学个词Learn a Word 第1504课 scathing(在线收听

   今天我们要学的词是scathing。 Scathing, 形容词,意思是严厉的,尖刻的。雅虎CEO斯科特.汤普森最近麻烦上身。 "A major Yahoo shareholder wrote a scathing letter to the board, stating that Scott Thompson lied about his degree in computer science," 雅虎的一个股东向董事会呈交了一封尖刻的信件,说斯科特.汤普森的计算机学位是个谎言。 "British Parliament criticized Murdoch in a scathing report, saying he turned a blind eye on inappropriate activities at his news outlets," 英国议会在一份言辞犀利的报告中谴责默多克,说他对自己旗下新闻机构中的不当行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。好的,今天我们学习的词是scathing...
