听歌学英语:轻快欧美风 Always Come Back To Your Love(在线收听

听歌学英语:轻快欧美风 Always Come Back To Your Love

Samantha Mumba(史蔓德· 曼巴)是一位带着非洲血统,来自爱尔兰首都都柏林的歌手。Samantha Mumba16岁开始在夜总会扮作美国歌手唱歌。后来瓦尔什(Louis Walsh)慧眼识英才,把她收到了旗下。Samantha Mumba 浑厚纯熟的演唱技巧和其成熟外表与她的实际年龄并不对衬,但可别小看这位小女生,她素以即兴演出著名,具有演唱实力的她绝对是乐坛另一受瞩目的新星。当白人偶像歌手在乐坛上称王称霸之际,Samantha Mumba的出现更令人觉得与众不同。她的成功证明爱尔兰人也可以玩R&B。这位新进的爱尔兰歌星正在猛烈地袭击全球的排行榜。

Show me where I belong tonight
Give me a reason to stay
No matter if I go left or right
I always come back to your love
I've been up and down
Been going round and round
I've been all over town
But I'll never find somebody for sure
Show me love tonight
I'm going to left to right
No matter where I go
Always find your love
I've been high and low
I don't know where to go
Cause I love you so
And I'll never ever find someone like you for sure
Show me where I belong tonight Should I go left or right
I always come back to your loving, baby
Show me I where I belong tonight
Should I go left or right
I always come back to your love


  Always come back to your love,这首歌唱着对于爱人回到身边的期望。有人说,世界上总会有个人是为你而存在的。于是,我们就一直在寻找这个为自己而生的人,慢变成了剩女。大家是怎么看待婚姻的呢?你是非爱不嫁还是找个差不多的就行了呢?
      Women look for a Mr Right should give up after 30 and settle for a Mr Second Best or a Mr Right Now.
      女人一旦年过三十,就不要再苦苦寻找Mr. Right了,如果能找到差不多的或者处于现在进行时的,就该定下来了。
      A writer named Lori Gottlieb believes women who refuse to commit unless they find a man with whom they feel a deep, romantic love are consigning themselves to a lonely future.
      作家Lori Gottlieb认为一个女人如果一定要找到一个能让自己陷入一段深深的浪漫的爱情才结婚,通常都落得孤独终身的下场。
      Many women find themselves  alone after spending years holding out for their white knight. To the outside world, says Gottlieb, these women still insist they are self-sufficient. "But in reality, we aren't fish who can do without a bicycle; we're women who want a traditional family," she writes. "Every woman I know – no matter how successful and ambitious, how financially and emotionally secure – feels panic, occasionally coupled with desperation, if she hits 30 and finds herself unmarried."
      现在有很多女人经年累月寻找白马王子最后只能独身一人, Gottlieb说,这些女人对外界仍然坚称她们是自我满足的,“但是事实上,我们不是不需要自行车的鱼,我们是需要一个传统家庭的女人,”她写道,“我认识的每个女人——不管多成功多有野心,经济上和心理上多么安全——如果到了30岁还没结婚,都会觉得恐慌,偶尔还会伴随着绝望。”
      "We're conditioned to crave that Big Love. We grew up idealising marriage, but if we'd had a more realistic understanding of its cold, hard benefits, we might have done things differently. So we walked away from uninspiring relationships that might have made us happy."
