英语听力:听电影学英语-丑陋事实 07(在线收听

   [00:06.26]Low pressure systems are moving up, so expect a cold front. 低气压上移 冷锋即将到来

  [00:13.30]Watch Mike Chadway on Sacramento A.M... 早上记得收看查麦克
  [00:17.10]...giving us The Ugly Truth each and every day... 每天九点给我们《真相挖挖哇》
  [00:19.18]-...at 9:00, right here on Channel 2. -Oh, God. - 就在第二频道 - 天哪
  [00:29.22]l used to like caviar, until l found out it was made out of fish eggs. - 我以前很爱吃鱼子酱 - 直到我发现它是鱼卵做成的
  [00:31.22]-You know that? -Caviar's revolting. - 你知道吗? - 鱼子酱很倒胃口
  [00:32.82]-l almost started to gag. -Morning, ladies. - 我差点呕出来了 - 早,各位
  [00:35.62]-John. -Yesterday's ratings. - 约翰 - 昨天的收视率
  [00:38.30]Thanks, John. 谢了,约翰
  [00:43.86]Guess l should be happy about this, right? 我想我该感到高兴,对吧?
  [00:46.54]Yeah. Yeah. You've never gotten a 1 2-share before. 对,你以前从没拿过百分之十二
  [00:48.70]l feel dirty. 我觉得很罪恶
  [00:52.82]-Did you hear about the ratings? -Yes, l am the producer. - 你听说收视率的事了? - 对,我是制片
  [00:55.90]Then did you hear corporate's coming next week... 那你听说高层下周…
  [00:56.94]...to take me out to dinner? 请我吃饭没?
  [00:59.94]Well, let's hope you can chew with your mouth closed. 希望你会闭着嘴咀嚼食物
  [01:04.10]Why do you hate my guts? 你为什么这么恨我?
  [01:06.42]Your innards are of no consequence to me. lt's what you represent. 我讨厌的是你的意识型态
  [01:07.78]Oh, you hate the truth. 你憎恨真相
  [01:08.98]Your skewed perception of male-female interaction is not the truth. 你扭曲男女互动的感受 那并不是真相
  [01:14.14]But your imaginary boyfriend's the truth? 而你幻想的男友就是真的?
  [01:17.94]For your information, l happened to meet him. 讲给你听,我碰巧认识了他
  [01:18.50]Well, l hope he's real this time, because otherwise this is just sad. 希望这次他是真的 不然就太悲哀了
  [01:23.50]Oh, he's real. He's very real. 他是真的,非常真实
  [01:27.22]Not to mention stunningly handsome, morally sound. He's a surgeon. 更别提他英俊又品行端正 他是外科医生
  [01:30.86]An orthopedic surgeon. 整型外科
  [01:32.98]-You know what that means. -What? - 你知道这意味着什么吗? - 什么?
  [01:33.46]Had to stick his finger up some guy's butt in medical school. 他的手指一定插过某人的屁屁
  [01:36.74]You disgust me. 你真令人厌恶
  [01:42.02]-So did Butt Boy ask you out? -Not yet. - 屁屁男开口约你了没? - 还没
  [01:46.66]We're taking things slow, getting to know each other first. 我们喜欢慢慢来 先彼此认识
  [01:49.66]Why am l talking to you about this? 我干嘛跟你谈这个?
  [01:51.02]ln other words, he didn't actually ask you out. 也就是说,他根本没约你
  [02:02.06]What are you doing? 你干嘛?
  [02:08.02]Hi. This is Abby Richter calling for Dr. Anderson. 我是李艾比,我找安医师
  [02:10.34]-Please hold. -Yes, l'll hold. - 请稍等 - 好,我等
  [02:13.74]What are you doing? Why are you calling this guy? No. 你干嘛?干嘛打给这家伙? 不对!应该由他打给你
  [02:15.42]-Dr. Anderson. -Hi, Colin. This is Abby. - 安医生 - 柯林,我是艾比
  [02:18.26]Your neighbor from last night. 昨晚那个邻居
  [02:22.38]Hey. Everything okay? 你没事吧?
  [02:24.26]How's the ankle treating you? 你的脚踝还好吗?
