英语听力:听电影学英语-伟大辩手 06(在线收听

   [00:02.40]Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent! 因为他能决定谁胜谁负,而不是我的对手

  [00:03.96]Why is he God? 为什么是上帝?
  [00:06.72]Who's your opponent? 谁是你的对手?
  [00:08.12]He doesn't exist! 根本不存在
  [00:09.16]Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak! 因为他只不过是我所说出真理的反对声音
  [00:09.92]Why does he not exist? 为什么不存在?
  [00:14.96]Speak the truth! 说出真理
  [00:15.72]Yes, sir, I do like to talk. 是的,先生,我愿意说
  [00:16.08]Speak the truth! 说出真理
  [00:19.24]Is that a virtue or a vice? 是优点还是缺点?
  [00:21.00]Well, I have to admit I've always wanted to be the quiet, mysterious type, 哦,我必须承认我本想做安静神秘型的
  [00:25.32]only I couldn't keep my mouth shut long enough. 但是我却难以长时间控制住我的嘴巴不说话
  [00:28.00]Would you punch yourself in a street fight, Mr. Burgess? 你和人打架时会打自己吗,伯吉斯先生?
  [00:31.36]Then don't punch yourself in a word fight. 和别人进行言语战争时也别打自己
  [00:32.68]No, sir. 不会的,先生
  [00:35.44]You don't have to make fun of yourself. 你也不需要开自己的玩笑
  [00:36.36]Use your humor against your opponent. 要用你的幽默对付你的对手
  [00:41.40]Mr. Farmer! 法默先生
  [00:43.60]Yes, sir. 在
  [00:44.36]Happy Mr. Farmer. 快乐的法默先生
  [00:46.76]Tell us one thing we don't know about your father. 告诉大家一件我们不知道的你父亲的事情
  [00:49.44]One thing we don't know about your father, Mr. Farmer. 关于你父亲我们不知道的事情,法默先生?
  [00:50.24]He was the first Negro Ph... 他是第一个黑人的博...
  [00:55.64]He walked from Florida to Massachusetts to go to college at Boston University. 他从佛罗里达走到马萨诸塞去波士顿大学 一所学院上的学
  [01:03.00]He graduated magna cum laude. 他以极优等的成绩获得了学位
  [01:05.68]Mr. Lowe! 罗先生
  [01:09.12]Tell us about your father. 跟我们说说你的父亲
  [01:11.44]Why don't you tell us something about your father? 为什么你不跟我们说一下你的父亲?
  [01:13.12]We're trying to get to know each other, Mr. Lowe. 我们正在尝试互相了解,罗先生
  [01:15.80]I was trying to get to know you, Mr. Tolson. 我想试着了解你,托森先生
  [01:18.20]I'm not the one on the debate team. 我并不是辩论队的成员啊
  [01:19.56]Are we not engaged in a debate right now? 难道我们现在没有在辩论吗?
  [01:24.96]All right. 好的
  [01:25.20]I'll take the affirmative. 我来正方
  [01:31.08]Take the meanest... most restless nigger, 让最卑鄙粗陋的黑鬼
  [01:36.60]strip him of his clothes 扒去他身上的衣服
  [01:38.76]in front of the remaining male niggers, female niggers, 而且是在其他的男的,女的
  [01:40.76]Tar and feather him. 在他们身上用柏油沾满羽毛
  [01:41.84]and nigger infants. 还有婴儿黑鬼面前
  [01:42.40]Tie each leg to a horse facing an opposite direction, 分别把两条腿绑在面朝不同方向的两匹马身上
  [01:46.20]set him on fire, 将他架在火上
  [01:48.12]and beat both horses until they tear him apart 不停的鞭打两匹马,直到把他撕成两半
  [01:50.16]in front of the male, female, and nigger infants. 在所有的男女和婴儿黑鬼面前
  [01:54.88]Bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males 并且还要鞭打其他的黑鬼们
  [01:58.92]within an inch of their life. 不必杀了他们,但要让他们感到恐惧
  [02:01.64]Do not kill them, but put the fear of God in them,
  [02:03.72]for they can be useful for future breeding. 因为将来他们还有用处
  [02:05.68]Anybody know who Willie Lynch was? 有谁知道威利·林区吗?
  [02:06.76]Anybody? Raise your hand. 有人吗,请举手
  [02:09.60]No one? 没有吧?
  [02:11.68]He was a vicious slave owner in the West Indies. 他是一个西印度的可恶的奴隶主
  [02:12.04]The slave-masters in the colony of Virginia 弗吉尼亚的奴隶主
  [02:16.04]were having trouble controlling their slaves, 在控制他们奴隶的时候存在麻烦
  [02:16.80]so they sent for Mr. Lynch to teach them his methods. 然后他们就派林区先生去教给他们 他的方法
  [02:22.08]The word "lynching" came from his last name. 那个单词“林区刑”(私刑)就来自他的名字
  [02:24.48]His methods were very simple, but they were diabolical. 他的方法都很简单,但却变态
  [02:29.56]Keep the slave physically strong but psychologically weak 让奴隶们身体很强壮,精神却很脆弱
  [02:34.12]and dependent on the slave master. 对奴隶主的依赖性很高
  [02:35.20]Keep the body, take the mind. 维持他们的身体,控制他们的思想
  [02:39.96]I... and every other professor on this campus 我和这个校园内的其他教授
  [02:45.64]are here to help you... 要在这里帮助你们
  [02:48.52]to find, take back, 去找到,拿回来
  [02:51.64]and keep your righteous mind... 并且保有你心里正当的信念
  [02:57.40]because obviously you have lost it. 因为很明显的你们已经丢掉了
  [03:01.68]That's all you need to know about me, Mr. Lowe. 这就是你们对我所要了解的,罗先生
  [03:09.60]Class dismissed. 下课
  [03:13.96]## (Big band)
  [03:37.88]Hey! 嘿
  [03:48.68](No audible dialogue)
  [04:47.84]## (Song ends)
  [04:54.80]## (Slow jazz)
  [04:55.56]Here you go, honey. 走吧,亲爱的
  [04:57.08]Thank you. 多谢
  [04:58.88]Want to dance? 想跳舞吗?
  [04:59.92]Yes. 当然