Steve Blank谈创业:破碎家庭VS创业优势(在线收听) |
Steve Blank谈创业:破碎家庭VS创业优势 For the last decade or so, I run unofficial survey in all my classes 我经常在课堂上做一项非正式调查
And I ask my students, you don’t have to participate but I’m curious,
我并不强迫学生参加 调查是自愿的
How many of you come from dysfunctional families, raise your hands
有多少同学来自破碎的家庭 请举手
And probably I’d say that a third to a half in a hardcore entrepreneurship class raise their hand
在我的创业课堂上 有三分之一到一半的学生举手
And then I tell them that probably for the first time in their lives, they have a competitive advantage over quote normal people.
于是我告诉他们 他们比来自正常家庭的同学更有创业优势
And the reason why is survivors have almost been part of scientific experiment to see what happens to people who can survive chaos on a daily basis for their entire lives.
And what the outcome is, is a type of personality that when stuff melting down, bullets are flying, things are changing on daily basis, whatever.
结果无论发生多么糟糕的事 就算普通人早已惊慌失措
And everybody else who grew up in a normal household is ahh, People came from dysfunctional family go:
OK, it’s like a normal day for me.
没什么大不了的 我早就习惯了
And in fact it gives them the competitive edge in the chaos that is a startup
在前景不明的创业公司里 这种淡定是他们的优势
But what happens, it turns out when things start succeeding, and the company moves from chaotic search into repeatable process and execution,
that’s when these people feel most uncomfortable, and start throwing hand grenades into their own company to keep the chaos going.
这些人反而变得不自在 想方设法给自己的公司制造麻烦
And every time I suggest that all of a sudden you see a couple of people going,
每次我谈到这个观点 总有人恍然大悟
that explains my boss, or that explains you know what I’m doing
“我的老板就是这样呀” 或者 “我就是这样呀”
and so it’s kind of interesting to watch patterns in organizations as well as patterns in searching for business models.
这是个很有趣的规律 它解释了很多公司的发展模式和老板的怪异行为 |
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