考研词汇辨析 14(在线收听

cramp sb.'s style妨碍某人
high style女装的新款式
in style别具风格的
in the style of仿…式样
like [as if] it's going out of style (fashion)不值钱
live in style过上豪华生活
out of style不时髦的
put on style摆架子
set the style起示范作用
That's the style.正是如此。
The style is the man.文如其人。The scripture is the man字如其人。
the (that) style of thing那样的事

substitution n.代替,取代作用,置换
解析:substitution of tea for wine以茶代酒

sustainable adj.可以支撑得起的,养得起的

symbolic adj.象征的,符号的

target n.目标,对象,靶子
解析:target date预定完成的日期
exceed the target超额完成指标
be dead on the target正中目标
miss the target未中靶

transition n.转换,转变,过渡

trend n.倾向,趋势 v.伸向,通向
解析:set the trend带个头

version n.译文,译本,翻译
What is your version of this matter?

welfare n.福利,安宁,福利事业 adj.福利的
解析:on welfare 接受福利救济
social welfare社会福利

whereas conj.然而,反之,鉴于,尽管,但是
解析:Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.

abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 vt.摘要,提炼,理论化
解析:to make an abstract of a speech将演说作一摘要
abstract science理论科学
in the abstract理论上

accurate adj.正确的,精确的

acknowledged vt.承认,答谢,报偿
【同】admit, confess
confess通常表示承认一些不好的事情,常作 “忏悔”。
acknowledge one's defeat承认失败
acknowledge the superiority of自认不如

aggregate n.合计,总计,集合体adj.合计的,聚合的,集合的
解析:aggregate sales in that market市场的总销量
in the aggregate作为总体计算,总计

allocation n.分配,安置
解析:allocation of resource资源分配
be under allocation作为配售品
put on allocation实行配销

assigned n.分配,指派
解析:【同】 assign, allot, allocate

attached v.缚上,贴上,系上
I am attached to my family.我对家恋恋不舍。
No blame attaches to him for the accident.
attach to认为有重要性

author n.作家,创作者
解析:the author of a new theory这一理论的创始人
Like author, like book.文如其人。

bond n.结合物,连接,公债,债券,合同
解析:enter into a bond订契约
This new glue makes a firmer bond.这新胶水粘的牢。
one's word is (as good as) one's bond说话有信用

brief n.摘要,大纲adj.简短的,短暂的
解析:in brief简短的
make a brief visit作一个简短的访问
brief and to the point简单扼要

capable adj.有能力的,能干的,可以…的
解析:a capable administrator一位精干的行政主管
capable of violence暴力倾向
be capable of有…的能力

cited v. 引用,引证,提名表扬

cooperative adj.合作的,协力的
解析:a cooperative effort协同努力
cooperative medical service合作医疗制度
