time. 好久不见
  [04:28.48]I tried to see you, but your people wouldn't let me. 我去找你 他们不让我进去
  [04:34.28]I didn't want to see me, okay? 我也不想见你
  [04:36.52]But then... 不过今天我醒来发现
  [04:39.60]I woke up today and finally...
  [04:42.12]a good hair day. 我的发型很炫
  [04:46.16]You wanna get together? 你想跟我约会吗
  [04:53.12]Sure. 好啊
  [04:56.12]- What? - Let's go out and do something. 我们一起出去玩
  [04:58.88]This weekend. 这周末
  [04:60.20]l'll cancel an operation or two. 让我取消几个手术
