英语听力:听电影学英语-伟大辩手 12(在线收听

   00:01.08]He's going to join us later. 他一会儿再过来

  [00:02.28]He just has to clean his house, that's all. 他得把屋子收拾一下
  [00:23.64]Great news. Great news. Great news! 好消息,好消息!
  [00:27.24]My phone has been ringing off the hook. 我的电话一直响个不停
  [00:30.00]University of Michigan wants to debate us. 米歇根大学想和我们辩论
  [00:33.04]So does SMU. So does Georgia. 还有明尼苏达州的乔治亚大学
  [00:34.12]When do I get to debate? 我什么时候可以辩论?
  [00:35.48]Where's Mr. Lowe? 罗呢?
  [00:36.28]Sooner than you think, James. 快了,马上就快了,詹姆斯
  [00:39.16]Sooner than you think. 就快了
  [00:40.84]When? 什么时候?
  [00:42.36]I'm ready now. 我现在就准备好了
  [00:42.76]When you're ready. 等你准备好了的时候
  [00:44.44]Mr. Tolson, I do not mind if James... 我不介意让詹姆斯...
  [00:50.00]What's wrong? 怎么回事?
  [00:51.80]Maybe I'm tired of this. 我已经厌倦了
  [00:52.80]Of what? 厌倦什么?
  [00:55.68]Of watching other people debate. 厌倦了只能看别人辩论
  [00:57.64]You're our best researcher, James. 你是最好的研究员
  [00:57.68]When am I going to get a chance to prove myself? 我什么时候有机会来证明我自己的实力?
  [00:59.64]We could not do this without you. 没有你我们什么都做不到,詹姆斯
  [01:03.32]You do plenty without me. 没有我你们也已经做了很多
  [01:10.88]Excuse me. 不好意思
  [01:14.28]- James! - What? -詹姆斯 -干什么?
  [01:16.36]James, you wait! 詹姆斯,等一下!
  [01:18.96]That was so mean what you said in there. 你刚才说得太过了
  [01:22.28]All right, uh, look, 听我说
  [01:24.92]I don't want to lose your friendship. 我不想失去你这个朋友
  [01:29.56]You were never my friend? 你从来都不当我是朋友?
  [01:31.96]Maybe I don't want to just be your friend. 也许我不想仅仅是你的朋友
  [01:35.84]Maybe it hurts me to be your friend. 也许做你的朋友伤害到了我
  [01:49.24](All murmuring)
  [01:49.48]- What's going on? - What's going on? - 怎么回事? - 怎么回事?
  [01:52.52](Officer) Grab his hands. 抓住他
  [01:58.32]Mr. Tolson! 托森先生!
  [02:05.88]Where is he? 他在哪?
  [02:06.24]Have you seen him? 你们看到他了吗?
  [02:07.24]No, they won't let us. 没有,他们不让
  [02:07.32]Calm down, Henry. 亨利,冷静
  [02:09.20]They didn't do nothing to you, did they? 他们有没有对你们怎么样?
  [02:11.92]- No, we're fine. - Deputy, - 没事,我们很好 - 副局长
  [02:14.20]I'm Dr. James Farmer of Wiley College. 我是威利大学的 詹姆斯.法默博士
  [02:14.72]This is William Taylor, Mr. Tolson's attorney. 这位是威廉.泰勒, 托森先生的律师
  [02:16.60]And this is his wife Ruth. 这是托森先生的妻子
  [02:18.28]I'd like to see my client, please. 我要见我的当事人
  [02:19.76]Hello. 你好
  [02:21.84]William! 威廉!
  [02:22.96]Sheriff Dozier. Dr. James Farmer... 多奇尔局长 这位是詹姆斯.法默博士...
  [02:23.36]Hello, William. How you doing today? 你好啊,威廉,你最近好吗?
  [02:24.84]Fine, sir, thank you. And you? 很好,你呢?
  [02:28.52]Oh, not too bad, not too bad. 不错,不错
  [02:29.20]Me and William, we go way back. 我和威廉是老朋友了
  [02:29.60]I knew William when I was a boy. 我们小的时候就认识
  [02:31.88]Could I see my client now, Sheriff? 我能不能见我的当事人,局长?
  [02:34.60]Your client? 你的当事人?
  [02:36.68]Well, the fact of the business is, William, 但是现在我跟你说吧威廉
  [02:40.56]your client is kind of busy right now. 你的当事人现在很忙
  [02:41.76](Deputy) Sheriff. Sheriff. 局长,局长
  [02:42.44]Busy doing what? 忙着干什么?
  [02:46.12](Shouting outside) 你们出去几个人
  [02:47.32](Whispering) We have a situation. 出事了
  [02:47.68]Get some of your boys out there.
  [02:50.68](Deputy) All right, men. 好了
  [02:52.08]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [02:55.64]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [02:56.12]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [02:60.76]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [03:02.60]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [03:03.52]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [03:06.88]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [03:08.48]Let him go! Let him go! 放了他!放了他!
  [03:09.28]They with you? 他们跟你来的?
  [03:11.76]That's right. 是的
  [03:12.04]See? This is what happens to a town when you let the unions in. 看到了吗? 让大家组织工会就会成这样
  [03:16.44]Starts trouble. 麻烦一大堆
  [03:18.64]People get all riled up about nothing. 人们没事有事都聚到一起
  [03:19.00]One of them's liable to get hurt, if you catch my drift. 你要是把我们惹毛了,有人会受伤的
  [03:25.60]Sheriff, since it's clear 局长,既然现在很清楚
  [03:27.88]that you have no evidence to arrest Mr. Tolson, 你没有证据逮捕托森先生
  [03:28.96]I suggest you let him go. 我建议你放了他
  [03:30.84]You suggest it? 你建议?
  [03:33.20]Who the hell are you? 你他妈是谁?
  [03:36.80]Couple of months ago, 几个月前
  [03:38.68]there was a raid on Floyd Tillman's barn. 警方对弗洛伊德·提尔门的粮仓 进行了一次突击抄查
  [03:39.48]It was a peaceful and lawful gathering of sharecroppers 那是佃农的一次和平守法的集会
  [03:45.56]who were brutally attacked by a gang of violent vigilantes. 但是他们被一群暴力警员打伤
  [03:50.44]Now, witnesses say that you were there. 有证人说看到你了
  [03:54.08]If you led that raid, Sheriff, 局长,如果那次袭击是你领导的
  [03:56.88]you're the one who broke the law, not Tolson. 那么你才是犯法的人,不是托森
  [04:00.04]Are you threatening me, boy? 你在威胁我吗?
  [04:02.84]No, sir. 没有,先生
  [04:05.44]I wouldn't do that. 我不会那么做的
  [04:07.72]But I cannot speak for those people outside. 但我不能为外面的人说话
  [04:12.12]An unjust law is no law at all. 不公正的法律就不能算是法律
  [04:16.40]What does that mean? 你这是什么意思?
  [04:16.48]A mass slaughter 你想看到德克萨斯骑兵队
  [04:18.92]of citizens, both white and colored, 把市民们,不管黑人白人
  [04:24.60]by Texas Rangers? 都屠杀一空吗?
  [04:25.80]Is that really what you want as the Sheriff of this county? 作为这个郡的警察局长 这是你想看到的局面吗?
  [04:32.76]Now, if you let Tolson go home, 如果你让托森回家
  [04:35.64]I believe... 我相信
  [04:37.24]I believe that these folks outside, they'll go home as well. 我相信外面的人 他们也会回家的