  [02:27.14]Couldn't be better. 好得很
  [02:29.98]l was just calling to let you know how much l enjoyed meeting you last night. 我打来是想告诉你 很高兴昨晚认识你
  [02:35.18]Thanks. 谢了
  [02:40.18]And I was thinking we should go out for dinner sometime. 我在想我们改天可以一起吃个饭
  [02:42.22]There is a new French bistro in town... 城里有间新的法国餐厅
  [02:47.30]...and an art opening that got amazing reviews. 还有一场颇受好评的艺术展览
  [02:49.18]So l was thinking we could go on Friday. 我在想我们星期五可以去一趟
  [02:53.06]Friday.... 星期五,这个嘛…
  [02:57.18]-Would Saturday be better? -Actually... - 星期六会好一点吗? - 艾比…
  [03:00.06]...Abby, the thing is, l haven't really settled in yet. 是这样的 我还没安顿好
  [03:04.02]-What are you doing? -Saving you. He was blowing you off. - 你搞什么鬼? - 我在拯救你,他会拒绝你
  [03:06.66]He wasn't blowing me off! 他才没有拒绝我
  [03:10.06]Don't. Okay, he'll be expecting you to call him. 不要!好吧,他会期待你打给他
  [03:13.46]And when you don't, he'll call back. 而你没打,他就会打来
  [03:16.02]-How do you know? -Because l know how men operate. - 你怎么知道? - 因为我懂男人
  [03:17.94]lf you want it to work out with this guy, then you'll listen to me... 你想跟这家伙有所进展
  [03:19.98]...and you'll do exactly as l say. You've done irreparable damage... 就要听我的话去做 因为你这通疯狂的电话
  [03:24.86]...with your psycho-aggressive control-freak phone call. 也许已经造成无可弥补的伤害
  [03:27.18]lt might even be too late. 一切有可能太迟了
  [03:29.94]And if you do salvage the situation, you'll never be more than Abby... 要是你能挽救整个情势
  [03:31.94]-...his desperate neighbor. -l'm not desperate. - 绝不能再变成他饥渴的邻居艾比 - 我才没有饥渴
  [03:36.22]Why? Did you think l sounded desperate? 怎么?我听起来很饥渴吗?
  [03:39.58]Listen to you. Desperately asking me if you sound desperate. 听听你的口气 饥渴地问我你是不是饥渴
  [03:47.14]Although you won't admit it, you know that l know what l'm talking about. 虽然你不承认 你知道我言之有物
  [03:52.50]lt's your call, dude. 由你来决定
  [03:57.66]-Why would l--? -Just do it. - 我干嘛说… - 照做就是了
  [04:01.18]Hey, Doug. 嗨,道格
  [04:03.34]No. This is Colin. 不,我是柯林
  [04:05.06]-Oh, my God! l'm so sorry. -That's perfect. - 天哪,真对不起 - 做得好
  [04:10.70]Who's Doug? 道格是谁?
  [04:12.22]-Who's Doug? -He's just a guy l'm seeing. - 道格是谁? - 只是个约会对象
  [04:15.30]lt's nothing serious. 没什么啦
  [04:17.38]Just a guy l'm seeing. lt's nothing serious. 只是个约会对象,没什么啦
  [04:20.66]Oh, okay. 好吧
  [04:23.22]-Hang on a second. -Hang on a second. - 请等一下 - 请等一下
  [04:25.10]Sure. 好
  [04:27.42]-Now what? -Now just make him wait. - 现在呢? - 让他等
  [04:30.38]lf he's still holding on after 30 more seconds, you may have a chance. 要是他30秒之后还没挂 你也许就有机会了
  [04:32.78]No one's gonna wait for somebody they're trying to blow off. 没人会等他想拒绝的对象
  [04:35.94]-You better be right. -Give me time... - 你最好没弄错 - 给点时间
  [04:37.54]-...l'm gonna make this guy your bitch. -l don't want a bitch. - 我让他变你的小狼狗 - 我不要狼狗
  [04:40.70]Colin would never be a bitch. 柯林也不是狼狗
  [04:43.94]He is a well-rounded man... 他是有能力的人
  [04:43.98]...capable of mature emotions and deep, abiding love. 既稳重又专情
  [04:46.78]-Things which you know not of. -Maybe not. - 都是你欠缺的 - 也许吧
  [04:50.34]But l do know about lust, seduction and manipulation. 不过我懂欲望、诱惑和掌控
  [04:52.66]Things that you know not of. 都是你不懂的
  [04:56.34]Abby, l'll make you a deal. 艾比,我跟你谈个交易
  [04:59.30]lf you do exactly as l say, and you get this guy... 若照我说的做 而你跟这家伙成功交往