
Lesson - 8
1. The patient has been ______ of the safety of operation .
A. assured B. guaranteed C. entrusted D. confirmed

patience 耐心,耐性
patient 病人
operation 手术,操作
assure 保证,确保
insure 保险
policy 保单
entrust 委托
trust 信任
confirm 确认
conceive (of) 设想
perceive 察觉
receive 接受,收到
2. In a typhoon , winds _______ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour .
A. accomplish B. attain C. assemble D. assemble

typhoon 台风
tycoon 大亨,太君
hurricane 飓风
tornado 龙卷风
tear n. 眼泪 , v. 撕裂
ado 忙乱,罗嗦
attain 获得,达到
contain 包含
detain 拘留
assume 假设,承担
3. We ______ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work .
A. subject B. attribute C. owe D. refer

Attribute to = ascribe to 归因于,归咎于
Contribute (to) 贡献,对…起作用
retribution 回报
distribute = hand out 分发
subject 题目,主题,学科,服从的
subjective 主观的
objective 客观的
reject 拒绝
projectile 子弹
project 项目,计划
inject 注射
owe 欠(钱),归因于,感激
owe to 归因于,归咎于
refer 查阅
reference 典故,参考书
maverick 特例独行的人
echo 回声
echolocation 回声定位
narcissus 水仙花
conference 会议
interfere 干扰,阻碍
circumference 圆周
4. What the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report . We can depend on it .
A. evident B. authentic C. ultimate D. immediate

authentic 真实的,可靠的
author 作者
authority 权威,当局
authorize 批准
ultimate 最终的,最后的
evident 明显的,显著的
denture 假牙
edentate 无齿类动物
immediate 立即的
mediate 调解,调停
mediator 调停人,调解人
meddle 干涉,干扰
median 平均值,中间值
medium 媒体,媒介质
media 媒体(复数)
mediums 媒介质(复数)
5. In fact , there is no ______ liberty in any country .
A. adequate B. absolute C. private D. practical

adequate 足够的
absolute 绝对的
private 私人的
privilege 特权
legislate 立法
6. The manager director took the ______ for the accident , although it was not really his fault .
A. guilt B. blame C. charge D. accusation

Blame (for) 责怪
Guilt (for) 有罪的
Charge (for) 控告,指控
Accusation (of) 谴责,指控
